
How Did Ovid Wrote The Art Of Love

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The Art of Love is written by Ovid. Ovid is a great poet of his time in ancient Rome. He has also written Metamorphoses, his most famous book series. In the time period when Ovid was alive, Augustus Caesar came into power. Augustus did not want Ovid to write and published his poem The Art of Love because he wanted to make Rome a republic. Augustus exile Ovid and later on, he exile his daughter Julia. The most important is that before the time of Augustus there was no criminal law about adultery; and that Roman law from its earliest times was a custom of a very public community, where everyone knew everyone else’s character and social standing, according to the author Richlin in 1981. Before the time that Augustus came into power adultery was not a crime at the time. Augustus …show more content…

The poem The Art of Love is to guide how men should seduce women and how to be adulterers. The poem was intended to be for men. Augustus did not like the fact that Ovid published the book. “Now I’ll teach you how to captivate and hold the woman of your choice,” this from Ovid, The Art of love. Ovid is telling men to listen to what he is writing because he feels like what he is writing will help men get a lady. According to the website PBS, the popularity of his carefree attitude to sex and adultery challenged the moral conservatism of the Emperor Augustus. this quote shows that Augustus wanted his Rome to be more conservative. He did not want the people of Rome to read Ovid poem and to think that adultery is acceptable. Ovid was exiled to the black

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