Martin Luther King jr was born on January 15, 1929. He was an African American who who loved school. He attended Booker T. Washington where he skipped senior year because he was so smart and went to Morehouse College where he graduated with with a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology. Martin Luther King jr is a influential advocate of the civil right movement through his actions including peaceful protest, Boycotts and Speeches to inspire people. Martin King Jr impacted civil rights through peaceful protests. “Dr. King believed that nonviolent protest is the most effective weapon against a racist and unjust society”(Mach).This quote shows that Martin Luther King jr only protested peacefully. He believed that when protesting in violence the message the people are trying to get out is misinterpreted and not looked at successfully. But by peaceful protesting they were able to get out the clear message with no injuries or anyone going to jail. Clearly these protests worked because of the society we live in today is all based around equality. Dr King is one of the most influential person back in his time. He believed in equal rights and he was not …show more content…
Martin Luther King jr participated in montgomery bus boycott. The boycott lasted 381 days and started when Rosa Parks did not give up her seat and was arrested. Dr King was later voted spokesman for there group(Montgomery Bus Boycott). Dr King was inspired when a young African American was forced to give up her seat on a bus to a white person. When she refused she was sent jail. He went out and sat in the front of the bus and when he was asked to move he did not. He was not the only one who participated in this event in fact many people throughout the country when asked to move, did not. This action created a big corruption in their society. This was a small action with some big effects. This was the first step for Dr King to get to equal
Martin Luther king Jr, and his followers stood for non-violent protests, despite being victims of threats. Although King was highly recognized, and praised amongst the black community not all African American’s agreed with his ideology of obtaining their civil rights through peaceful non-violence protest. Therefore other movements were created such as the Black Power Movement which was a group that emphasized that blacks should claim their civil rights through violence. Overall Martin Luther King Jr had an major impact on the civil rights movement, and will always be remembered for his famous impactful “I have a dream speech” which was his vision of black & white people coinciding with one another, and ultimately living in peace together where blacks do not have to worry about being judged by their skin color, but instead their actions. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Dr. King was looking for support from members of society in order to create an effective change in society’s ethics. Moreover, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s large audience and public movement used nonviolent tactics, such as sit-ins, marches, and freedom rides to put the Civil Rights Movement in action. Before directly acting against the law, Dr. King had used other means to try to obtain justice for all; he used the four basic steps of a nonviolent campaign to decide how he would approach this cultural issue of racism: determination of whether injustices exist, negotiation, self-purification, and direct action (King 1). After the first three steps of his nonviolent campaign proved to be ineffective, he decided to seek direct action through a large demonstration of civil disobedience. Dr. King had a tremendous impact on the segregation issue in not just Birmingham, but the entire country, by leading the Civil Rights Movement, which eventually helped influence anti-segregation legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that affected a massive population of the entire country. Although Dr. King’s journey ended in his assassination, his relentless passion for equal rights was empowering to many and helped to create a more just society.
King believed in peaceful protest and said that peace is the only weapon they have. For example it started with his peaceful boycott on all Montgomery public transportation in 1955-1956 .Which proved to be successful considering blacks made up the majority of the transits systems paying customers. This protest paved the way for the Birmingham Campaign in 1963 which was a strategic plan created by Dr. King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference. These throughout protest included boycotting businesses that only hired whites or that had segregated facilities. King proved to others around him that this cause they were fighting for was serious and that he would do whatever it took to achieve equality. Dr. King became known for his concern to make people equal and to ensure that everyone is safe and
Do you know who Martin Luther King Jr was? MLK was an important civil rights activist who made a significant impact on a three hundred eighty-one day bus boycott. This protest was called the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Black citizens refused to ride Montgomery buses because they were segregated and Negroes were treated awfully on them. This boycott all started with a little woman named Rosa Parks. King was the leader of this whole protest.
Back in the days when discrimination was a big part of the nation, there was people who wanted to put a stop. There were civil rights activist, leaders of a movement for equality, such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X believed using violence when necessary and having separate nations would make a stance, while MLK had a theory of non-violence and being truly equal in one nation. MLK's idea on a peaceful,nonviolent nation is why he is a better leader than Malcolm X. MLK
Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the main leaders in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The boycott was started because Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger and got arrested for not getting up. The Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted for 381 days and put many businesses and bus lines under a great burden from the lack of travelers. The bus boycott finally paid off in November of 1956 when the Supreme court ruled that segregated seating on public bus lines was unconstitutional and that African Americans should be able to sit wherever they wish
First and foremost, when Dr. King was a child he had many experiences that helped shape him. When he was six years old he had two friends that were the children of a white storekeeper, that had begin to stop playing with young Martin. That’s when he had been taught about racial discrimination, he knew it was a problem from the start. Then Martin had been chosen to give a speech about the constitution and when he was riding the
The Revolution of Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. forever changed America through his philosophy of nonviolent protest and numerous contributions to the Civil Rights Movement. King achieved great success during the Civil Rights era with the practice of nonviolence. “ Having grown up in Atlanta and witnessed segregation and racism every day, King was “fascinated by the idea of refusing to cooperate with an evil system” (Nonviolent Resistance pg1) . Alongside him, was Malcolm X who had the same goal as Martin Luther, which was to acquire equal rights for African Americans. They differed in methods, King fought and practiced nonviolence while X encouraged African Americans to use violence.
After he was elected the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association, the organization which was responsible for the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott from 1955 to 1956 (381 days). Which led to the Supreme Court ruling that bus segregation is illegal, ensuring victory for the boycott. MLK was arrested numerous times for his participation in civil rights activities. King will go on to form the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with thepurpose to fight segregation and achieve basic civil rights. On May 17, 1957, Dr. King speaks to a crowd of 15,000 in Washington, D.C. In 1958, The U.S. Congress is pressured by the people to passed the first Civil Rights Act since reconstruction. This is a huge success for King and his work as he is able to meet with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and talk about issues and problems affecting black Americans. It's clear King's methods have worked and he hold some degree of power. In the three years time, he was been able to change and influence laws and supreme court rulings. On a speaking tour in Harlem, King was nearly killed when stabbed by an assailant. Yet, this does not stop King from continuing his passion. He decides to take a trip to India to study Mohandas Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence. When he returns to Atlanta, her conducts these new demonstrations of 'love' and non-violent sit-in/ protests. MLK also resigns as pastor from the Dexter Avenue Baptist
Throughout the life of Martin Luther King Jr. he has endured and witnessed many racial issues in the U.S. Growing up as an African American during the time of great racial tension has allowed King to become a strong voice in the civil right movement. King was a Baptist minister and a social activist who had helped lead the civil right movement in the mid 1950’s. As an activist he has become one of the most well known historical features for his well known successes such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and “I Have a Dream Speech” as long as many other feats. King, along with the people of the black community at this time, were able to finally make some kind of impact on the civil rights movement to allow the African Americans living in America to be treated with more respect and be seen as people.
Peace was the way Dr. King protested, and eventually his ideas about freedom got through and gave African-Americans the freedoms they have today. Dr. King’s campaign inspired everyone with peace. By leading peaceful protests, Dr. King rose to the top of the movement for racial equality and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. No matter how many people disagreed with Dr. King and his ideas and practices, he still lead peaceful protests until he was assassinated on April 4, 1968 (Martin Luther King Jr. Biography). One of his strategies for nonviolent protests included boycotting.
His first act that caused him to become known as a key leader in the civil rights movement was the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Since many blacks lived in poverty the majority used the public buses to travel to and from work. The seating on these buses were highly segregated, blacks at the back, whites at the front. Blacks would also have to give up their seat at the request of a white
Although they were continuously brutalized for conducting nonviolent protest, they continued to fight for their rights, peacefully. Martin Luther King Jr. was a firm believer in nonviolent protest and believed that nonviolence means of protesting allowed African Americans to stand taller against their racial counterparts. Dr. King saw nonviolent means of fighting as a way to create a new image for the African American population. Dr. King was confident that civil disobedience was incredibly effective. However, throughout history African Americans image is thought of as to be violent and reluctant to order.
In Montgomery, Rosa Parks was forced to give up her seat on a bus for a white man. This caused chaos in the black community. To deal with the issue, African-Americans decided to boycott the Montgomery bus system. This protest was one of the greatest against segregation and lasted more than a year. People started carpooling and walking to their destinations.
Martin Luther King Jr. was very important during the times where African Americans were not being treated equally and being discriminated. He fought for what was right without using violence. He spread his massages throughout the world. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man, activist decided to set up a boycott. This became known as the Montgomery bus boycott. King was chosen to be the protest’s leader and spokesperson. About a