
How Did King George III Have Been Avoided

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Do you know what would have happened if King George III was more reasonable and listened to the colonies? The American Revolution could have been avoided. The British government could have had a better and productive role in the British colonies and King George III could have been more reasonable to the British colonies and not tax as much as he did. If these things had happened, America would be in a state of dominion under Great Britain until they gained their independence in a more peaceful way. If the British government had a more active role in the British colonies, the Revolution could have been avoided. This is because if the British government had listened to the thoughts of the British colonies, there would be less of a need for war, taxes, and other forms of fighting. "Had Britain accepted the Second Continental Congress's Olive Branch Petition, the Revolutionary War could have been avoided" (Sparknotes). Had the ministers of the British consulted with the leaders in the colonies, there would not have been such an argument and problems with taxes, etc. King George III was not reasonable with the British colonies. This is not entirely his fault, though. This is because "King George III was diagnosed with a disease [Porphyria] that made him mentally unstable" (Timmons). Porphyria is a disease that causes …show more content…

This is what happened to The British Commonwealth countries such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Newfoundland, Eire, and The Union of South Africa. America would not have gained it's independence for another one hundred years or so, but it would be peaceful and the US and UK would have a better and more productive relationship. This would have been helpful in both of the world wars, this is because they are two strong and powerful countries and if they had been allies, things would have been

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