World War II was a very historic period. It lasted from 1939 to 1945, almost 6 years. During this period the Allied nations, consisting of Britain, France, America versus the Axis power, consisting of Germany and Japan. The Australia/ America Alliance was solidified due to Japan’s involvement in war. The key events that solidified this alliance is the: attack on Pearl Harbour, the relationship between Australian Prime Minister John Curtin and US General Douglas MacArthur and the formation of ANZUS. (Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty)
Japanese imperialism and the attack on Pearl Harbour strengthened the relationship between Australia and the US. On the night of 6th December 1941, the US decoded a message that planned an organised attack on the Hawaiian port, Pearl Harbour. At 0755 Hawaiian time, the first wave of Japanese attacks began and lasted for two hours. Within that time, 2,400 Americans are dead and nearly 1,200 wounded. Eighteen ships have been sunk or damaged. More than 300 aircraft are damaged or
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The treaty was signed in San Francisco, on 1st September 1951(Parliament of Australia, 2016), which pledged to recognise that during an armed attack in the Pacific area on any of the nations would endanger the peace and safety of others and maintain and develop individual and collective capabilities to resist attack. The treaty clearly states, “as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means”. This document officially declares the relationship between Australia and US which sparks the start of export and import and allies in war. The parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any one of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened in the
World war 2 started when Great Britain declared war on Germany In 1939. It ended in 1945. Almost one million Australians both men and women were involved in world war 2. On September 3rd 1939, Prime minister Robert Gordon Menzies announced that Australia will now be involved in world war 2. This was done after Australian land came under attack for the first time. Japanese aircrafts bombed towns North West Australia and Japanese submarines attacked Sydney Harbour. Australians fought in campaigns against Germany, Italy, The Mediterranean, North Africa, and Japan.
This World War II played a major role in Australia’s beginning relationships with the United States and United States took over Britain’s place of being
It stated that “the parties (countries within the treaty) will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any one of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened in the Pacific.” This in fact meant that Australia didn’t have to send a battalion to Vietnam when America engaged in military operations within the country, nor did America have to send anything to Australia if we were under threat, as the parties are to consult together. However, Australia saw this as a security investment opportunity, or an “insurance policy”, and thought that if we helped them in their endeavours and engagements in the South Pacific, then they’re much more likely to help us with ours in the future as seen in source
This investigation is important in its historical context because Japan was facing the oil embargo from the US in 1941, which gave the huge domestic damages. Japan was also afraid of the strength of the US that it took a long time to determine to attack on Pearl Harbor. Therefore the leaders might have been considering the Allies at the first time, not its ally Germany.
Japanese pilots took to the skies with mounted machine guns on bomber planes and thousands of pounds of explosives, and bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. For example, they took off with fighter jets and bombers, killing 2,403 people and wounding 1,178. Under the cover of a storm, the Japanese flew in and dropped thousands of 500g bombs, hitting and sinking 18 United States ships, 6 of which were aircraft carriers. In addition, the attack was unwarned, and it killed thousands of soldiers and civilians, crushing the spirits of United States citizens. It destroyed the naval fleet in port at Pearl Harbor, which damaged the U.S severely. Unknown to many, they also bombed the U.S Air Force base in Hawaii, incapacitating 300 fighter jets and cargo planes. Furthermore, this unwarned attack was a cowardly act and dropping an atomic bomb was completely justified. The unwarned attack killed thousands of people, soldiers and citizens alike. Use of nuclear weapons as
On the morning of December 7, 1941 approximately 100 U.S. Navy battleships, destroyers, cruisers, and support ships, were present at Pearl Harbor. All these assumptions were wrong. As the bombs rained on Pearl Harbor on the on infamous morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941, almost 3,000 Americans were killed. Six battleships were destroyed or rendered unseaworthy, and most of the ground planes were ravaged as well. Americans reacted with surprise and
December 7, 1941, Japan performed a surprise attack on America at Pearl Harbor. "According to Japanese feudal code of honor, the idea of a surprise is recommended and it raises no moral problems" (Sulzberger 146). During Japan's attack, they broke the seal of trust. "Japan's Ambassador and Diplomatic agent were in Washington pretending to have been seeking a negotiated settlement between the two countries" (Sulzberger 146). America lost over 3,000 service men from this bombing. This type of betrayal could only cause anger and determination to strike back.
December 7, 1941 the Pearl Harbor attack was a big event in history that led to the US joining World War II. It was a surprise attack, the attack lasted from 7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. The Japanese had over 2,000,000 ground troops and air fleets together that were trained, while the Americans had over 1,000,000 ground troops and air fleets all together which most of them were not trained at all. The US was unprepared because they did not believe that the Japanese were on the verge of attacking the United States but plans were made to attack against the United States as early as January 1941. Hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii. All the planes on the Japanese ships were fully fueled and armed. The attack planes came in two waves which were approximately forty-five minutes apart and more than 2,000 American soldiers and sailors died in the attack, while about 1,000 were wounded. The
orld War 2: the pinnacle of violence in the mid-20th century. More than 60 million people were killed, almost half of them civilians (Gregory Frumkin, 2001). Australia’s involvement in the war was heavily influential in the overall success of the Allies (U.S., Britain, France, USSR, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, and Yugoslavia) (Pearson Education 2007). The Australian and American alliance in war can be traced back to the beginning of World War I, when both nations were part of the Allied alliance, and thus had military connections. At a glance, it appears that the alliance between the two countries was strengthened during WW2, however it was in fact, the
The theory/model I would choose is the Transtheoretical Model because this model is for behavior change and in this specific scenario “my friend” wants to stop smoking. In order for this individual to stop smoking completely, she has to go through several phases. There are six stages in the Transtheoretical Model, which are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. She passed the precontemplation and contemplation phases because she is trying to stop smoking. Therefore, my job is to help her prepare to stop smoking. I would supply her with smoking patches, chewing gum, and everything she needs to stop smoking. Next, I would support her when she is in the action phase and I would make sure she is keeping
December 7, 1941 the Imperial Japanese Navy did an aerial surprise attack on Pearl Harbor the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, in the U. S Territory of Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941. This air attack was simultaneous 353 Japanese fighter planes, bombers, and torpedo planes in two waves. Flew low and swiftly threw the harbor The direct result was more than 2,400 American servicemen were killed and over a 1,000 wounded the direct actions of this event lead the U.S. into WWII. The following day president Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan. “A date that will live in infamy” This was a day that our country wishes to never live again. The attack happened in Hawaii at the Naval Military base. Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese planes piloted kamikaze mission was a relentless destroying and doing as much damage as possible over the entire island not just military bases but residential as well dropping low and high attitude bombs. before eventually the ran out of ammo or and crashed their plane into a ship or anything that could be damaged these were call Kamikaze pilots they were men that began an assault on US forces stationed in the Philippines. General Douglas MacArthur had failed to gather intel to the men on board the ships and returning air team to return fire for this attack. The Japanese aircraft destroyed much of USA Air Force that was at the hanger. The Japanese main target the aircraft ship with all the planes was out at sea
On December 7th 1941 at 8:00am hundreds of Japanese fighter aeroplanes attacked the American naval Base at pearl harbour in Hawaii. The battle lasted just two hours, but it was shocking. The Japanese managed to destroy nearly 20 American naval vessels
On December 7, 1941 the Japanese propelled a surprise destroy assault on the U.S. Naval Base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. At a young hour in the morning on December 7, there was near to 360 Japanese planes assaulted around 33 American ships which were requests of Vice-Admiral Chuichi Nagumo. America maintained a loss of 170 flying machines that morning and additionally 18 boats. Three thousand seven hundred Americans lost their lives in one day yet.
Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbour In December 1941, Pearl Harbour was attacked by the Japanese. It was the consequence of a series of events which brought tension between Japan and America to boiling point. Japan was a country growing in power and stature and America soon came to realise that this growth could prove a threat to them. America aimed to stop Japan's growth in its tracks as they realised that if the situation was left to evolve much longer then the situation may be out of their control.
The Japanese military conducted an attack on the American naval base in Honolulu, Hawaii on December 7th, 1941 just before 8am in the morning. They came with a total of 408 fighter planes when they attacked Pearl Harbour. This disastrous attack lasted about two hours and had devastating results for the United States of America (USA), both in the short-term and long-term. During the attack on Pearl Harbour, almost twenty American naval vessels, including eight battleships and more than three hundred airplanes were destroyed. Close to two thousand American soldiers died and one thousand were wounded. In response to the events at Pearl Harbour, President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan. This was approved by the congress in one dissenting vote. Japan then allied with Germany and Italy and retaliated by declaring war on the USA. After two years of observing the conflict around them, the Pearl Harbour attack was what urged the Americans to join World War II. Therefore, the social, political, and economical impacts of the Pearl Harbour hit hard on the American Society.