• How much was Mortenson's failure the result of poor character and how much was the product of other factors? Mortenson’s failure was result of poor character partly. He is just not that saint than we thought. As the case mentioned, he did some good thing like helping the communities to operate a number of schools in Central Asia. But, I think the society overemphasis Mortenson’s action, he did some good things and became popular, he was tempted by the fame, lucrative book contracts and failed to be a real hero. Also, he was not justice, he considered his own needs and interest after he became a hero (double-dipping, 60% funds on promotion of books and administrative expense). Mortenson’s failure is also result of lacking integrity. He is not honest with his readers for lying in the book. The lack of integrity undermines Mortenson’s moral authority quickly. Sad thing is that Mortenson did not have the courage to admit he had a problem and he should change. He just blamed his coauthor of the book after people finding some context did not happen. Thus, I will say 90% of Mortenson’s failure was the result of poor character and 10% of Mortenson’s failure was the product of other factor since Mortenson is the one who made all decisions. • …show more content…
I believed that success poses the greater danger to a leader’s character than failure. Success enable Mortenson to gain fame and money. Mortenson was able to be tempted after having the resource to fail. Thus, success poses danger to his character, and failure teach him the importance of integrity, temperance and reverence. This can be seen as a hardship for Mortenson, he might learn the importance of virtues as a leader and became a better leader in the
In chapter two of Lincoln on Leadership, Lincoln is described in detail for his compassionate and caring nature. He was said to contain this particular nature by the fact that he maintained alliances, took time out of his schedule to stay in contact with his people, and he granted many pardons as a result of his kindness. I find the utilization of compassion and a caring nature provide the
Although Hearn does not entirely refute the commonly view of Lincoln as a brilliant tactician and morally inspired leader, he also provides many examples of Lincoln’s failures. Many of the policies, which McPherson celebrates, Hearn depicts as misguided and desperate.
In order for one to succeed in any situation, business or otherwise, two things are necessary. Both an individual’s personal ability to succeed, as a result of personality, training, willpower and determination, etc., and favorable circumstances or situational
In Abraham Lincoln, by George McGovern, McGovern summarizes and gives insight on one of the United States’ most well-known and highly praised presidents, Abraham Lincoln. McGovern thoroughly outlines Lincoln’s life, his struggles and how he became the great president that he was. One point McGovern continues to mention is how no matter how bad a situation was or even when people doubted Lincoln, he would take his defeats and preserve. In the beginning of the book, McGovern recounts Lincoln’s life as a kid and a young adult. He describes how no matter how bad Lincoln failed or how sad he was, “Lincoln would not resign himself to failure and loss; instead he learned from each experience and carried on” . In addition, McGovern continues to mention how Lincoln never stopped learning. From a young age, Lincoln loved to learn, read and expand his knowledge so he could fully analyze any situation. According to McGovern, this personality trait allowed Lincoln to work and rise up from a farmer’s son to the President of the United States. This trait, also, allowed Lincoln “to take a far more active role in managing military affairs” . Lincoln was able to come up with a new strategy for the Union to win the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln is known to almost everyone. It is recognized that he led the country through one of the hardest times in its history. What many of us do not know or understand are the methods he employed in order to lead us through the Civil War. Phillips became interested in Lincoln’s leadership methods and abilities because he found that these same ideas were still being taught today. He wrote this book because he was unable to find other books detailing Lincoln’s leadership. Because Lincoln’s methods are still applicable in today’s leadership environment, Phillips realized that much could be learned by examining Lincoln’s actions while
In Nicholas Lemann’s story Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War, it shows a theme of leadership through the main character of the story, and Adelbert Ames effectively demonstrates the required traits of a main character and a leader. The book focused on a lot of events that happened in the Reconstruction era. It tells about both the political characteristics and the social characteristics that are unraveled throughout the reformation of the South and giving the African Americans the right to vote along with other political freedoms. Throughout the story, Adelbert Ames successfully demonstrates the qualities of a great protagonist and a leader. Adelbert Ames shows the theme of leadership and how his change in his ambition and morality would make him a better leader in his life.
Secondly, Ralph is a better leader because he perseveres through the hardship. “Great leaders have a
Gish Jen shows that Ralph’s personality of extravagant pride affects his interpersonal relationships and influences him to make reckless decisions, in which these factors lead to his familial and economical decline directly.
The debate over whether human failure is the result of internal flaws is very complex. For example, “Macbeth” written by William Shakespeare shows how ambition can change the way one acts in a situation, also when someone pressures him. Additionally, Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem “Ozymandias” describes how a sculptor made a statue that expresses his feeling of the once called leader Ramses II. Furthermore, “The Story of Daedalus and Icarus” by Ovid states how one’s kind ambition can lead to someone’s bad attitude towards their actions. Ultimately, there are many causes of human failure like one’s ambition or temptation from their surroundings.
Throughout history it becomes apparent that all the great stories: The Odyssey, Great Expectations, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are all founded on a similar theme. The same plot line, a hero, most often the protagonist, faces danger and adversity to the highest extreme but always comes out on top. He is depicted as the pinnacle of human triumph and in essence, demonstrates a fundamental strength that all men should strive to achieve. These stories were, “ full of darkness and danger. And sometimes one did not want to know the end; How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? In the end, it is only a passing thing. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out even clearer. Those
The best approach to succeed is to mortify, rule, and put down others, an approach wonderfully exemplified in Captain Black 's never-ending attempts to inspire individuals to expend themselves with envy or, as he puts it, “eat your
This quote shows how the importance of dictatorial power in a “savage” society. Power is the most important thing when there are no boundaries to society.
Abraham Lincoln further embodies the work of Professor Grint as he illustrates his understanding of the relationship between the increasing uncertainty of a solution to the nations dissimilarities and its requirement of collaborative resolution through his use of nonconventional methods. President Lincoln’s true brilliance in leadership becomes evident in this period as he demonstrates another teaching of Grint’s; Relationships not Structures. Lincoln knew that the core principal in solving the countries problems was simply the power of human relationships. By creating a cabinet full of his closest rivals, President Lincoln displays his emotional intelligence with the quote “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?”. Grint further states that “power is a relationship and change depends on the relationship between leaders and followers… if followers choose not to obey, then the greatest strategy in the world will probably fail.” (Grint 11). These quotes illustrate the social and emotional intelligence that Abraham Lincoln possessed, and depict his unconscious affirmation of the principals taught by Professor Grint. Relationships and the quest for information were the key to success.
Donald T. Phillips’ book, Lincoln on Leadership, explores the life and practices of Abraham Lincoln as the leader of the United States of America. Without question, Lincoln’s legacy lies as one of the greatest leaders in the history of the country. Lincoln’s style of leadership, which facilitated his accomplishment of one of the most complicated tasks in a divided country, have only recently become the foundation for developing concepts of leadership in both private and public organizations. Throughout Lincoln on Leadership, Phillips discusses over one hundred of Lincoln’s principles of leadership and practices, practices which still inspire and motivate persons in all aspects of society.
Macbeth's tragic flaw in character was the paradoxical pairing of his ambition with his passivity. Throughout the play we see many examples of Macbeth's conflict between his ambition to attain the crown and his passive attitude towards the actions that are required to obtain it. Macbeth's ambition is first