
How Did Jim Crow Laws Affect African Americans

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Jim crow laws were very racist. The African-Americans couldn't hang out with the whites. African- Americans could not be in a group together at all. Some laws didn't even make sense, but it is what the laws did to them and how it affected them is what was so important. Jim Crow Laws affected both African-Americans and Caucasians. African-Americans were mainly affected, but a few Caucasians too. Most Caucasians were fond of the way life was under the Jim Crow Law. Some white people thought it was not right because they felt African-Americans were equal to them. African-Americans did not like the way of life and wanted to do things to fix it, but usually when they tried they suffered terrible consequences. Even some Caucasians were murdered by other white people trying to help the African-Americans gain equality and …show more content…

Some were even put to work so the white people could make money by doing nothing. Ned Cobb, a black alabama sharecropper said “De big bee suck de blossom, de little be make de honey, de black man makes the cotton and corn, and de white man totes de money.” Also African-Americans could be stopped at any time and forced to answer questions as to why they were at a specific place at a specific time. Basically, when a white person would speak an African-American had to stop whatever they were doing and listen even if they were going to miss something. There were even certain towns that warned African-Americans to not let the sun go down on them, basically threatening them that something could happen to them after it got dark. Many people decided to take the risk anyway and though some were hurt along the way, many made it to their destination and finally felt

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