In the words of Elbert Hubbard, “He who influences the thought of his time influences the times that follow” (Quotes). Marco Polo, who lived in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, was able to do exactly that. Marco Polo was a Venetian who traveled along the Silk Road, in the time of the Mongolian Dynasty, to China. Because of the time he spent in the court of Kublai Khan and Mongolia, Marco Polo was able to become a highly influential explorer leading to the Age of Discovery. Marco Polo was able to influence Kublai Khan’s court and the Western world because of the vast opportunities given to him by Kublai Khan. After making the journey to Mongolia when he was 15, the Polos served in Kublai Khan’s court for 16 years (Brown). During this time, Marco was given many opportunities to travel throughout Mongolia on behalf of Kublai Khan. He was sent on many “missions to Yunnan and the Indian Ocean, gratifying Qubilai Khan's hunger for …show more content…
In these times, Marco was able to learn much more about these areas, and he recorded what he observed in his Book of the Marvels of the World. One of the notable places that he traveled was Siberia, the Bering Strait, and Alaska. While not being recorded in his Book of the Marvels of the World, the authenticity of this journey is validated by the “Map With Ship.” This is a map that was produced in the thirteenth century by Marco Polo. The map clearly resembles the Alaskan and Russian coastlines (Map). This is just one of the extremely significant journeys that Marco Polo made on behalf of Kublai Khan. Along with making journeys throughout the Mongolian Empire, the Polos were also employed to make journeys outside of the empire, acting as ambassadors for Kublai Khan. For instance,
a) Marco Polo (Italian adventurer) returned to Europe in 1295, telling of his journey in China. His book with descriptions of goods made him an indirect discoverer of the New World.
Throughout history, empires have controlled vast expanses of the world. Yet no empire has ever impacted the world's like the Mongols. Spanning from present day Russia to Korea, the Mongol Empire ruled the Eurasian continent. By modern conventions, legacy is the gift or impact someone leaves when they die. Noah Feldman once said, “Empires inevitably fall, and when they do, history judges them for the legacies they leave behind.”
Throughout history the United States has remembered Andrew Carnegie and what he did to influence the world. Many of us want to make our mark on the world and Andrew Carnegie is a great example of that. Carnegie was a man that accomplished this. Although many others like Henry Ford, Vanderbilt, and John D. Rockefeller were well involved in the revolutionary war and also had a great big impact on the world, I believe that Andrew Carnegie had the biggest impact. All of these men including Andrew Carnegie competed with one another to be the richest man in the world as well as have the biggest company. Andrew Carnegie made an impact when he displayed the characteristics of building a business enterprise that
Did you know that the Age of Exploration was one the most important time in history for the world. The Age of Exploration began in the early 1500’s in the nation of Portugal under leadership of Henry the Navigator. The first expedition to circle the globe was led by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. The causes of the Age of Exploration was to look for new trade routes and spread religion. The effects of the Age of Exploration were slavery and disease.
Had they not experienced this kind of exposure, they would be unfamiliar with Polo’s culture, and would not assimilate him into their culture the way that they did. Conversely, Polo encountered many different regions on his travels, giving him an open world view. Had he not, the merchant would have seen the Chinese in a negative, prejudiced light, but the trade routes allowed him to be more liberal. The Mongols appeared as another tolerant empire during the Post-Classical Era. The Mongols were a group of nomads, united by Genghis Khan with a goal of conquest. By 1225, they had united most of central Asia. From the mid 13th century to the mid 14th century, the Mongols experienced a time of prosperity known as the Pax Mongolica. Abu’l Ghazi, a Muslim historian, described this peace as so vast that “a man might have journeyed from the land of sunrise to the land of sunset with a golden platter upon his head without suffering the least violence from anyone” (2). The Mongols, while vicious in conquering, imposed such a concord that from one of the empire to the other without befalling violence, even whilst carrying an item as precious as gold. Through
The Mongols of central Asia marched across much of Eurasia throughout the thirteenth century. They were being able to penetrate damage and possessed an advantage over other tribes by having access to resources along with their settlement in the Silk Road which was effective for expansion. Within Mongol culture, the Black Death, and military methods were transferred from the people. Without the influence of Temujin along the route, the leader of the Genghis Khan, Mongol conquest wouldn’t progress. Marco Polo, a person known for his journeys also played an important role along the way.
In Documents 2 and 4, traveling to unfamiliar areas shows its importance. Although Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo were not traveling for the same
Marco Polo's Travels formulated in Europe of the fourteenth and fifteenth century a new perception of the Eastern world, a world just as advanced and sophisticated as that of the West. Yet, another two centuries were needed for a significant change to take place; this was Christopher Columbus' voyage. For Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo's travelogue was a valuable and solid resource that contained the necessary details of the East. The geographical descriptions in his writing generated a basis for Columbus' scientific calculations for his expedition and the explicit depictions of the luxury of Cipangu and Cathay, flawed though they were, created a strong motivation for Columbus. In the 12th of May 1492, Christopher Columbus, accompanied
Did Marco Polo go to China? Have you ever told a story about yourself and each time you told that story, you might have changed a few details to make you seem like a better person or have you ever told a story and left some parts out of it because you forgot or it was not that interesting or funny to you so you did not want to express it to others.? Then eventually, people start wondering did your story really happen. Well, this is what happen to Marco Polo.
However this is not the case for Polo and he is not even mentioned in any existing records. In addition to Polo, it has been found that no other Italian explorers are revealed in the ancient Chinese archives. This makes people question where Polo might have come up with all of his stories if he had never been to China. It is very possible that some of his stories might have been true, because they were only stories he had adopted and taken from others. Using help from Persian merchants, Polo is believed to have copied their stories from a type of guidebook about China. This method gave him the fame as if he had actually went to
“The Travels of Marco Polo” begins with the journey taken by Marco Polo’s father and his uncle, in which they go to present day china and meet Kublai Khan. The Polo’s family were the first Europeans that Khan got to meet. The Polo’s represent the ideals of Europeans and Khan was very interested about their way of life. He wanted to know everything they knew about European politics, religion, and their justice system, “And then he inquired about the Pope and the Church, and about all that is done at Rome, and all the customs of the Latins” (chapter 4). Kublai Khan willingness to learn about Christianity was interesting. Different countries had their own beliefs. During these time periods, people began to explore the world and enlighten others on how other cultures live. Kahn allowed his people to belief in other religions. Not many leaders will allowed that. This is so different from the romans, who persecuted Christians for their beliefs, fearing something different from them. Kahn probably knew that allowing different religions gave his people more knowledge of other cultures. His society was moving with the times. The country not being under one influence represented how the word is. The world is populated with different types of people and cultures.
Many explores followed in Marco Polo's footsteps.His book inspired many people to explore. When Christopher Columbus set sail, he had a copy of Marco Polo's book with him. He inspired many people to go out and see the world.
Chinese culture has remained a true marvel, and often, a mystery, to the outside world since the beginning of its earliest dynasties. Its value of isolating itself from the rest of the world has defined and concentrated its unique culture, which now shines starkly against the background of the rest of the modern world. In some cases, Chinese society holds tightly onto aspects of its culture even when the rest of the world appears to be “moving on.” This mindset is demonstrated within the ancient Chinese lunar calendar and astrology system. Though slightly modernized to fit within the present day, these systems have rooted themselves deeply into Chinese society from their small-scale beginnings and still manage to influence daily life, regardless
proven if Marco Polo himself ever traveled as far East as China) to travel freely to the Far
Considering the use of emotive language and descriptive scenario’s presented in the dialogue throughout the text, the author is able to impose the element of imagination onto the viewer when stating the differences in both characters denomination and language that forms a barrier, left open to interpretation. Difficulty in verbal communication meant that the two of them had to communicate through symbolic gestures, movements, pictures and objects to correspond with each other. In the beginning of the book, Marco Polo speaks of the cities, of which he visits, in great detail to Khan. The Emperor continues to listen but questions Polo’s ideas and memories when he begins to notice a pattern in his accounts and queries their authenticity. Rather than recalling the intricacies of the architecture or the economy and culture each city upholds, he reminiscences about the behavior of people within the