*taken from Greek Aeschylus + roman Ovid.* Io - Inachus' daughter, hated by Hera, changed from a princess/happy girl into a starving beast by Zeus Io's story - met Prometheus soon after he gave fire to man. Backstory : Zeus tried to get with her. To hide for Hera, he put a blanket of night over world. She knew what he was doing found him with Io. Then she gave Io to Argus. Zeus wouldnt help her in fear of his wife but he asked his son, Hermes to slay the beast. He did with Pan + Syrinx story but Hera then sent a glad-fly to curse her. At Nile Zeus repairs her to normal form + they have a kid, Epaphus. Lived happily ever after - decendent : Hercules , Ionian - sea, named after Io because its part of sea she first ran on in her frenzy …show more content…
All mmonsters were banished when they became conqored except the cyclops as they becam favorites of Zeus. they made Zeus' thundebolts. lived in country, did as they pleased without laws, not a good places for strangers Odysseus' story - Odysseus (greek prince) landed on their land while trying to get home after the desruction of Troy. went to explore cave it was Cyclops Polyphemus. He trapped them in the cave and ate a few for each meal. The warriars sharped a stick on night and hide it then when Cyclops came back they got him hella drunk and fell asleep they then jabbed the stick hottened with flames into the cyclops eye. to escape they hide undernearth his flock of sheep when he let them out in the morning. As they left the taunted Polyphemus Galatea's story - Polyphemus had gotten his eye back likely from his father in this story Poisidon. He falls in love with the sea nymph Galatea. She would mock him, get him to chase her and then laugh at his clumsiness. Their case was hopeless. but instead of killing people in fury like before he sat and sang love songs. He never loved anyone else andwhen Galatea fell in love with a prince named Acis Polyphemus killed him but the Acis got turned into a River
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Zeus made to help Hades get his girl Prersephone (Demeter's daughter) Boy named Narcissus had been completley gorgeous and everyone wanted him but he had no want for them. One day he goes and looks at the rivver, sees his reflection and questions how anyone can campare to his own beauty ie. he was in love with himself. He then decided to die. The Nymphs could never find his body only a flower that they named after him.
Polyphemus is startled to see Odysseus and his men. Polyphemus snatches two men and makes his meal. Odysseus wants to take his sword to Polyphemus but knows if he kills him now he won’t be able to escape because of the giant boulder. The next day while Polyphemus is pasturing his sheep, Odysseus finds and hardens a wooden staff. When Polyphemus returns, Odysseus offered Polyphemus some wine. “‘Here, Cyclops, drink some wine after of human flesh, and see what sort of liquor our ship held. I brought it as an offering thinking that you might pity me and send me home. But you are mad past bearing. Reckless! How should a stranger come to you again from any people, when you have done this wicked deed?’ So I spoke; he took the cup and drank it off, and mighty pleased he was with the taste of the sweet liquor, and thus he asked me for it yet again:
King Acrisius was king of Argos. He had an amazingly beautiful daughter, but he wished deeply for a son, so he prayed to the gods for them to give him a son. Apollo,the god of culture and prophecy, told him that he will never have a son in all his days and that the son of his daughter will slay him. Acrisius thinks of just killing his daughter,Danae, to prevent his prophecy, but fears of the punishment he will receive from the gods for this act, so he instead locks his daughter in an entirely bronze house and guards it closely. What he did not expect is for the king of the gods Zeus to come directly to his daughter and impregnate her. From this comes a son named Perseus. When Acrisius learns of his daughter's offspring, he puts both Perseus and Danae in a trunk and sets it off into the ocean. By luck or by the will of Zeus Perseus and Danae wash up onto a small island, where a kind hearted fisherman named Dictys takes in the two strangers. They live contently with Dictys until Dictys' brother, King Polydectes, fell in love with Danae. He decides to construe a plot to get rid of her son,Perseus, so that he can have her. The plan he comes is to convince Perseus to go and slay the woman-beast Medusa. He thinks this feat impossible by a mortal man, because any man who lays eyes upon her turns to stone. To aid him on his quest Hermes gives him a sword stronger than that of Medusa's scale. He also told him he would need equipment from the nymphs of the north, who's location was unknown by all except the Gray Women who are ray and live in gray.The three sisters share one eye between them all and
First, Odysseus men came to Circe island and some of his men went off to hunt for food. To begin, One of his men come back and told Odysseus that everyone else was turned into an animal by a witch and one of them is the pig the men who stayed back were trying so hard to kill. Second, when Odysseus went back to his men he almost died from falling from the mountain that Circe house was on. Third, Odysseus boat was almost destroyed from the sand and erosion that happened to it, but that did not stop him, he fixed up his boat and went back to his journey. Finally, Odysseus did not back down from a witch that could have easily harmed him but he was not scared he wanted to keep his men safe.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, diction means choice of words especially with regard to clearness or effectiveness. With this being said, many writers use certain words to emphasize the tone of a story; including Homer, a legendary author to ancient Greeks. In his epic, the Odyssey, Homer uses diction to create a callous and candid tone when writing about the journey of a man, Odysseus, and his troubles returning home. While struggling through the rough sea, Odysseus, the protagonist, encounters a Cyclops. In this story, Polyphemus, the Cyclops, imprisons Odysseus and his crew.
Joseph Campbell’s ten archetypal heroic traits appear in many literary protagonists. Physical strength, eloquence, leadership, and ties to supernatural forces are characteristics that are pervasive among heroes. King Gilgamesh, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, possesses the Campbellian traits of unmatched physical strength, confident leadership, and ties to gods. Whereas in the case of Telemachus in Homer’s Telemecheia, the young prince has not matured to Gilgamesh’s prominence, but several of Campbell’s attributes become apparent in the story. As Telemachus undergoes his journey, he
Another very interesting story that showed Odysseus’s cunning trait is the story of “The Cattle of the Sun God.” Odysseus
Odysseus and his men land on the shore of cyclops island. They get trapped in a cave by Polyphemus, the cyclops son of Poseidon. Odysseus tells the cyclops
In The Odyssey, Odysseus was one of Greek’s greatest and most popular heroes. He was faced with many obstacles throughout the story in which he had to overcome. He was not the “strong man”, such as Achilles. He was more of a man of thought, patience, and clever tricks. Three instances in which Odysseus used his intelligence to overcome the obstacles he faced were when he tricked the Cyclops into getting drunk, got past the Sirens, and got Circe to turn his men back into humans.
Odysseus’s escape from the Cyclops is one of great intelligence. A Cyclops is a giant one eyed monster. Homer said, “The booming voice and the very sight of the monster filled us with panic” (IX, 256). From the first moment Odysseus and his men set eyes on the Cyclops they know they are in trouble and will not be able to get out easily. The Cyclops, Polyphemus, eats two of Odysseus’ men from the start. As soon as this happens, Odysseus
Annabeth had figured Polyphemus would still have a grudge about that name, and she was right” (212). Annabeth confronts the cyclops on her own to distract him and uses her wits to think of a way to throw the cyclops off balance. Annabeth rightly believes that using the name Nobody will bring out Polyphemus’s hatred and cloud his mind, thus putting him mentally off balance. The bravery and ingenuity displayed by Odysseus and Annabeth are highlighted as positive traits to have in both Ancient Greece and modern times. The authors want their readers to develop these characteristics as part of their personality, thus they show the positive consequences these traits had for both Odysseus and Annabeth.
In the cyclopes island Odysseus and his men wander into the cyclopes cave, once the cyclopes enters his cave he shut the only way out of his cave and spots odysseus and his men. The cyclops asks odysseus why he is here, odysseus responds him trying to convey the cyclopes to treat them like guests but odysseus insults poseidon the cyclops father the cyclopes get mad and eating too of odysseus men. The cyclops passes out and odysseus think of a way to get out. Odysseus blinded the cyclops and escaped by holding on to the sheep that the cyclops let out. Odysseus was the most heroic here because he was able to free the rest of his men and he stood claim while coming up with the plan to escape.
Six of Odysseus’ men are eaten because of his foolishness. Again, Odysseus’ arrogance came into play when Odysseus and his men escape from the cyclops, Polyphemus. He taunts the monster, despite the fact that his men tell him stop. He exclaims, “If ever mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son, whose home is Ithaca” (Fitzgerald 908). If Odysseus did not provoke Polyphemus, the curse laid up on his ship and crew would have never happened. If he did not mock the cyclops, his odyssey would have been non existent. Odysseus always wanted to be remembered as the grandest hero of Greece. This is object when his ship rolls past the Sirens and Odysseus demands that he listens to their song. His overly extensive hubris clouds his mind and wants the fame of being able to survived the Sirens’ song. He never once considers what might have happened if he had
They tried to stay quiet but the Cyclopes spotted them and asked what they were doing in his cave. He really didn’t care because he snatched two of his men up, smashed their heads, torn them limb by limb, ate them. Day by day he did this and when the Cyclopes was sleeping, Odysseus told his men that they needed to find a way to get out of there and so they did. When the Cyclopes awoke, Odysseus offered him some of his wine and he tried it and begged for more so Odysseus just kept giving it to him drink by drink until he was drunk. The Cyclopes asked Odysseus what his name was and Odysseus said “Nothing.” As soon he asked that, he fell over and slept peacefully. While he was sleeping Odysseus found a large branch and asked his strongest men to put the tip in the fire and when it was burning red, they shoved the hot part of the stick into the Cyclopes’ eye. The Cyclopes let out a loud roar that woke up his neighbors. They came running and asked if someone was killing him and the Cyclopes answered “Nothing is killing me!” So his neighbors left without second thought. When the Cyclopes let his herd of sheep out Odysseus and his men clang to the bottom of the sheep and left the island safely.
Zeus turned Io, one of Zeus mistress, into a white heifer. He turned her into one, to protect her from Hera. Hera was not stupid. She demanded Zeus to give her the heifer. Hera then tied her up and had her guarded by the hundred, eyed Argus. The god Hermes rescued Io by using songs and stories to close all eyes of Argus. He then killed him, but Io remained a heifer. When Hera found out about this, she banished Io for good.
“Creusa and Ion” by Euripides is an ancient Greek myth about Creusa’s efforts to find her son, Ion. The myth is set in Delphi and follows Creusa, an Athenian princess, and Ion, a temple slave in Delphi. The main conflict is Creusa’s journey to find her son, Ion. Creusa was raped by Apollo himself long before and Creusa had left her son in a cave to die but surprisingly, she went back to find him and he wasn’t there. Creusa and her husband, Xuthus wished to have a son and Xuthus sent Creusa to pray for one. When Creusa goes to the temple to pray for a son, she meets Ion. In the end, Creusa and Ion have been given a blessing by Athena and Ion is worthy of ruling Athens. The major theme of this myth is that gods may not be all that they seem;