On September 15 1935, Hitler passed the Nuremberg Laws, most Germans if not all already agreed with everything Hitler has been saying. The Nuremberg Laws gave these Germans an excuse to do hurtful things towards Jews and not be looked down on. Some might've even been praised.
The Nuremberg Laws didn't have a big impact on the Germans unlike it did on the Jews. The only one law that affected some Germans was "Jews and Germans were not allowed to marry." Forbidden love. Apart from that it had nothing to do with Germans, so a German would've thought that these laws were fair and necessary because they were told, brainwashed, into thinking that Jews were monsters, they were the reason Germany is not the glorious country it once was. as long as
The Nuremberg laws were designed to keep Jews from doing the same activities as the Germans. They went into depth about what a jew was not allowed to do. They were unfair and prevented the Jews from living the life they lived before. “…the Nuremberg Laws had been passed, laws designed to “protect” German blood and honour (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) Those laws took away citizenship from all Jews and their right to vote.”, (Matas, 14) Through this quote, Matas makes a direct reference to
The Nazi Party was founded by Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was one of the darkest periods of history, filled with madness and murder. It is generally thought of as the genocide of roughly 6 million Jewish people during World War II. One of the most horrific aspects during the holocaust were the Major Nazi Players because of their crimes against humanity and inhumane, cruel behavior.
Many of the Germans who had a part in that time choose to follow Hitler. While Hitler was leading with his words, German citizens were doing the dirty work. Both evident in The Book Thief and The Swing Kids. The Germans followed Hitler blindly not thinking about how their actions could actually harm someone. Germans were the ones who carried out Hitler's dirty work. In The Book Thief,
Hitler came up with a set of laws, the laws are called The Nuremberg Laws, according to [historyplace.com]. The laws were meant to be followed for the Jews and the Germans. Some of the laws are that a citizen of the Reich who is German at blood, is to show that he is devoted and ready to serve his leader
Most people know of Hitler being the leader of the nazis and “leading” the war on Jews, but in documents it states that he justedx signed off on it because it was brought up by one of his second in command and one of his most trusted people, but before he could be put on trial Hitler ended his life in his bunker so that he couldn't be captured. So the Nuremberg trials consisted of Rudolf Hess, Joachim Freiherr, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, Heinrich Himmler and many more these names are just some of the biggest because they were all his most trusted comrades. All together they were charged with the genocide of Jews, gypsies, gays, and many more. They were also charged with crimes against peace by invading other countries and taking total control of them, they were also charged with crimes against humanity because of the gruesome and awful ways they treated people and how they killed people and they were also charged with conspiracy to commit such crimes all of these charges are major charges mainly resulting in the death penalty due to the nature of the crimes the only one that wasn't worth the death penalty was the conspiracy to commit because they had planned on what they were doing and hadn't even started it yet. Making this one of the many ways that helped them figure there death toll for the Jews. All of these men were killed because of their crimes and for the role they had in the mass
The laws barred German Jews from Reich citizenship and restricted them from wedding or having sexual relations with people of "German or related blood." Ancillary statutes to the laws disappointed Jews and denied them of most political rights. The Nuremberg Laws, as they wound up known, did not characterize a "Jew" as somebody with specific religious convictions. Rather, any individual who had three or four Jewish grandparents was characterized as a Jew, paying little mind to whether that individual distinguished himself or herself as a Jew or had a place with the Jewish religious group. Numerous Germans who had not practised Judaism for quite a long time got themselves captured in the grasp of Nazi hatred. Indeed, even individuals with Jewish grandparents who had changed over to Christianity were characterized as Jews. The motivation behind the Nuremberg Laws was to totally isolate the Jewish populace by never again thinking about them as a religious gathering however as a race, they did this by putting facial highlights to the 'race'. This implied the isolation and control of the Jewish populace would be considerably simpler to complete and execute. Ordinary residents, energized to some degree by Goebbels' hostile to Semitic purposeful publicity, bolstered the Nuremberg Laws and partook in unconstrained shows
Unfortunately, after becoming chancellor of Germany, Hitler immediately made changes, including one called the Enabling Act, which allowed him emergency powers for four years. He took away the German citizens’ freedoms as well as setting up the Gestapo who would spy on everyone. Consequently, anyone saying anything against the Nazi party or Hitler would be arrested. They kept their eyes on the Jews as well, who because of Hitler’s unimaginable, unfathomable, and unending hatred for them were no longer allowed to attend school, which had been changed to include Nazi education, which had a morning salutation of “Heil Hitler.” By 1933 Hitler took complete control of Germany. Thus, he was called Der Fuhrer (“the Leader”). When 1939 rolled around
The Nuremberg Laws were set in 1935. The purpose of these laws was to take the citizenship of Jews away. These laws also separated everyone in Germany into three different categories Jewish,part Jewish, or Aryan (Rice ,Pg. 38). Half a year later a message was sent all across Germany and across the world Hitler sent an elite task force called the stormtroopers into the Jew filled town and had all Jewish business wrecked and this caused uproars. To be exact there
enforce the boycott: “If you buy from a Jew, you are a traitor to your
During the 1930’s, Germany was in an economic depression. There was no money, no jobs, and no hope. One man knew exactly who they needed to blame. Adolf Hitler determined that the Jewish people in Germany were responsible for the hardships faced, and he was going to make everyone agree with him. He spoke to the people of Germany, voiced their fears and longings, made them believe in him and every word he said. Hitler told the Aryan people that they were the superior race, and that they were above all others. He succeeded in denouncing the Jews, but this wasn’t
To best understand the Nuremberg laws is it best to see it in two parts; the first part being that any citizen not of the Aryan race was stripped of their German citizenship. This first happened with the Jews but would also affect more groups later. The Nuremberg laws made it so that only kindred blood Germans were citizens and that Jews were only guest in the country (Hill, p67). The second part of the Nuremberg laws is the outlaw of marriage or sexual relations between Jews and Aryans. The first part of the Nuremberg law was the most crucial in the persecution of Jews in Germany. The Nuremberg laws allowed anti-Semitic actions to happen because non-citizens, Jews, could legally be subjected to the actions of the Nazi party (pg 75). The nuremberg
Nazi Ideology practices united people and broke the hearts of Jewish people. The Nuremberg Laws were created to make it legal to discriminate Jews. The Nuremberg Laws helped unite Nazi’s caused fear to Jews. The Nuremberg Laws made it easy to separate Jews and collect them.
The Nuremberg laws that were announced on September 15, 1935 were about German-Jews had their citizenship taken away, “Jews could only marry Jews or half-Jews, and half-Jews could only marry Jews or other half-Jews. Quarter-Jews could only marry Aryans, although in practice they experienced difficulties in doing so. Marriages between a Jew and an Aryan that had occurred before 1935 were called “privileged mixed marriages” and provided some protection for the Jewish spouse.” You could not have sex with anyone from the Jewish faith, prohibited Jewish households from employing German maids under the age of 45 or any form of domestic help.
“The first German law was the Reich Citizenship Law, which meant that people who are German, or related blood, are the people that got to enjoy.” It was a law that gave Germans privileges that not everyone could have (“What were the Nuremberg Laws?”, 1). The law was only applied to true Germans, the ones who were 100% Germans by blood. German-Jews were not considered “true Germans,” when discrimination against Jews took off; “German- Jews had lost their status as a citizen” (“What were the Nuremberg Laws?”, 1). This law was to forbid Jews of being a Reich Citizen. All of the Jewish rights were gone, “Jews could not have a right in voting in Political matters, and they could no longer occupy a public office because of their religion” (“What were the Nuremberg Laws?”, 1).
The Nuremberg laws were created for many reasons, the laws impacted Jews in many ways and the laws were just the start to the persecution of Jews. The Nuremberg laws were enforced on September 15th 1935. These laws were developed by lawyers of the Ministry of Justice (Schulz, p53). Some of the people who wrote the Nuremberg laws included Bernhard Losener, Hans Pfundter, Dr William Stuckart.