Friedrich Jeckeln, born on February 2, 1895 in Baden, Germany was held responsible for the murder of over 200,000 lives during the Holocaust. Very little is none about his early life, but it is known that Jeckeln served in the German army during the First World War, where he was awarded the Iron Cross and the Wound badge in black. After the war he became a farm manager, and married into the Jewish family of the estate at which he worked. The marriage did not last long due to his alcohol problems, but it took only five years for him to become married again. In the same year as his marriage, 1929, Jeckeln joined the Nazi party, and became a leader in the “Schutzstaffel” or the Nazi party’s paramilitary defense corps. Among this corp Jeckeln escalated the speed of murder. Jeckeln’s method of killing became known …show more content…
The victims were stuffed into a dug out pit where men with submachine guns would systematically shoot them in the head once while they lay face down. Those who weren’t killed on immediately were left to suffer from suffocation and being buried alive as the pit was refilled. During Jeckeln’s interrogation and subsequent trial, he was forced to catalogue his crimes. Jeckeln confessed to being involved with the murder of 25,000 in a ghetto in Riga, Latvia, and another 88,000 jews at the Salaspils concentration camp. He was also involved in the murder of 200,000 in Ukraine, the forced deportation of about 100,000 German workers, the burning of a unknown number of Soviet villages and the mass arrests of many its citizens. Although Jeckeln confessed to the murders, he never felt he was guilty of any crime. He denied any allegation of crime and stated the acts were part of war therefore completely legitimate. On February 3 Jeckeln was tried at a dock in Riga, where he was accused for the mass murder of Jews in Reichskommissariat Ukraine and Reichskommissariat
On March 19th, 1944, Lieutenant Colonel Karl Adolf Eichmann, stood at the head of one-hundred and forty military vehicles. It was his twenty-eighth birthday. On this day, he was doing no other than finding Hungary’s 750,000 Jewish individuals; deciding if anyone was physically fit to be transferred to labor camps or to be executed on the spot. Contrary to popular belief, Karl Adolf Eichmann was the enforcer of the Holocaust because militarily he was executing The Final Solution.
Those arrested were executed until the church bell rand and then they quit. To celebrate Adolf Hitler’s birthday the SS officers put Jews in the “tube” a two meter wide corridor between barbed wire fences at the end was a sandpit where dead bodies fell. Wiesenthal was rescued by his German supervisor. In October 1943, Wiesenthal escaped the Ostabahn camp with the deputy director’s help. In June 1944 Wiesenthal was captured and put back into Janowska. In 1982 Wiesenthal’s house was firebombed luckily no one was injured.
Over 6,000,000 died and only 900,000 survived. The Holocaust is one of the darkest moments in world history. Hitler was a German dictator who wanted to create a supreme race; blue eyes and blonde hair were some of the requirements. Because the majority of Jews did not fit that description, they were targeted. Thousands of them were sent to concentration camps to die, while others were arrested and killed. In an attempt to save as many lives as possible, many people hid Jewish refugees during the Holocaust. Three individuals who did this are Irena Sendler, Karolina Juszczykowska, and Raoul Wallenberg.
Simon Wiesenthal is known for being a survivor of the Nazi death camps and for dedicating his life to documenting the crimes of the Holocaust. He worked diligently to track down all the war criminals connected to the Holocaust. He founded the Jewish Documentation Center in Vienna where he worked to document the Holocaust and prosecuted nearly 1,100 Nazi war criminals. He is also known for his involvement with the case of Karl Silberbauer, the man who arrested Ann Frank. Wiesenthal did truly impressive work in his life to make sure the lives of the millions of Jews killed did not go over looked and not forgotten. In the process, Simon wrote his very own book detailing all his encounters with the criminals of the war and his life inside the
15- year-old Jewish boy who went by the name of Jacob Hennenburg, who was able to beat the odds and survive the Holocaust. According to Jacob Hennenberg’s biography (cite), Hennenburg was captured during the 1939 invasion of Poland by the Nazi military along with
“On January 30,1941 the eighth anniversary of Adolf Hitler taking power in Germany. By the end of 1940 the number of Jews killed by Nazi Germany approached 100,000. But in 1941 the death toll grew . Mass Murder of Jews became a German state policy. How the decisive turn took place and the relation it bore to Hitler’s forecast on January 30, is not exactly clear. What is certain is that in 1941
World War II was a devastating time for many people in which the entire globe was effected by the authority of one single man and his leaders. The Nazis had mercilessly taken over many countries in Europe. Every Nazi would fall under the rule of one person; Adolf Hitler. This man was known to be a ruthless cold-blooded killer. However, it’s perceived that Hitler never personally kill anyone but
Many Nazis were unnecessarily cruel to their prisoners and those they watched over. Citizens and Nazis alike participated in Kristallnacht, even though little punishment would follow those who did not take part as long as they did not protest. Mengele, for example, was not required by law to perform cruel and unusual experiments on his people. Eichmann, Himmler, Jeckeln, Ilse Koch. These people were not followers, they were leaders. Ilse Koch skinned her inmates at Buchenwald and used their skins as pillow cushions and book covers. She encouraged the rape, murder, and torture of her girls, thinking it to be great fun ( 2). Jeckeln developed a system, force the prisoners to dig a massive ditch, strip, lay down in the ditch, and be shot in their self-dug grave ( 1). Jeckeln organised Babi Yar, where laughing soldiers beat the Jews to death and shot them in Jeckeln’s favorite way. It was said of Babi Yar that, “Those who hesitated had their clothes ripped off of them by force, and were kicked and struck with knuckledusters or clubs by the Germans, who seemed to be drunk with fury in a sadistic sort of rage” (Anatoli 106). These malevolent people led to horrors not required nor even imagined by Hitler. They came only from the brains of these malicious, sadistic monsters. Hitler may have encouraged his nation, but he did not directly cause this
Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7th, 1900 in Munich to a middle-class Bavarian family. His father was Joseph Gebhard Himmler, a secondary-school teacher and principal. His mother was Anna Maria Himmler (maiden name Heyder), a devout Catholic and extremely attentive mother. Heinrich had an older brother, Gebhard Ludwig Himmler, and a younger brother, Ernst Hermann Himmler. Heinrich was named after his godparent, Prince Heinrich of Wittelsbach of the royal family of Bavaria, who was tutored by Gebhard Himmler. Educated at secondary school in Landshut, Himmler served as an officer cadet in the 11th Bavarian Regiment at the end of WW1, although he saw no active service. After working briefly as a salesman for a fertilizer manufacturing firm, Heinrich Himmler joined the Nazi party and in the November of 1923 participated in the Beer-Hall Putsch as a standard bearer at the side of Ernst Rohm. All of these roles combined together were a major reason for Heinrich Himmler being chosen for the jobs he received later in his militaristic life. It is surprising, that Heinrich Himmler, the chief of the SS and the primary architect of the Holocaust, has not attracted the attentions of more biographers. For all that he had taken part in for the history of the Third Reich, he appears to lack the “infamous charisma” of Heydrich or Hitler, and because of this lack of “infamous charisma” he has been presented only rarely as a primary subject for a book about the holocaust and the
From 1941 to 1945, Jews were systematically murdered in one of the deadliest genocides in history, which was part of a broader aggregate of acts of oppression and killings of various ethnic and political groups in Europe by the Nazi regime. Every arm of Germany 's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics and the carrying out of the genocide. Other victims of Nazi crimes included Romanians, Ethnic Poles and other Slavs, Soviet POWs, communists, homosexuals, Jehovah 's Witnesses and the mentally and physically disabled. A network of about 42,500 facilities in Germany and German-occupied territories were used to concentrate victims for slave labor, mass murder, and other human rights abuses. Over 200,000 people are estimated to have been Holocaust perpetrators. Beginning in 1941, Jews from all over the continent, as well as hundreds of thousands of European Gypsies, were transported to the Polish ghettoes. Every person designated as a Jew in German territory was marked with a yellow star making them open targets. Thousands were soon being deported to the Polish ghettoes and German-occupied cities in the USSR. Since June 1941, experiments with mass killing methods had been ongoing at the concentration camp of Auschwitz and many more. That August, 500 officials gassed 500 Soviet POWs to death with the pesticide Zyklon-B. The SS soon placed a huge order for the gas with a German pest-control firm, an ominous indicator of the coming Holocaust. Beginning in late 1941, the Germans
He is the man that led to World War two and killed about 11 million people including all ages. Out of those 11 million, 6 million were Jews. Interesting date according to an article from he was actually in the Germany army during World War 1. This was ironic to me because from stories and videos watched in class the war isn’t the most enjoyable thing to be in so why start something that would start another war?
One of the many important and most memorable incidents of World War Two would be the Holocaust. During the Holocaust, the Germans who were known as the Nazis, considered the Jews to be “enemy aliens”. As part of this, the Nazis thought that “Aryans” were a master race. Therefore, they decided to destroy the Jewish race, and created genocide. The Jews were put into unbearable torture at many concentration and death camps. In fact, 6 million Jews were killed in this incident; however, there were many victims who survived this anguish. One of the many survivors was Simon Wiesenthal, who survived the Nazi death camps and began his career as a Nazi hunter.
Adolf Hitler, born on April 20th 1889, became the leader of Nazi Germany. He used his power to try to eliminate the Jews, known as the non-superior race. Thousands and thousands of people of all ages died under Hitler’s leadership. Mass murder, starvation, abuse in many different degrees, and an overall genocide took place through out Germany during this time period. Many wonder how Hitler could have been so unethical and caused such a tragic time in history to take place. Scientists and psychological experts dig deep in Hitler’s life and past experiences to come up with an explanation of his inhuman leadership during the holocaust. His childhood is where most experts believe his personality stemmed from.
From 1933-1945, it was a period of time when the Jews were targeted as an enemy. This period of time is called the “Holocaust.” This is when the Germans killed over 6 million Jews and it was a genocide. They also killed any Jew that they could recognize. The Germans during this time were called Nazis. Nazis were the people that controlled the concentration camps and liberated people. Concentration camps were the places where the Nazis took the Jews to be killed. In the concentration camps there were gas chambers. They were the places where they took the children and their moms for a “shower”. They thought it was a shower, but it was actually a place where they would end their lives. When all the jews went in the Nazis threw a chemical that burnt everything. The people who did that were the Holocaust war criminals. They were the Nazis that killed 1,000s of jews and didn’t care. The most dangerous war criminals were Alois Brunner,Beate Kunzel Klarsfeld, John Demjanjuk, Hans Lipschis, Hans Frank, Alfred Rosenberg, and Gerhard Sommer.
The most gruesome and terrifying part of the war was the Holocaust; the Holocaust was the mass genocide of millions of innocent Jewish people. With approximately 42,500 concentration camps located all throughout Germany and other parts of Europe, it was in these camps where victims were abused, starved, used for slave labor, and mass murdered. Jehovah’s witnesses and gypsies were also persecuted and murdered in German concentration camps. It is estimated that 1.5 million children died during the Holocaust in these camps. Despite the risk of death, thousands of people tried to helped save the Jews, by hiding them inside their homes, shipping them to safe locations, and smuggling them out of camps, some would also push food through the fences of the camps in an attempt to feed the starving people inside. Many Jews were subject to gruesome medical experiments. Dr. Josef Mengele used