
How Did Machiavelli's Ideas To Become A Great Leader?

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Many people wonder that if any European leaders in the 1900’s used Machiavelli’s ideas and advices to becoming a great leader. In “The Prince”, by Nicolo Machiavelli, it talks about the actions, qualities, and thoughts that a good prince should make to lead a strong empire, army, and to become an amazing leader.One European Leader named Adolf Hitler was a military leader and a dictator in Germany in the 1900’s. He was born in April 20,1889 and he gained power from 1934 to 1945, but he killed himself in April 30,1945. Adolf Hitler does not use Machiavelli’s ideas and advices because Hitler did not believe in the art of war, Hitler was not very wise, and Hitler should have been more organized with him and his army. One advice that Hitler did …show more content…

Also, this shows how Hitler did not follow Machiavelli’s ideas because Hitler changed his styles in attacking with his army since he noticed what he was up against and that made him begin to lose battles. Also, on chapter 14, it states, “Which knowledge is useful in two ways. Firstly, he learns to know his country, and is better able to undertake its defence; afterwards, by means of the knowledge and observation of that locality, he understands with ease any other which it may be necessary for him to study hereafter; because the hills, valleys, and plains, and rivers and marshes that are, for instance, in Tuscany, have a certain resemblance to those of other countries, so that with a knowledge of the aspect of one country one can easily arrive at a knowledge of others.” This shows how Hitler did not follow Machiavelli’s ideas because he was not wise enough to know about the art of war and he failed to win attacks and it made him and his army weak against bigger opponents. This also shows how Hitler did not follow Machiavelli’s ideas because with a weak army, it results in a weak defense and if Hitler did know about the art of war and if he was a little wiser, he would’ve survived a while longer or even win the

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