
How Did Napoleon Bonaparte Rise To Power

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When Napoleon came to power he was a magnificent general who had gained fame and notoriety in France similar to what Caesar had achieved prior to his reign. Those with an army can be quite political was the saying to describe this rise to power from military stardom. The Jacobins recognized that Napoleon was was popular with the people and would serve as a great face for their cause. Napoleon, however, was more than just a face. He was military and political genius. He would create the biggest empire since Caesar himself did. Maintaining the power he obtained was no simple task, but he did so very well. There were four pillars of Napoleonic power which he used to maintain control over France and the larger part of Europe for as long as he did. …show more content…

Along with invading other countries and areas to expand France’s borders, Napoleon needed to enforce his laws and control his empire through a visible authority, people won’t follow anything, any sort of image or idea without feeling its presence. The army provided such a presence and people often respect those who defend them. Since Napoleon was a general he already had control over the army and could do whatever he wanted with it. By brute force alone he could command people to do his bidding. The second pillar was “The Notables”. The Notables were Napoleon’s elected elite. Nobles and Lords from the previous government had no loyalty to Napoleon, he needed to put people in power that he could trust. Heneededo give people power so that they knew they got their status from him. It was Napoleon who made their lives better and gave them their status and he could take it away. This made people loyal to him and the goals he wanted to achieve. Without a true bureaucracy France would have become centralized with factions loyal to people other than

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