
How Did Mortenson's Failure The Result Of Poor Character

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• How much was Mortenson's failure the result of poor character and how much was the product of other factors? Mortenson’s failure was result of poor character partly. He is just not that saint than we thought. As the case mentioned, he did some good thing like helping the communities to operate a number of schools in Central Asia. But, I think the society overemphasis Mortenson’s action, he did some good things and became popular, he was tempted by the fame, lucrative book contracts and failed to be a real hero. Also, he was not justice, he considered his own needs and interest after he became a hero (double-dipping, 60% funds on promotion of books and administrative expense). Mortenson’s failure is also result of lacking integrity. He is not honest with his readers for lying in the book. The lack of integrity undermines Mortenson’s moral authority quickly. Sad thing is that Mortenson did not have the courage to admit he had a problem and he should change. He just blamed his coauthor of the book after people finding some context did not happen. Thus, I will say 90% of Mortenson’s failure was the result of poor character and 10% of Mortenson’s failure was the product of other factor since Mortenson is the one who made all decisions. • …show more content…

I believed that success poses the greater danger to a leader’s character than failure. Success enable Mortenson to gain fame and money. Mortenson was able to be tempted after having the resource to fail. Thus, success poses danger to his character, and failure teach him the importance of integrity, temperance and reverence. This can be seen as a hardship for Mortenson, he might learn the importance of virtues as a leader and became a better leader in the

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