
How Did Hitler's Actions Cause Ww2

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The Second World War was the largest and most violent tragedy to take place in our history. It lasted a total of six years, involving more than two hundred countries, resulting in the death and suffering of millions upon millions of people, and costing billions of dollars. The corrupt German dictator, Hitler, played an important role in the war, as his actions ultimately were the cause of the war. The rise of fascism and the goal to maintain peace fabricated in the Treaty of Versailles created horrible consequences for the entire world. The war commenced with the world set in a great depression as a result of World War I and the confrontation of differing ideals on cultural, economic, political, and military interests.

World War II was initiated …show more content…

He declared the Germans had the strongest Aryan blood and the Jews were preventing the Aryans from succeeding. Hence, in order for Germany to fully become the superpower, the Jews must be evacuated. Towards the end of the war, Hitler began his final solution, in which he bluntly murdered all captured Jews.

After the Holocaust, millions of Jews were massacred. The Nuremberg Trials, held in Nuremberg, Germany between 1945 and 1949 took place to prosecute Nazi war criminals after World War II. The major outcome of the Holocaust was the establishment of Israel. The Allies realized how awful the Jewish community was treated and decided to give the Jewish people a homeland to claim as their own. (History, Holocaust)

December 7, 1941, The Japanese launched an air attack on the U.S. military base located at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. After only two hours of bombing, 2,400 Americans were killed. The attack angered the U.S. so much that the following day they declared war on Japan, officially entering the United States into the Second World War. (Hickman, …show more content…

Japan was tired of negotiating with the United States and decided to launch a surprise attack in attempt to destroy the United State’s naval power before an official war announcement was made. (Rosenberg, Pearl) The Pearl Attack on the United States resulted in the United State’s entry to the World War and a four-year war in the Pacific against Japan.

In the final stages of the World War II, in August 1945, the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. One on Hiroshima “Little Boy” and another three days later on Nagasaki “Fat Man”. The explosion from “Little Boy” wiped out 90 percent of Hiroshima and instantly killed 80,00 people. (Dozens of thousands more would die later on due to radiation exposure.) (Snowden, Hiroshima) The bomb “Fat Man” dropped on Nagasaki killed an estimate of 40,000 people. Just days after the second bomb dropping, the Japanese surrendered to the

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