The tragic story of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare is a very famous piece of writing that usually gives off the wrong impression to many people. Many seem to believe that destiny had a big role in Romeo and Juliet’s love story, but what happened to them was the result of their own foolish decisions. Romeo and Juliet were naïve, they didn’t think about the decisions they were making and were too rash. They had made multiple bad decisions throughout the entire story. Even though William Shakespeare wrote this writing to make it seem as if Romeo and Juliet were destined to be together and die to stay with each other forever that is not how destiny should work.
Romeo and Juliet were very young. They had no experience with falling
In William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet, we meet the characters and how their actions led to a tragedy. Romeo and Juliet met, end up falling in love, and – since both cannot dream of living without the other – take their lives. While the play ends in a tragic death for both characters, it was their own reckless decisions; though others might believe that it was destiny that played a large role in the lovers’ downfall. However, the majority of the text evidence points to them making their own choices leading to their demise.
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. Both Romeo and Juliet are young and sprightly teenagers, Romeo being 15-16 and Juliet with the age of 13. They are teens that make impulsive decisions without thinking about the consequences. David Dobbs the author of the article “Beautiful Brains” explains why teenagers act the way they do throughout scientific research and studies. This article helps to understand Romeos and Juliets actions which led to their deaths.
A rash decision is defined as making decisions without taking any consideration of consequences. Romeo and Juliet is a play/novel written by William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a great illustration of how rash decisions can collapse you and everyone involved. Rash Decisions can lead to undesirable consequences, impact on family and cause serious injuries or death. Making quick decisions without understanding the consequences can point you in an awry direction, and Romeo and Juliet is a great symbol of decisions making.
Colin Kenny English 1-2 Honors Mrs. Mims Date. Romeo and Juliet Logic v. Emotion When it comes to emotions, deciding if it is rational to incorporate them is important, but what happens if you don’t think of the consequences? Though, going off of rational thought is normally a better way to make sure decisions come out as positive, trusting intuition in key moments can save more than any rational thought ever could. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, many characters' actions are influenced by their emotions, in which some use rational thought to make it through their lives, while others live off of their emotions. Throughout the play Romeo and Juliet go through most actions based on their emotions, this can have positive consequences but as the play progresses
The central idea of the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is that the consequences that come from making rash, impulsive decisions will eventually lead to more harm than benefit. Throughout the book Romeo and Juliet, many characters face harsh repercussions from their thoughtless actions. For the duration of the play, Romeo is making impulsive decisions, from marrying Juliet to killing Tybalt and eventually killing himself. Had Romeo fully thought out his choices, many lives would have been saved, including those of his beloved Juliet and his own mother. Although a majority of the issues that arose due to their decisions were based on a feud between the families, it still goes to show that even if their behaviors were not directly
Romeo and Juliet killed themselves, but how did it happen? Was it destiny or their own actions? A lot of it was them trying to hide, but Romeo got in trouble, so it was by their own individual choice that they died. Romeo had made some wrong decisions. First one was going too quickly with Juliet as he met her on Sunday and is marrying her on Monday as Juliet said “of love be honorable thy purpose marriage” and Romeo replied “by the hour of nine”(Shakespeare page 40-42) this evidence explains that they married one day after as they are speaking at night on the day before.
We all undoubtedly make some of the dumbest decisions ever, that seem great at first, but they don’t always end up being that way. Sometimes these dumb decisions come on our own, but there’s always that “Bonnie and Clyde” thing where you have someone helping you like a partner in crime, yeah we all have that person. In the case of “The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet” ( the name says it all), that partner in crime for Juliet’s dumb decisions is Friar Lawrence. The Friar helped marry Romeo and Juliet, whose families have been enemies since forever, and he also gave Juliet a potion to help make her fake her death, and he knew that the potion might kill her, but still gave it her anyways.
Romeo and Juliet definitely believed that they were ready for much more than they were capable of handling. Now knowing when teen’s minds actually are developed we can see why Juliet made so many poor mistakes. One example of a poor choice by Juliet was actually agreeing to go along with the plan that Friar Lawrence concocted. ( Act 4. Scene 3. Line 58.) Another piece of evidence of being blind to love is when she falls for a young man, Romeo, that she has known for like a short amount of time. ( Act 1. Scene 5. Line 108.) The fact that Romeo’s brain was underdeveloped could show us why he was drawn to such a younger girl. Juliet’s mother tells us that she is only 13 when they were discussing the idea of marriage.(Act 1.Scene 3. line 13.) Juliet’s poor choices and the under developement of the teen brain shows the reader why teen love is futile and
In William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet, the two young characters meet, fall in love, get married within a day, and take their own lives. While the story of Romeo and Juliet is tragic, destiny did not kill Romeo and Juliet, their own childish decisions did. The first childish decision Romeo and Juliet made was getting married when they only knew each other for one day. Romeo decides to go to the Capulet’s party, a party he was not invited to.
Everyone one knows the beautiful tragedy that is Romeo and Juliet. But who is responsible for that tragic undoing, their own poor decisions or Fate? Romeo and Juliet’s poor decision making skills are the reason they had their misfortune and “Fate” had nothing to do with it. Fate is just an innocent bystander because 1) Romeo made the decision to kill Tybalt, 2) They chose to get married after 2 days, and finally 3)
Bad Decisions in Romeo and Juliet Many people have made a bad decision at least at one point in their lives, especially teenagers who are old enough to make their own choices; this is a common occurrence in modern society. For example, if you were deciding to be in a vehicle driven by a close friend who is intoxicated, the adult in this situation would make a rational decision to be opposed to drunk driving. But teenagers have immature frontal lobes and aren't able to rationalize, so their emotions push away their capability of making smart choices because of them being your friends. While it is true that teenagers may struggle with rational decision-making due to their immature frontal lobes, it is important to note that individuals of all
William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet have been around for almost 400 years. The tragic love story has brought people wondering if the terrible outcome came from their own decisions or if it was written in the stars. Consequently, destiny was not the reason, personal choice was the obvious reason. Romeo and Juliet’s personal decisions caused them a terrible ending.
Love is an overpowering force that dominates and influences the thoughts and actions of many individuals. Some make good decisions, while others make poor decisions due to love. These choices are made because of several types of love: romantic love, platonic love, and familial love. William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet showcases all the categories of love. In the play, many characters make hasty decisions as they are caught in the storm of Romeo and Juliet’s love lives.
The fate of the two star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, was doomed from the start of the play. Their families have been feuding for ages, and many characters in the play partake in the conclusion of the story. Shakespeare does a great job of enabling sequenced events throughout the play to make the story come full circle. The play starts off with the mentioning of how fate is used within the story. “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life” (Shakespeare Prologue.6).
Romeo and Juliet, the tragic love story that influences many authors still to this day but is there more than meets the eye, when it comes to these two unlucky teens, more than two lovesick teens but instead fate. Something that could not be stopped, something that was made to happen, that will affect everyone that was involved. By looking at Romeo and Juliet not as a cautionary tale, but a play that explores the other possibilities in the world, the unknown, especially the forces we can’t explain. Therefore leading the problematic theme of Romeo and Juliet, fate. Destiny is something that has to happen, something that will happen.