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The Amazing Discovery of Penicillin and Antibiotics!
Antibiotics have been around for years, but at the same time only for a short period, as in
about 80 years ago
Therefore penicillin and antibiotics are one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century
Seeing as how Penicillin is one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, it is now
commonly used to cure “common” or “simple” infections, Alexander Fleming was the one to
discover Penicillin and its uses, and Penicillin was actually discovered by accident.
I’ve used a variety of sources to learn and study about one
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This all leads up to how antibiotics changed the world, even something as simple as a
“common cold”.
A Common Cold
created future antibiotics- This leads into how bacteria was now able to be killed. But
with Penicillin as the first antibiotic it made room for more studies and the ability to make more
cures for infections or diseases
In the year of 1928, the famous accidental experiment was made. Mr. Fleming had found a liter
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dish from an earlier experiment thought it was garbage, more closely observed it and found that
one of the molds was actually killing the bacteria. He could tell because their nothing growing
around it like the rest of the dish. This was essential because by presenting his findings, when it
was later recognized as “important” or “useful”, doctors had found a way to help kill bacteria.
Which was also a big part of World War Two and the amount of soldiers that had lasted because
they didn't die due to open wounds.
Penicillin was a big part of medicine. It also changed how it was practiced. 80 years ago we had
no antibiotics. So if you're exposed to a virus, infection, etc. you just ended up dying. So when
doctors and nurses found a more efficient way to “cure” their patients they started to
The wonderful discovery of Penicillin, a medicine that was discovered in 1928. This medicine was used to cure bacteria in humans. Penicillin had good results not only in the 1928, as it also still is very successful today. Penicillin had a big impact, it cured many people in the U.S. during World War II. penicillin,leads to the development of others antibiotics.
Why was the invention of penicillin so important in the context of WWII? What were some other advances in medicine that were
Penicillin is an antibiotic that is used to treat infections caused by Bacteria. One may think that Penicillin has been around for a long time however, it was
The researchers worked on the purification and chemistry of penicillin, that began intensely in 1939. To carry out a program of
Penicillin is a type of antibiotics. It fights nasty bacteria in a human body. Penicillin is used to help many different infections caused by bacteria. Penicillin was made for the soldiers in world war one, it was to help bullet wound infections and infections caused by lost limbs. Penicillin is made from extracting it from mould.
World War II was a historical turning point not only for the basis of political power and war tactics, but also for drugs and medical advances. Between 1939 and 1945, new medical techniques were developed as a direct response to new weaponry. One of the more profound advances was penicillin, discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Sir Alexander Fleming. During the war, the drug helped reduce the overall number of amputations and
In this reading there was many very interesting facts about penicillin. Penicillin was a breakthrough in the medical field in the 20th century. The scientist Alexander Fleming had accidentally spilled a vile of bacteria on to a plate of bacteria to his benefit he found that is had stopped the growth of bacteria. This accidental discover has benefited everyone in the world because we have to get these shots if we are infected, plus it saved many life’s in world war II. However, Penicillin is considered an antibiotic chemical that is created by living organism to stop the growth of bacteria and prevent an illness if people were to come into contact with this problem. Since the discovery and massive stock piling of this cure it has become less
The development of penicillin provided a major stepping stone for the practice of medicine, and has saved the lives of countless individuals since its synthesis.
Since the introduction of penicillin to the public in 1942, antibiotics have gained widespread use throughout the world. The drug has allowed society to make advancements in medicine, increase an individual’s personal well-being, extend life expectancies, and stop and prevent infections. Antibiotics are one of the largest backbones to maintaining personal health in society today, yet there may be a day when we are no longer able to depend on antibiotics to fight infections. In the essay “Imagining the post antibiotic future”, Maryn McKenna establishes the importance of antibiotics to juxtapose how devastating life would be without them.
In 1928, Alexander Fleming returned from holiday to find that the petri dishes full of bacteria that he had left unattended had grown significantly, except for a region directly around a mold colony on one of the petri dishes. He inferred that this may have had something to do with a substance secreted by the mold. It turns out he was correct, and had inadvertently discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic. However, he did not fully realize its potential to be used to treat disease, and was mainly concerned with its ability to kill some bacteria, while leaving resistant strains alive, essentially helping to isolate single strains of bacteria, especially interesting to him, as a bacteriologist.
Medicine has been around for a time way before ours. The way it has changed over the past 100 years is insane! A lot of people talk about how certain medication has completely changed their life in a better way. For instance, ADHD medicine is a big part for some people. My younger cousin would not be able to sit in a classroom for 8 hours if he didn’t have that ADHD medication. The surgeries from the 1900’s to today's time have advanced a lot. There was no such thing as a simple procedure back then as there are thousands of simple procedures that are being done today. Without technology we wouldn’t be able to perform CT scans, which plays a big part in saving people's lives. Back in the early 1900’s brain scans would’ve saved millions of lives.
The discovery of penicillin was one of the most important discoveries in the 1900s and marks a turning point in human history. Penicillin was one of the world’s first antibiotics which eventually evolved into modern antibiotics that are used today; it has often been described as a miracle drug. The discovery of penicillin meant that doctors finally could completely cure their patients of deadly diseases. After World War I, many soldiers died from infected wounds because the antiseptics used, killed the patients’ immunological defences more than they killed the invading bacteria. Penicillin kills bacteria by destroying the cell wall of the microorganism causing the cell to burst; it was very effective in clearing bacteria without harming the
Fleming in 1928. Penicillin helped to treat some common infections: step throat, boils, it would heal wounds quicker, as well as treat more serious infections such as meningitis and pneumonia. Antibiotics usually kill only weak bacteria and after some years of antibiotic usage stronger bacteria have not only survived but also became resistant to the old cure. “Doctors have started to prescribe antibiotics to cure conditions such as ear infections, sinusitis, bronchitis, non-specific upper respiratory tract infections and even common colds and flu… According to the Director of Antimicrobial Resistance, Dr. Richard Besser, each year US physicians write $50 million worth of prescriptions that are ineffectual and unnecessary.” (Elisa Bussey). The more doctors were prescribing antibiotics, the bigger the number of people who become resistant to them. Most of the European countries prescribe antibiotics to kill bacteria only in cases of life threatening conditions. Patients in the US have become accustomed to receiving antibiotics for almost any health concerns and with time, patients have started to expect such prescriptions as a norm.
Penicillin has helped save many lives throughout the years. It has cured things like strep throat, which many people have had in their lives, syphilis, and gonorrhea. It also sparked a new wave of
The aim of the discovery of penicillin was to find a drug used to treat bacterial infections.