
How Did Masaccio Contribute To The Crucifixion?

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The Trinity, by Masaccio (1428) renders the crucifixion in a fresco in the Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy. The context of this early Italian Renaissance work demonstrates the innovations that embodied the contemporary concerns and influences of the early fifteenth century and would become an influential reference for generations to come. Masaccio’s amalgamation of religion and science influenced the artistic foundation of the early Italian Renaissance. In the early fifteenth century the papacy was the governing force and was very common to have religious subject matter commissioned. The Trinity’s subject matter is both religious and secular; religious, being a depiction of one of the most sacred biblical scriptures; secular, in which the benefactors of the painting are portrayed as individuals present at the scene of Christ’s crucifixion. The late fourteenth century underwent stylistic reversals after the plague ravaged through Europe. The humanistic style of Giotto had reverted back to a less spatial, more linear style which flattened out two dimensional illustrations. As stated by Kloss: “but it remained for Masaccio, in the wake of the stylistic reversals that we saw in the late 14th …show more content…

He developed a formula for constructing an illustration on a flat two dimensional surface that would give a sense of a third dimension to buildings, figures and objects within the image. The perspective system applied to separate objects within the scene is referred to as foreshortening. The whole picture would be considered first and where objects would be estimated to be in relation to each other; the artist would then chose a vanishing point along what he determined was the horizon line in the picture. As stated by Kloss

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