There were many factors that influenced how Hitler deceived the German people and skyrocketed to power. Why would a highly educated and industrious people willingly give up their freedoms to Hitler? Although Hitler was an unstable madman he was able to influence people because he was a persuasive speaker and promised things that people wanted to hear. There were many factors that influenced how Hitler deceived the German people and skyrocketed to power. Hitler was able to seize dictatorial powers in Germany due largely to economic devastation caused by its defeat in World War I, and because of his tremendous ruthlessness and powers of persuasion. Perhaps Hitler's difficult upbringing developed his strong character and his tendency to influence others. Hitler was born in the evening of April 20, 1889, in a little Austrian village called Braunau am Inn (Meier). Young Hitler had an abusive alcoholic father and was the argumentative leader of a bunch of "husky" boys. Hitler's half brother said Hitler angered easily and was spoiled by his mother (Meier). The first and arguably most important event that helped Hitler rise to prominence came to be known …show more content…
America withdrew its foreign loans, which had a bad effect on Germany and other countries (BBC, Hitler's Rise to Power). That caused the number of unemployed people in Germany to rise to 6 million (BBC, Hitler's Rise to Power). Outrage caused by cutting wages and unemployment pay caused workers to turn to communism (BBC, Hitler's Rise to Power). This move by the workers instilled fear in upper class businessmen, which led them to finance Hitler and the Nazis (BBC, Hitler's Rise to Power). Also the middle-class people, who saw the failure of the German democracy, wanted Germany to have a strong new government (BBC, Hitler's Rise to
Hitler was born April 20, 1889 in a small Austrian town. Throughout his childhood he did not do well in school and was
After Germany’s humiliating defeat in World War I, Germans had little faith in their government, and in the early 1930s following the stock market crash in New York, Germany was economically struggling . Millions of people were out of work due to the world wide catastrophe making it an opportune time for Hitler and the Nazis to rise into power. Hitler, who was a powerful and spellbinding speaker, attracted Germans desperate for change. He promised to make Germany a better country and promised the disenchanted, a better life. Nazis appealed especially to the youth, unemployed, and members of the lower to middle class. Hitler’s rise to power seemed instantaneous. Before the economic depression, Nazis were virtually unknown, winning less than 3 percent of the vote to the Reichstag, which was the German Parliament. However, in the 1924 elections, the Nazis won a whopping 33 percent of the votes which was more than any other party. In January of 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor, the head of German Government . The Germans were convinced that they had found a savior for the Nation. The timing of his rise made it very easy for Hitler to gain power in a democratic government because people were hopeless and wanted a fast solution to the deficit. He promised things like a stronger economy, prosperity, and anything that they desired . He focused on first getting noticed and then grew from there. He didn’t say anything but what the people wanted to hear. Getting the people of Germany to trust him was how he started to gain so much control. Unfortunately, Hitler’s charm and persuasion was not the sole reason why Hitler gained so much power in a democratic
There were many ways in which Hitler came to power, those main ways being Hitler's persuasiveness, the things he claimed to fix, and when he presented himself. All of these things painted Hitler as a great and patriotic leader. To start, during Hitler's final speech at his trial for treason (document 6) he was able to use German nationalism to not only recover political standing, but he was able to find something for the German population to support him on this thing being bringing down Marxism. Hitler's persuasion in this small part of one speech shows how well he can manipulate a group and how easy it would be for him to get support from the German people. Another way Hitler rose to power was by claiming that he and the Nazi party would fix
Hitler could not have come into power if the German economy had been healthy and strong. There are many reasons that attributed to his rise in the ranks. Strong vocal support, becoming chancellor, touching into the hate buried deep inside the hearts of impoverished Germans everywhere. I think inflation and going out of your comfort zone is what influenced previously wealthy Germans to make Adolf their leader. They wanted luxury, and they wanted revenge.
Hitler rose to power through the Nazi party. He won over the the support of the middle and lower class in Germany. This caused the Nazi party to become larger and more powerful. Due to the Great Depression, unemployment rates skyrocketed and Hitler preyed on their weakness. He gave the people hope by making economic promises, which he went on to fulfill. Conflict between the Communists and Social Democrats led to weakness in their party which made Hitler gain more power. He was appointed Chancellor of Hindenburg. Once he gained more and more power he couldn’t be stopped. Hitler worked to abolish freedom of speech and assembly after convincing the president these were emergency acts that needed to be carried out. Hitler gained even more power by having the communist party outlawed and all of its members arrested. The Reichstag was enacted which gave Hitler four years of dictatorial power. The only legal political party in Germany became the Nazi party; every aspect of life was under Nazi control. Hitler did pull Germany out of the Depression. Businesses grew and and unemployment dropped. Most of the growth came from run businesses. Hitler believed that Germans were the supreme race. All Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Jehovah's
Hitler was in many ways a great leader and his influence on the German people was immense; he used his motivational and powerful speaking abilities to gain support and popularity. Hitler knew how to appeal to people's baser instincts and made use of their fears and insecurities. He could do that,
Adolf Hitler had a very poor childhood including a wicked father and relocating. He was born in small city of Austria Hungary on April 20, 1898. His family later moved to Germany when he was a little bit older. Moving to Germany unfortunately made his family have poor lives, money wise. As a child, Hitler’s father was very abusive towards him and his siblings, explaining why he was so angry as he got older. Because of this, he had a strong bond with his mother and loved her very much. These reasons lead to his arrival of being a dictator of Germany because he had so much hatred build up and relocating.
Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889. It has been proven that he had grown up in a strict environment. His father was hard on him. Hitler was
Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party used nationalism to great effect in Germany that spured the Second World World. After WWI, many Germans blamed the new government for accepting the unfair treaty as conditions became miserable. People who could not find jobs began to drift into the Communist and National Socialist parties established by Hitler. They decided that it was the necessary solution. In 1933, Hitler came to power as dictator of Germany and preached a racist brand of fascism. He promised to end the humiliating conditions caused by the German defeat in WWI. He knew how to win people's obedience and trust, through their fears and insecurities. He almost immediately got Germany back into the factories and began secretly building up army and weapons. His real motives were to expand German territory and dominate Europe and the whole world that became the prelude to another war.
the German people, and the right to imprison the Jews during WWII. Although some attempted
One of the main factors in Hitler’s rise to power was the Economic Depression of 1929. After the Wall Street crash, the U.S. called in its loans to Germany thus increasing both poverty and unemployment levels. The Weimar government did not understand how to reverse the situation so the general public became angry and lost confidence in the relatively new democratic system. During a depression, political trends become extremist and so the Nazis flourished; Hitler offered both a scapegoat and himself as a strong leader to look up to. The depression gave Hitler the edge he needed to gain ninety-five[1] seats in the Reichstag and ultimately progress from the leader of a minority party to the Dictator of the Third Reich.
Adolf Hitler did not have a really good early life at all. On April 20, 1889, Hitler was born in Branau am Inn, Austria. He grew up in a family with a stress of becoming an officer when he got out of college, and Hitler never wanted to. This was all his father’s idea. Hitler’s father was a custom officer who was always cold and strict him. For those reasons, Hitler hated him and his formal education. At primary school, Hitler was really popular because of his intelligence and his leadership qualities. However, secondary school was not easy and Hitler stopped trying his best. He quit with a hope that his father would see very little improvement on him, and then he would give up forcing Hitler become an officer and let him do what he wanted to be. As Witherbee writes, “He had abandoned his studies at the age of 16.” Unlike his father, Hitler’s mother, Klara Hitler, was a sweet mom who loved and pampered her son. Therefore, he adored her. His father passed away when he turned thirteen. When Hitler was a kid, he always wanted to become an artist. In 1907, Hitler
Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party rose to power during the period of time right before and during World War II. Although Hitler caused many injustices and deaths, the Germans still looked up to and admired him. German citizens saw him as a leader who brought nothing but positive changes to their country. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party were appealing to the Germans due to Hitler’s potential of stabilizing Germany’s economy, Hitler’s favorable ideas, and the nationalism Hitler was able to bring about.
<br>The stock market crash of 1929 effected practically every nation in the world. Germany was already suffering a post-war depression and was greatly effected. Hitler used the suffering of the masses to gain political support. He gained a strong following from the
After eliminating the previous government, he discovered that he could tap into basic human nature. Human nature, namely herd mentality, can be used as a foundation because of its natural occurrence. (Jowett 42). Humans will always inevitably revert back to their basic nature. Therefore, basing his efforts on such a stable foundation provided him an anchor. Not only that, but he could easily and efficiently persuade a large group of people, knowing that once he had enough support the other citizens would follow suit. In time, societal standards grew to accommodate the new Nazi mindset. Whether people supported these news ideals or not, many lacked the audacity to revolt against the government and demand change (“Causes” 1). Hitler silenced opposing views through societal pressure; people’s need to conform prohibited them from harboring different ideals, which would cause them to stand out. The citizens of Germany were left with the choice to conform or to stand up against the government. Many people ended up conforming, therefore lending Hitler the power and support he needed to further his