
How Did Religion Change Throughout The Middle Ages

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During times of chaos and unrest, people need rules, guidelines and a sense of belonging to provide order and stability. Throughout the Middle Ages, there were many wars and conflict happening. People were lost, lacked leadership and were in dire need of some commonality to unite and bring them together. Religion took power when the government didn't in Europe. According to the 9th grade curriculum, religion, as seen through the monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, has unified society by providing stability and order.

The first monotheistic religion to evolve was Judaism, this faith provided stability and order, they had very strict guideline and traditions that all jewish people had to follow. Throughout this time period that had many new inventions and ideas Judaism created an official language, Hebrew. Judaism was the first religion to have an official language witch made things easier for the people to understand. According to Ancient hebrew, “During the construction of the Tower, God confused the language of man and scattered the nations’. With one language it made religion more straightforward and easier to comprehend, …show more content…

Sacraments provide a connection among followers as all Christians are expected to accomplish these goals in order to meet a expectation of a good Christian. Sacraments and other holy rituals bond people together as they take steps to renew their faith on a weekly basis. According to Holy Family, “The sacraments bring the individual and the Christian community together before the Lord in the rites of initiation.” Without having sacraments people wouldn't have a common goal that creates a sense of belonging. This connection not only reunites people but it gives all Christians a similarity they all share. Sacraments unite people by giving the followers something in common, in order to have a stronger connection and

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