After Adolph Hitler became Germany's leader, he took over the Jews lives and how they lived. Jewish families were concerned about their children because they didn't know Hitler was going to act like that and treat the Jews the way they did. People in Britain and other European countries responded by helping with the kinder transport and letting the kids escape the horrible misery they were in when they were being treated by Hitler. As a result, many Jewish children were scared and afraid to lose there lives, and after the war, some even lived and even had a happy life after they had been rescued by the kinder transport. And they had lived and some of them had been able to live a happy life with the help of the kinder transport. The Nazis were treating all of the Jewish people mean and made them feel like they didn't matter and they were being treated unfairly. According to the article, ''Germans tortured and killed many Jews, and destroyed a great many synagogues and Jewish artifacts.''. They treated Jews unfairly, made them feel like outsiders and they didn't treat them like they wanted to be treated. They wanted to make them feel bad also they had given them no food and put them in concentration camps. The parents …show more content…
The kinder transport had helped some of the Jews so they couldn't live that horrible life anymore.The Nazis didn't like the kinder transport so they tried to do whatever they could to stop it in any way they can possible.The parents helped save the Jewish people because they helped create the kinder transport for the kids that were being killed or is they weren't being treated
On December 1st 1938 the first train of the Kindertransport arrived saving about 200 kids from the Germans. The Kindertransport saved over 10,000 children from being killed by the Germans. This was such a big deal to everyone kid during the Holocaust. It was a big deal because they we saving kids that might have not made it if the Kindertransport did exist. It was tragic and horrid. When the Kindertransport came to be is saved hundreds of thousands of children.
Jews were discriminated during this time. They were treated unfairly. An example of how they were treated is from the book, “every jew had to wear a yellow star.” ( Wiesel, 11) They wore this because the Nazis wanted to single them out because of who they were. When they were in concentration camps, the prisoners had to shave their head bald and dress in rags. “ He ultimate affront to their identity was replacing of every prisoner’s name with a number.” ( The Guardian) Their own identities were taken away. “Hitler’s racial notions were implemented by measures that increasingly excluded jews from German society.” ( Holocaust Denial) Adolf HItler and the Nazi party were anti-semitic toward jews. That means
From leaving jews naked in front of hundreds of people, to leaving them without food, and even taking away their names, the German Nazis dehumanized the whole of the jewish population which helped Hitler reach his ends. As Elie Wiesel writes in his award winning novel
The Nazis treated the Jews like nothing and due to their merciless actions, they were foreced
Imagine being taken on a train and leaving to another country knowing that your parents are in danger and that you might never see them again. Could you handle that, well these kids did. Many Jewish children got to go on the Kinder Transport. The Kinder Transport is where Many kids went on a train to a different country to be safe from Hitler and the Nazis. Many Jewish parents helped Jewish children go on the Kinder Transport and help them pack for the Transport.
"The Kinder transport was quite risky because the people that sent their kids didn't know where they were going. The Gestapo, the Nazi chief of police, was not to be trusted.” Even though that the Kinder-transport was made to save the kids it was still risky because the Nazis were in-charge of taking the kids where they needed to be to be safe.
Beginning in the early 1930’s, the Nazi party found ways to hurt Jewish people, economically, emotionally, and physically. Official laws and decrees were made to ensure the economic and legal downfall of Jewish people. Jews were exempted and expelled from their professions and practices, stripped of education, revoked from their citizenship, and much more. Jews were also physically harmed; Nazis brutally and inhumanely attacked and molested Jews of all ages and genders. Being physically and legislatively attacked took a toll on the Jewish people. The emotional trauma and scars would be permanent. Growing up being taught that you are inferior or deserved to be beaten and stoned is horrendous for oneself. The Nazis were purposely abusive to
Nazi Germany’s Führer’s Childhood Why did Adolf Hitler treat the Jews the way he did? Did Adolf have any inspiration in his life? Was Adolf ever benefitted from his doings? The book, Adolf and the Germans by Ronald D. Gray states “Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian frontier town of Braunau on the Inn, only about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from Munich.”
Jews were not looked as humans since the nazis believed germans were superior. This made jews lives more difficult for example, they could not attend public schools; go to theaters, cinema, or vacation resorts; or reside or even walk in certain sections of German
The trains were from Berlin, Prague, Vienna took off to other countries that were safe for Jewish kids. The kids who when to other countries where put into foster care in a another country and when to school there in the other that other country. After Adolph Hitler became Germany's leader, he try to make Germany strong. Jewish families were concerned about their children because the kids might be killed. People in Britain and other European countries responded by saying As a result, many Jewish children ,and after the war, some even lost there mom and dad because they were killed by the Nazis. And kids lived because of the kinder transport The story of the kinder transport stoped running when ww2 had stared.
The kindertrandsport was a very dangerous mission for the children and the other countries that were involved. It was worth taking the risk to save the children. Hitler had no mercy on anyone, not even on the Jew. He started to become even more powerful with his Nazi party and wanted to kill all the Jews. People were scared of him and didn't want to go up against him and his power.
The nazis treated the jews very badly they killed them they starved them to death and much more. The the nazi took the jews from their home, the nazis took the jews to death camps and murdered them, and then the Allies rescued the surviving jews.
Over one million Jewish children died during the Holocaust. They were ripped out of their homes and taken away from their families, and stripped of their childhoods. Innocent lives were caught in a war that they were not able to stop. When Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, he promised Germany that he would improve life their by getting rid of the one race that caused the problems, the Jews. Jews, including Jewish children, were sent to concentration camps, inspected, and if approved, were sent to work. All others would have been sent to be killed. Being sent to work did not ensure survival, children would be given very little food and water, and beaten severely, which caused their death. None of the children of the Holocaust will ever
In 1938 The Holocaust started and Adolf Hitler rose to power. and Great Britain and allied counties did not want to see Jewish kids die, but Adolf Hitler did not know that there were a train that was taking the Jewish kids to better countries like Britain and even America. and in the process, there was 10,000 kids were saved. Jewish parents in Germany and people in other countries work together to save Jewish children from the Holocaust.
The Nazis dehumanized Jews in many ways. One of the ways Jews were dehumanized was by transporting them to places in cramped cattle cars like if they were some type of animals. They were called animals and made less of. An object was valued more than they were. The Nazis took all their rules and mortalities including