Jim crow laws were very racist. The African-Americans couldn't hang out with the whites. African- Americans could not be in a group together at all. Some laws didn't even make sense, but it is what the laws did to them and how it affected them is what was so important. Jim Crow Laws affected both African-Americans and Caucasians. African-Americans were mainly affected, but a few Caucasians too. Most Caucasians were fond of the way life was under the Jim Crow Law. Some white people thought it was not right because they felt African-Americans were equal to them. African-Americans did not like the way of life and wanted to do things to fix it, but usually when they tried they suffered terrible consequences. Even some Caucasians were murdered by other white people trying to help the African-Americans gain equality and …show more content…
Some were even put to work so the white people could make money by doing nothing. Ned Cobb, a black alabama sharecropper said “De big bee suck de blossom, de little be make de honey, de black man makes the cotton and corn, and de white man totes de money.” Also African-Americans could be stopped at any time and forced to answer questions as to why they were at a specific place at a specific time. Basically, when a white person would speak an African-American had to stop whatever they were doing and listen even if they were going to miss something. There were even certain towns that warned African-Americans to not let the sun go down on them, basically threatening them that something could happen to them after it got dark. Many people decided to take the risk anyway and though some were hurt along the way, many made it to their destination and finally felt
The Jim Crow laws were established to create segregation between racial groups in the south. They segregated African Americans from other racial groups in schools, restaurants, and public transportation, and backtracked towards slavery. The results of the Jim Crow Laws would be in effect of years to
From the 1930s to the 1950s, African Americans were being severely persecuted and ostracized. The Jim Crow Laws allowed for legal segregation and continued control over blacks in the South. Those laws severely restricted the rights of the African American in the southern half of the United States and essentially continued to restrain them even though the United States Constitution forbid it. The North did not have such laws, but blacks still suffered. When African Americans migrated to the North, they were disillusioned by the fact that they were still not equal. The African Americans were instead delivered a subtler form of the discriminatory actions within the South. African Americans struggled for equality everywhere because of white
There are many different abilities in jim crows laws, causing many different riots and many different wars between different families. Due to the Jim Crow laws many people followed different beliefs at the time, for example many of the different laws being followed changed many different people's opinions towards african americans at the time, thinking they were no friends to each other. In the north many Plantations had choices they could follow Jim Crows laws or not, but in the south it really wasn't that much of a choice for them. Many of the African Americans who did not follow the law got into the most trouble, which is penalized to losing most of their citizenship rights. Being African American if you did follow the laws you were given
The Jim Crow laws perpetuated segregation. This set of rules to show the dominance of the white race were absolutely appalling. They were mainly operated in the southern portion of the United States, but not exclusively. The Jim Crow laws “were in place from the late 1870’s until the civil rights movement began in the 1950’s” (“Jim Crow Laws”). Blacks and whites could not use the same drinking fountains, restrooms, or attend the same restaurants, churches, and schools. It was considered rape or an unwanted advance for a black man to offer his hand to a white woman. Another law was that african-american couples could not show affection towards each other in a public area because it “offended whites” (Pilgrim) along with countless more. There
After the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War, millions of African Americans won their freedom and were prepared to join society as equal citizens. While some Americans embraced the situation, others strained to spread racism throughout their community. By 1900, the South had formed a segregated society, finding ways to get past new laws and keeping old traditions that kept African Americans under a white American system.
It was rooted nearly everywhere in the united states even in the northern states by making a law regarding to that they couldn’t even marry between
With the end of Reconstruction in 1877 white supremacy was still extremely common. White individuals saw themselves as superior to African Americans and people of the lower class. The White politicians had stopped caring about protecting the rights of African Americans. They passed laws which are known as the Jim Crow Laws. The Jim Crow laws separated whites and African Americans in schools, trains, and even water fountains. The Jim Crow Laws allowed white supremacist to discriminate African Americans by just saying that they were separated but still being treated equally. This was not true, the conditions in which the African Americans were being placed in were not at the same quality as the whites. Since the amendments that gave African Americans rights were still enacted White Supremacists often tried to prevent African Americans from exercising their rights. Whites were also more credible than
To make a difference in society, it only takes one person or a group of people to stand up and fight for what they believe in. After the Civil War had ended, blacks had finally won their freedom, or so they thought. During the years 1865-1866, the Black Codes were put into action and denied African Americans their newly given freedom. The North, got rid of the Black Codes during Reconstruction. After the Black Codes were successfully removed, the Jim Crow Laws took their place. The laws that were now in play allowed for legal racial discrimination and segregation. This caused the Civil Rights Movement to begin. This included a chain of protests between 1954 and 1968 to occur. The Brown v. Board case was a milestone in U.S. history. For years,
African Americans were oppressed because they were beaten by white people from late 1800’s to mid 1900’s. Whites felt like African Americans did not feel like they belonged with white people. Jim crows laws was created to separate African americans and whites,and to be equal. Jim crow laws had African Americans oppressed emotionally because they can live in the United States without being killed or beaten. Socially because white people wanted African Americans to inferior to white people.
The Jim Crow laws had many effects on people in their daily lives. The Jim Crow laws started a separated but not equal society. It made it look like the whites were superior and the other races especially the blacks were made to look under class. They couldn't do anything with whites and everything they had was not as nice as the whites, and a lot of time was used as a pass off. Such as water fountains the drainage from the whites would go to the blacks and that's what they would drink pretty much used water. If the blacks came anywhere close to anything the whites had, they would get it taken away or would be arrested. Take Rosa Parks as an example she tried to take a stand and sat in the front of the bus, which apparently posed as a threat
The Jim Crow Laws made life more difficult for African Americans. In Florida, African Americans could not marry a white person. If you were an African American and and wanted to marry a white person you could not and that would make you feel sad and heartbroken because you can’t marry the person you love. African Americans could not sit with a white person on buses and they had to go to a separate ticket booth to buy their ticket in Alabama. The white people got to sit in the front of the bus and the black people had to sit in the back of the bus. Black people did not have the ability to sit where they wanted to sit. Also in Alabama, employers had to provide separate toilets for their black and white employees. African Americans in Alabama had to have separate dining in restaurants. If a restaurant wanted to have both white and black customers,
Every aspect of life of the blacks living in America was affected by the Jim Crow laws. Segregation in America became apparent and the order of the day and was evident in several instances such as in churches, hospitals, cemeteries, saloons and all other social avenues and even in the manner in which public school textbooks were sold (Morehouse, 2000). The blacks were denied the right to access certain locations such as swimming pools and amusement parks. The most intimidating part of the Jim Crow laws is that some of the whites used it as an avenue to demoralize the blacks as it was evident in the entrance of public parks which had signs reading “Negroes and Dogs Not Allowed”. This kind of sign was very intimidating since it compared the blacks with the dogs. Medical services were denied to the blacks in several hospitals despite the fact that healthcare is primary need of every human being (Robin and Kelley, 2005). This was worsened when a requirement was passed that nurses in every hospital should only help and treat only patients who came from the same race.
The Jim Crow Law lead to unemployment for African Americans, which cause many African American families to struggle finding homes and a job that will provide them with a place to leave and food to eat. The Jim Crow Law segregated blacks and whites, which meant that there was really little work for blacks since white people where the ones that owed most of the compaies or the ones offering jobs. In fact, due to the segregation and inequality the Jim Crow law performed, the pay was different depending on skin color. African American’s wages were extremely lower than white people because of their skin color and their limited in skills. At times, black people were able to find jobs but the pay was miserable.
Whites believed that Blacks had no right to have be able to read, write, attend school or work. To White Americans giving African Americans a chance anything seemed diabolical to them, and they would do anything to try and stop African Americans from being Equal.
The most memorable effect of the Jim Crow laws is the outcome of the actions of the people both colored and white. Whites to ensure that people of color would not get into line formed groups to help keep everything in order. The most well-known group is the KKK or otherwise known as the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK was designed to show that all blacks know their place. Jim Crow Laws states, “The insidious Jim Crow caricature of the Negro became a