
How Did Robert Johnson's Songs Influence The Creation Of Rock And Roll?

Decent Essays

It is amazing what one person claims he would do in order to be famous and talented. Fame can push a man to make a deal with the devil especially if the man does not have talent. In 1936, a man by the name of Robert Johnson wrote the song “Crossroad Blues”. Many believe this is one of many songs that influenced the creation of rock and roll. Robert did not really receive the recognition for his music until after his death (A&E Television Network). The song actually was revised by Elmore James in 1954, then Eric Clapton popularized the song again in the late 1960s..There are many different views on what the song is about, but I believe the song is about the crossroads and a deal Robert Johnson made. My reasoning behind why I believe this is because of the lyrics. Robert Johnson was born in Mississippi and got married at the age of sixteen to Virginia Travis. She died shortly …show more content…

He has decided to give up because darkness has arrived (Rissetto). In the last line of the third verse he says he doesn't have a woman with the words, “boy, dark gon' catch me here, I haven't got no lovin' sweet woman that love and feel my care...”Usually when darkness falls he can be protected within the circle of a woman's arms. This night, however, he is alone and unprotected (Danforth). He does not have a woman to love and care for him as he did before. This could also be a reference to his dead wife. Therefore, one can infer that something evil is going to get him because he does not have the love of a woman to protect him from making a deal with the

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