
How Did Quicksilver Come

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“You didn’t see that coming? (“Avengers”)” This is the line of Quicksilver, a character who has a supernatural power to run incredibly quick, from the movie (-- removed HTML --) . In the movie, Quicksilver hits another character, Hawkeye, so fast that Hawkeye did not even see who was hitting him, and then walks over him in a leisurely way. People know that they are watching a movie and the movements of Quicksilver is shown in slow motion, so they are not that surprised at this scene. However in Hawkeye’s situation, he does not know where Quicksilver is and when he might run into him. In (-- removed HTML --) , Shirley Jackson also asks if readers ‘did not see it coming’. How, and why does the story’s ending evokes shock and horror to the readers? To begin with, the story’s structure takes part in explaining its reason: peaceful start, dreadful ending. The story’s start could not be calmer, depicting a flawless summer day. In this perfect day, the villagers assemble altogether in the village square, then starts the village …show more content…

Regardless of how old the tradition is, or what the lottery means to the villagers, it is not an easy thing to stone another villager without any reason. It is even harder to stone one’s family member without any reason, too. If there is a reasonable justification, for example, if that family member has done something so cruel, stoning him or her is acceptable. Owing to the psychological fact that fictional nature of horror films (or stories) affords viewers a sense of control by placing psychological distance between them and the violent acts they have witnessed, people can put up with reasonable situations (McCauley). While it is clear that there are no purpose to stone Tessie Hutchinson in (-- removed HTML --) , as her only fault is that she picked a wrong piece of paper, the villagers and her family members stone her without any argument. The only one who argues for her is Tessie

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