Many Africans had a lot of problem s back in the day they could not do nothing or be free if you would want to know more about them well keep reading. The reason why reconstruction was led was because of slavery and because the civil war. Reconstruction impacted the white and especially the African americans. The successes and failures of reconstruction impacted the lives of the African Americans in both positive and negative. Socially negative because they were getting abused from white people. However african americans had a positive political because they have been giving many supplies and rights. Alothigh that the reconstruction impact the africans economically negative because they couldn't get no jobs. Reconstruction impacted the lives …show more content…
There were many source that I could of used but there was 2 good ones one of them was called people’s reconstruction and the title was people and politics after the civil war. The main reason why I chose this source was because many african did not have every they need so most of them created the on thing like churches and the evidence that I have found that can support this reasoning is “ A place of work shop, the church also housed schools, social events, and political gathering and sponsored benevolent and fraternal societies.” This can show what they created because they did not have nothing when the africans were free. The other source that was very good and interesting was called Freedmen’s Bureau Bill and the title of the source was called The Bureau Bill and it was written in March 3 ,1865. The reason why I put this was because freedmen would get a lot of stuff in return. The type of stuff that the freedmen have received was land, clothing and the things that they need to survive. The quote that i have found that can support my explanation is “ That he secretary of war may direct such issues of provisions, clothing and fuel. This is what african american should've behaved but the white kept them as
African Americans were not able to do much during the time of reconstruction. In fact, the Black Codes were assembled which were a set of laws that restricted the rights of African Americans. During this time period slavery had just ended but the rights for the blacks were still seldom. In Opelousas, Louisiana african americans were not able to carry any weapons nor rent or keep a house in town (Document 4), This really made the rights of african americans very limited as
Bringing the Southern states came with many unfortunate problems that gave African Americans such a hard time mainly in the South, but partially in the North also! Some of the issues like Jim Crow laws and Black Codes greatly impacted African Americans because they wanted rights that had continuously been denied to them, they eventually got them in the 13-15th Amendments, but those Jim Crow laws and Black Codes restricted those rights—this unfortunate time of Reconstruction lasted from 1865 to 1877. Although the period stopped, the issues
The African Americans did receive or gain power in the era of reconstruction. There are many ways to described or to tell about how they gained power in the era of reconstruction.
During the Reconstruction Era, African Americans got more opportunities which led to their growth. Some of these opportunities were education and many different work choices that wouldn't have happened without Reconstruction. In the history alive article it explained how after the Civil War, people built schools and colleges for black children across the south increasing their education greatly. Also, the reading ability rate of African-Americans went from 5% during slavery to more than 50% after slavery. Because of their ability to go to school, African Americans learned how to read and other educational experiences which made them have the same rights as white people providing for growth. After the Civil War, between 1865 to 1903 22,000 more black people than before owned business’. This led to success of African Americans in financial ways gaining more money. After reconstruction a lot of African-Americans started their own business leading to the success rates of African Americans going up greatly. Furthermore, 1/5 of the new office holders in the south were actually African Americans after reconstruction and they were all smart they were all smart, hard-working, focused, and ambitious. This was huge for the black community because they had never had black government politicians before. This made it so the government in the south was less white supremacy and more equality, bringing in new opinions from African American
Socially African Americans were taken advantage of by the whites, politically they implemented laws that controlled and limited african americans rights and economically, sharecropping
African Americans were free during the Reconstruction time. During the Reconstruction time from 1865 to 1877, When the nation tried to build itself after the Civil War, Congress passed three Amendments called the Reconstruction Documents.Which were the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments passed to the US Constitution. These documents were created to give fair and equal rights to all races, ethnicities, man, and woman. In the 13th Amendment it states, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction” (para. 1). Furthermore Amendment 14 states,
“During reconstruction, some 2000 African American held public office, from the local level all the way up to the US. Senate, though, they never achieved representation in government proportionate to their numbers.” The term Reconstruction Era or Radical Reconstruction in the context of the history of the United States, has two senses: the first covers the complete history of the entire country from 1861 to 1877 following the Civil War (1861-1865); the second sense focuses on the attempted transformation of the Southern United States from 1863 to 1877. Also, the period from the end of World War II until the late 1960s is often referred as the Second Reconstruction. One of the most important aspects of the Reconstruction 1861-1877 and second reconstruction 1945-1968, was the active participation of African American community in the political, economic and social life of the South.
African Americans during the Civil War to the end of Reconstruction experienced two fundamental developments that attributed to a continuity and change within the country and those were the constitutional and social developments. There was only one major constitutional continuity, but many great constitutional changes. On the other hand, social continuity was scarce in the African American society while there was only one important social change. After the Civil War, life for the African American changed drastically constitutionally, but socially however, life was no different and even in some ways harder socially. The main constitutional continuity was the Civil Rights Bill which helped fuel in a great extent the continued hate from Southerners
The Reconstruction era was put into effect by Congress in 1866 and lasted until 1877. Reconstruction was aimed at reorganizing the Southern states after the Civil War. The reconstruction plan granted the means for readmitting the southern states into the Union, and tried to come up with the methods by which whites and blacks could live together in a non-slave society. America's position as a country was established on principles of freedom but those beliefs were weakened by slavery. At the end of the Civil War, many blacks felt that they were entitled to start collecting the benefits that had been denied for so many years. Being able to vote, own land and have a voice in political affairs were all goals that they believed were reachable.
Reconstruction did not help African Americans move closer to the American Dream. Even though there were positives, there were also negatives. Due to Reconstruction, hate groups started, there was not any safety for African Americans, and the Black Codes or Jim Crow laws. One of the most infamous hate groups to rise was the Klu Klux Klan. KKK for short. African Americans were terrorized by this group. They are responsible for many hangings, burnings, and other horrors that were inflicted upon African Americans. Also, there was not any safety from the groups. It was not like being in the center of a city was going to help. There are unfortunately many pictures of African Americans being hanged in very populated areas. Also, there was the rise of Black Codes(Jim Crow laws). It is like how the saying goes, out of the frying pan and into the fire. Some of the codes, but not limited to, was the Grandfather clause, which basically said that if your grandfather could not vote, you cannot vote. There were also many other ways that African Americans were restricted from voting. There was poll tax, and unfair evaluations of voting tests. This also included segregation of schools (separate but equal). There was even a law forbidding a white person from marrying a black person. However, even though all of these horrific things came because the end of slavery,
During reconstruction the United States was divided on social issues, presidential campaigns were won and loss on these issues during this period. The struggle for development of African Americans and how they initiated change in political, economic, educational, and social conditions to shape their future and that of the United States. (Dixon, 2000) The South’s attempts to recover from the Civil war included determining what to do with newly freed slaves and finding labor to replace them. The task of elevating the Negro from slave to citizen was the most enormous one which had ever confronted the country. Local governments implemented mechanisms of discrimination to combat citizenship
During The Reconstruction era, African Americans faced many obstacles on their way to success. Reconstruction of the United States refers to the remodeling that took place after the civil war. The country was injured in all areas. Its society, economy and physical structure had been In January of 1863; President Abraham Lincoln lifted the chains off thousands of African Americans’ shoulders by releasing the Emancipation Proclamation. Unfortunately, this relief was short-winded. The Emancipation Proclamation stated that all people who were deemed as slaves, were to be set free from slavery and guaranteed to no return to it. At first glance, this new legislative act appeared to provide endless opportunities for newly freed African Americans. Instead, life after the passing of the Emancipation Proclamation conceived more problems for African Americans than those they possessed during the bondage of slavery. After the Emancipation Proclamation was passed, African Americans faced various issues including a lack of opportunities, an unfair starting point and continuous discrimination.
The main complaints against the Presidential Reconstruction were the Radical Republicans of Congress. New political forces in the South gave way for new changes. During reconstruction, African Americans made huge political gains. They voted in large numbers and were also elected to political office. African Americans were elected as sheriffs, mayors, legislators, Congressmen, and Senators. Even thought their participation was significant, it was exaggerated by white southerners angry at the Black Republicans governments.
History helps shape the future and what we can learn from it to make sure that we do not repeat the same mistakes. During Reconstruction, the country was trying to make amends after the war was over. The country needed to find a way to mend a broken nation because it was divided. The main issue during reconstruction was the status of African Americans because they wanted their civil rights, but could not get that. The question that needs to be answered is: who did the most to aid the cause of African American during Reconstruction, and why? Many organizations and people helped African Americans, but the Freedman’s Bureau did the most.
American Reconstruction began in 1865 at the end of the civil war. The period's main focus was to rebuild the country after war by enacting and changing many key pieces of legislature in the American government. One divisive factor that needed to be addressed was how much representation African Americans deserved in America. During the reconstruction period, African American rights were extended through various new amendments and working opportunities, however, these rights did not last long as they were undermined by black codes and sharecropping.