
How Did Louis Armstrong Influence American Culture

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Without hesitation, Louis Armstrong remains to be the musician who had a significant influence on jazz music. Armstrong did not only influence a transformation of jazz music but also the music had close impacts to the American culture and identity. It is easily persuaded that jazz music through Armstrong posited infinite changes to the American culture (Brothers 11). It is vital to understand Armstrong in regards to his familial background when determining the musician's influence on the American culture. Louis Armstrong was born in an extremely problematic family, a family that lived in deep poverty. This develops the idea that Armstrong himself was more than the publicly accepted fact that he was a dramatic trumpet player in New Orleans (Drowne & Huber 203).
Armstrong was the first artists to endorse improvised jazz of inventive solos over the prior art music that followed ensemble art form. Through the innovation of solo music, he was able to make sure the relaxed phrasing in jazz that replaced the staccato style of the twenties. Moreover, Armstrong's inventive style was the basis for the Swing Era that is commonly evidenced in different jazz art genres including the bebop and cool jazz (Brothers 88). Suggestible, the improvisation was the basis for the …show more content…

The Armstrong's scat singing that replaced the use of words in the past music with the rhythmic harmony of nonsense syllables and his unique phrasing through horn playing had a virtual influence to the musicians who emerged within 1930-1940 such as Billie Holiday (Greene 10) and Bing Crosby. On the other hand, Armstrong's stage performance was a sense of humor, which greatly popularized jazz music to a broader audience. Additionally, the organization of Armstrong's music acted as an inspiration to a significant number of the Americans considering that youngsters found the courage to engage in art music through

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