John lennon was killed by the people that loved him the most. John was a singer/songwriter for the popular group “The Beatles”. He was praised highly by his fans who got very emotional with everything he did. Lennon’s death caused lots of grieving and sadness world wide. Lennon’s life and death both changed the world. John Lennon had a heavy influence on not only England but the world as a whole. His music was heard by all, his philosophies inspired many, and everyone seemed to love him. “I'm not afraid of death because I don't believe in it.It's just getting out of one car, and into another.”(lennon) Famous quotes like this one were the philosophies that his fans looked up to and followed. That’s how Lennon impacted the world
Jimi hendrix was born in 1942, in Seattle, Washington, and was being able to learn to play guitar as a teenager. He later grew up to become a famous rock legend who was know to make the crowds excited and audiences by doing things that other haven't done before. 1960s he was the innovative electric guitar playing one of the best performances at Woodstock in 1969. He later performed "The Star Spangled Banner." He was also know for The album, and its 1968 successors - Axis: Bold As Love and the seminal blues-oriented developments of Electric Ladyland. Jimi Hendrix died in 1970 from a drug-related complications,which he made a huge in impact on the world of Rock Music and remaining popular to this day. Still today he will be know as one of
Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958-June 25, 2009) was an American pop-sensation who was and will always be one of the most successful and influential artists of all time. Throughout his astounding career, he released seven albums as a solo artist, and won a record number of awards. Though this may be satisfactory for the average person, Michael Jackson wanted to do more with his career outside of merely singing, and he achieved this precisely. Though it may be hard for some to fathom, Michael Jackson made his largest impact on popular-culture and society through not singing, but his many works of philanthropy and humanitarianism, his vital influence on the social acceptance of African-Americans,
John Paul Jones is called the father of our navy. John Paul Jones was born in July 6, 1747 in Kirkbean, Scotland. He died July 18, 1792 in Paris, France. In this paper, you will learn about John Paul Jones’s childhood, how he has impacted the world and other interesting facts about him.
Jimi Hendrix is considered a key influence in music of the 20th century. The American rock songwriter, singer, and guitarist was born and brought up in Seattle where he began to practice and eventually hone his talents at playing the guitar (Erlewine). While being a self-trained guitarist, Hendrix is also acknowledged today as an intellectual with marvelous musical abilities. He is renowned for his speed, ambition, and precision while playing, ability to apply intricate melodic elements as well as his ability to play, sing, and dance at the same time. As a guitarist and rock ‘n’ roll singer, Jimi Hendrix won numerous awards for his major contributions and applications to rock music during his time.
John F. Kennedy had a great impact on the United States largely due to his humble attitude depicted in his inauguration when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.” John, nicknamed Jack as a child, was trained to work hard in everything he did from early on in his life. During his time serving in the military, he learned leadership skills and grew an extreme pride for his country. After the war, Kennedy began his career in politics with three terms in the House of Representatives. He rapidly climbed the political scale and became popular among many citizens. When he was elected President in 1960, Kennedy pushed for civil rights and worked to keep peace during the Cold War. John F. Kennedy
The Beatles was a revolutionary 1960’s rock and roll band that inspired other bands and society with their image and their music during the era of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. The band included Ringo Starr, drummer and singer, George Harrison, lead guitarist and singer, Paul Mccartney, bass guitarist and singer, and John Lennon, rhythm guitarist and singer. The four men created the band in 1960, and gained popularity very quickly. They first became popular in the U.K., but after time they started to become popular in America, starting the British invasion. Soon after their popularity grew in America, the Beatles became one of the best rock and roll bands of their time, and eventually the best of all time. They impacted society with their image and their music, and they changed rock and roll forever.
“Parents abhorred, young women adored, and young men instantly imitated.” (GaleNet Database) This quote means Parents didn’t like him because of his Rock and Roll ways, Young woman wanted to be with him. Young men wanted to be like him because all the young girls were going after him. Elvis Presley better known as The King of Rock and Roll growing up listened to a variety of different types. Such as Gospel, Blues, Country which influenced his unique musical style. Sergeant Presley served in the Army for 2 years. Sergeant Presley spent most of his term in the Army in Western Germany. Elvis Presley was one the most talented and successful entertainers of all time due to his unique musical style, Outstanding Acting Career, and captivating dance moves.
There have been many people, known as artists, who have tried to change the world through their art. “Art” can be paintings, music, dances, sculptures, literature, or photography. There are many ways to communicate and express ones feelings but The Beatles did it through their popular music. Although they didn’t focus on changing the world of politics or try to protest through their music they have songs that focus on those exact two things.
In 1984, PepsiCo came out with a commercial advertisement for their campaign “New Generation,” that stars Michael Jackson and his five brothers. The goal of this advertisement was to bring a new, younger look to the brand in which Michael Jackson could portray. Michael Jackson had such an impact on society in the 80’s which has brought out an effective appeal in the commercial with celebrity endorsement and emotions but unfortunately, lacks facts and statistics.
Ignorant (adj.) lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. Throughout George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm, he emphasizes the danger of being a naive and oblivious animal during Napoleon's rule. He uses many examples to show that he believes ignorant animals are what causes a dictatorship.
John Lennon’s Imagine is a very popular song from the music mogul. The song examines Social issues and injustices throughout. The literary elements and underlying messages in the song are phenomenal, Lennon examines issues in the cultural, economic, social and political context. Keeping these four topics in mind, it is necessary to understand the political, social, cultural and economic environment in which Lennon lived in during the making of this song.
Religion had a powerful influence on William Blake during the Romanticism period. As a poet, William used imagination, presented emotions and the concept of nature. He placed his voice through the words of his poems. In “The Lamb” he displays the teachings of Christianity. William Blake strives for the reader to embrace the Creator outlooks of innocence and wildness. In “The Tyger” he tries to make the reader understand why such an animal was originated. However, the author emphasizes to the reader the purpose of God’s creations.
The long-term impact that Mandela made was that he had ended apartheid in South Africa in 1991, which meant that the non-whites could live with equal rights and freedoms with happiness. He had many other great qualities such as encouraging his followers to nonviolent acts of protest. He has impacted the whole world in terms of discrimination and racism. Due to Mandela a lot of other people were inspired to do great things and end acts of racism around the world. His sphere of influence was not just South Africa or Africa because he had become so famous he started to influence many people. And he was not the kind to give up because even after spending 27 years of prison he did not lose hope, he stood in the elections, became president and fulfilled his goal of ending apartheid.
Materialism over humanity is another topic that Lennon touches on. People, lost in selfishness and greed, forget the importance of sharing and caring for each other. ‘Love thy Neighbor’ is a saying that is lost on most people due to the materialistic attitude which is caused by the capitalistic society that we live in today. When no one owns anything, then there is no room for greed and selfishness.
In his 1988 Supreme Court opinion in Hustler Magazine v. Falwell, the late Chief Justice Rehnquist argued, “the art of the cartoonist is often not reasoned or evenhanded, but slashing and one-sided...the political cartoon is a weapon of attack, of scorn and ridicule and is usually as welcome as a bee sting”. Despite these biting words, the Court ruled that political cartoons are essential tools in a democracy. Political cartoons are inherently controversial, as they seek to mock both the legal and governmental process. However, they are also inherently American, as they reflect the core tenets of the First Amendment, the right to free speech, and expression. In this paper, I will analyze a political cartoon, created by the artist Paul Conrad in 1972 for the Los Angeles Times. I will first provide a description of the cartoon, its relevance at the time, and the political salience that it still maintains today. Secondly, I will examine this cartoon through five intersecting lens: the efficacy of visual rhetoric/graphic discourse, materiality, technology/modernity, power, and institutional/male domination. Through these lenses, I will trace my object's physical and ideological genealogy, and examine its social, political, and historical significance in contemporary culture.