Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen today I’m going to be informing you all about how migrants have contributed to Australia’s identity and culture since the post war period. Shaping Australia, each one of us could define ourselves with multiple of diverse identities. These identities can be seen as outlining us, as people, and may be cultural, ethnic, religious, gendered, or ideological. Throwing it back to the late 1930s and early 1940s, the Australian government committed to a strong and sustained immigration program. The purpose of this ambitious program was to encounter Labour shortages, look after Australia from outside danger and create prosperity. As a result, from 1945 to 1975 Australia's population almost doubled from 7½ million to 13 million. Modern Australian identity and culture has been shaped by migrants and refugees, since the post war period, that have brought their culture and identity from their country in to Australia. The modern Australian Fashion has been shaped by Chinese silks, Italian suiting and tailoring, Japanese design in coats and thongs, Indonesian sarongs …show more content…
One modern Australian fashion style from china that has been used in the Australian society is their silks. Chinese food has become very popular in Australia over the past few decades. Most Chinese food is very healthy and includes all the ingredients for a balanced diet. Two of the most significant ingredients in Chinese dishes are their rice and noodles. Today fried rice, chow mein noodles and spring rolls are a common portion of the diet of most Australians. But the Chinese have not only influenced the kind of food we eat, but also the method we cook. Most Australian families would have a wok in their kitchen and bamboo steamers which are also common. Therefore, Chinese migrants have contributed to Australia’s identity and culture since the post war
During the years from 1914 - 1918 Australia was at constant battle all over the world fighting for the british. With battles deaths always follow. So many people say, “what did we ever gain from WW1 we lost so many people as a country”. Although we lost almost 60,000 men and 150,000 wounded or taken prisoner. After the war the British Government offered ex-servicemen free transportation to some of the colonies, 17,000 migrants arrived in Australia between 1919 and 1922. Community organisations paid for migrants to come over to Australia. Small numbers also arrived independently. It was also said that up to 300,000 men came over from britain post war to live. The British government gave an incentive to migrate over because so many people
Culture is always changing. Beliefs, behaviours and presentation, religion and language all form part of what is an individual’s or community’s culture. (Bowes, Grace, & Hodge, 2012, p.75 & 77). Due to its intrinsic nature, when people migrate to Australia, they bring their culture with them. As migrants come from all over the world, and not the one place, their
‘A Multi-Cultural Society’ is a factual recount in the chronological structure, started with an author’s impression of Australia and concluded with other people’s experiences, with sub-headings. The main theme of this related text is thankful, the author is being thankful to the opportunities herself and her families been given, “My parents just wanted a better life”. Her first impressions of Australia is a contrast to ‘Be Good, Little Migrants’, the author had a favourable experience, she like how Australia is a multi-cultural society with people from different countries. Australian society is diverse compare to India, her mother country. The author came over by an aeroplane with her parents when she was six years of age. She had an extraordinary
Australia’s society has developed in many ways since colonisation. An example of society developing in Australia is how the Australian flag design has changed over time and had things like the Southern Cross added to it. Not only has the Australian flag changed, but immigration has also changed Australia’s society since colonisation. Women being able to vote was yet another major change to Australia and its society. Between 1850-1900 seven million people left China in search of opportunities in USA, Canada and Australia.
Unfortunately, many migrants that come to Australia find themselves in this situation, struggling to feel included and comfortable with their changing identities. However, these differences make it harder to belong to one group; they can also strengthen bonds with one another. The most immediate and obvious indicator of difference with migrant is that of
Australia’s migration policy is the main topic I would like to present today. Before I start my speech, I would like to tell you a short story about my host mom. At this moment, she is an Australian president. She came to Melbourne when she was 25 years old. However, she did not go to here as an international student or refugee. She married my host dad, who has an Australian citizenship. After she had Pr, she started to study accounting in RMIT University and worked in Footscray as the mobile seller. My host mom always got high scores in her university and received the scholarship as well. Then, she found a job with a high salary in the city. I admire her so much. She said to me there are many ways of migration, I can marry someone who has an Australian nationality or I have to study hard so I am able to settle in here. But, I think the second one is more suitable for me because I don’t want to depend on anybody. My friend, who studies abroad in France, asks me why Australia’s migration policy is so difficult. My answer is Australian government protects their citizen through the policy
This report explores 4 key areas of the Australian Identity which includes, Traditional values and how sport affects the nation and how the passion of teams brings happiness. Stereotypes expressing that not all Australian appearances are bogans or tanned beach boys and that not the whole of Australia is covered by deserts. Diversity and Change explores how religion and culture affects the nation and how Australia has become a multiculturalist nation and supporting many religions and races but also shows how not everyone gets along with these agreements and decisions for cultures. Finally, Contradictions of how Australia really is and how the people within Australia create typecasts of how everyone acts and does in Australia.
In the history of Australia, there are a variety of people in their respective areas have made outstanding achievements, made a contribution to the identity of Australia. Among these people, Anh Do is probably the most instructive and interesting person. As his book "happy refugees" implied, Anh experienced suffering in his early years. At the same time, he has maintained an optimistic attitude, this pain into an inspirational story, to share with you. At present, Anh has made achievements in various fields such as writers, films, television, artists, live performances and corporate speeches ( 2017). Anne 's story is sure to shape the identity of Australia. This report will analyze the achievements of Anhe and his
The ideology of defining a nation’s identity is elusively perceived as vague and is often stereotyped by behaviour that individuals seek to follow, also providing a sense of commonality that makes people feel they are part of a community. The broad diversity of cultural stereotypes is perceptible in Australian society, resonating with what it means to be an Australian. Australians have been distinctively shaped over time by political and social ideologies, which have led to discrimination. The significance of Australia’s history has reflected conflict, human rights, economic growth and the hardship associated with establishing a refined society in a harsh and primitive landscape. Throughout these stages Australians have attempted to seize an identity that makes them unique.
The concept of being a ‘nation of immigrants’ is at the center of Australian identity.
Australia is one of the most multicultural Countries in the world, with almost half of Australia’s current population being born in another Country (ABS, 2017).
Australia is a multicultural and multiracial country. After the end of The Immigration Restriction Act 1901, an unprecedented number of immigrants has shifted to Australia from diverse cultural backgrounds, which accelerate the expansion of Australian multiculturalism (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). Among all the immigration groups, along with the Europeans, labourers and business people from Asia countries have shifted to Australia to promote the Australian globalisation, and brought their cultures into Australia. As time passed by, abundant young migrants have replaced the place of the first-generation immigrants from the perspective of economic globalisation in Australia. At the start of 21st century, Australia have become one of the most culture-diverse country in the world, and a great number of young international students have entered to Australia seeking for educations and career opportunities (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). In particular, Chinese students, which is one of the largest population groups, quickly became one of the most notable international student groups in Australia. With the potential of future development of young generation and their multicultural identities, they are playing a crucial role in modern Australia society. This essay will argue that the Chinese international students have become one of the most critical immigration groups in the
First of all, based on the countries food culture, people would prepare their traditional food in their daily meals. Chinese food is an important part of Chinese culture, and it profoundly influences East Asia Food Culture. For example, most of Chinese people who born in Canada, and they still like eating Chinese food because they are living in traditional families. According to an article, many people are curious about the author’s nationality and her culture; simultaneously, they tried to convince the author do not hyphenate herself, and just call herself Canadian.(Sun 1992) Take Chinese for example, Chinese immigrations even the second generations are very traditional since they mainly chose their ethnic food from which they can be easily distinguish. The difference of food culture between Chinese and western country is so complicate, and it can be reflected in many perspectives, especially it reflects the difference of living
The impacts of these movements provided both positive and negative effects. Increased in demand for goods and services served more jobs for people with long-term and short-term stays in Australia. With most of these people entering Australia with cultural backgrounds, it allowed community to have multicultural food and festivals. However, most of these people don’t speak English and governments plans to help with intergration can cause difficulties.
Australia has been and continues to be actively involved in international affairs both globally and within the Asia Pacific region, maintaining strong links with many nations through extensive migration programs. Migration is defined as the movement of people from one country to another, it may be permanent or temporary. Australia is considered to be a nation built on international migration. The contribution of migrants to Australian society, culture and the economy has been an important and rewarding step in shaping our nation. Australia has a long and prosperous history of migration dating back to early European settlement in 1788. Australia has become home to migrants from countries all over the world including the United Kingdom, China, India and many developing countries.