
How Did Julius Caesar Change

Decent Essays

Augustus became Rome’s first emperor after Rome changed from republic to empire after Julius Caesar assassination. Julius Caesar is Augustus’ great uncle and adopted father. “He shrewdly combined military might, institution-building and lawmaking to become Rome’s sole ruler, laying the foundations of the 200-year Pax Romana (Roman Peace) and an empire that lasted, in various forms, for nearly 1,500 years” (
He was born in 63 B.C. and even his adoption he was known as Octavian. “At the age of 16 Octavius donned the toga because it was the Roman sign of manhood and was taking on responsibilities through his family connections” ( Octavius went to modern day Spain to fight alongside Caesar even though his shipwrecked, so he had to cross enemy territory to get to Caesar. This act impressed Caesar most that Octavian was named heir and successor in Caesar’s will. At the age of …show more content…

and then he was granted the name Augustus. They say that Octavian his name changed to Augustus because he was born in August, like his uncle Julius Caesar changed his name because he was born in July. In a four year span Octavian secured his rule by using Cleopatra’s seized treasure to pay his soldiers to keep them happy and content, but mostly importantly having their loyalty. Also he passed laws bring back the traditions of the Roman Republic to mollify the Rome’s Senators and ruling classes. Octavian worked to improve and beautify the city of Rome to make the people happy and content. “During his 40-years reign, Augustus nearly doubled the size of the empire, adding territories in Europe and Asia Minor and securing alliances that gave him effective rule from Britain to India” ( He also spent much of his time outside of Rome to consolidate power in the provinces and instituting of system of taxation to integrate the empire’s reaches and goals. He also expanded Rome by updating the roads and by putting in a postal

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