
How Did Penicillin Changed The World

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Acacia Dairsow Page one
The Amazing Discovery of Penicillin and Antibiotics!

Antibiotics have been around for years, but at the same time only for a short period, as in

about 80 years ago

Therefore penicillin and antibiotics are one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century

Seeing as how Penicillin is one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, it is now

commonly used to cure “common” or “simple” infections, Alexander Fleming was the one to

discover Penicillin and its uses, and Penicillin was actually discovered by accident.

I’ve used a variety of sources to learn and study about one …show more content…

This all leads up to how antibiotics changed the world, even something as simple as a

“common cold”.

A Common Cold

created future antibiotics- This leads into how bacteria was now able to be killed. But

with Penicillin as the first antibiotic it made room for more studies and the ability to make more

cures for infections or diseases

In the year of 1928, the famous accidental experiment was made. Mr. Fleming had found a liter
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dish from an earlier experiment thought it was garbage, more closely observed it and found that

one of the molds was actually killing the bacteria. He could tell because their nothing growing

around it like the rest of the dish. This was essential because by presenting his findings, when it

was later recognized as “important” or “useful”, doctors had found a way to help kill bacteria.

Which was also a big part of World War Two and the amount of soldiers that had lasted because

they didn't die due to open wounds.

Penicillin was a big part of medicine. It also changed how it was practiced. 80 years ago we had

no antibiotics. So if you're exposed to a virus, infection, etc. you just ended up dying. So when

doctors and nurses found a more efficient way to “cure” their patients they started to

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