
How Did Sam Houston Show Courage

Decent Essays

Sam Houston, a man with many ups and downs in his life. Sam Houston was born in Virginia in 1793. He moved with his mother and eight brothers and sisters to Tennessee. Not being much help at home he, went to live with the Cherokee Indians at age 16. He got named Colonneh meaning “raven”. In 1812 Houston joined the army when the US went to war against England. Although he was hurt, he kept fighting which caught the attention of his commander Andrew Jackson. After his military service he studied law. He got elected to the US house of representatives and became the governor of Tennessee in 1827. When everyone thought Houston's future seemed bright his life turned upside down. His marriage failed and his wife left him. A turning point came when …show more content…

During the decisions he made during the Alamo he showed intelligence, good judgement, and concern for others. Houston showed intelligence and good judgement because his prediction was that Mexico would win the Battle over the Alamo and they did. He showed concern for others because knew that many peoples lives were going to be lost.

Sam Houston made heroic decisions regarding Indian Policies. During the decisions he made during the Indian Policies he showed courage, concern for others, and loyalty. Houston showed courage because he stood up for the Indians and knew how hard it would be to relocated to a different place. He showed concern for others because he didn’t want anybody to get killed. Lastly, he showed loyalty because he respected the property of the Indians and the Indians.

Sam Houston made heroic decisions regarding The Kansas Nebraska Act. During the decisions he made during the The Kansas Nebraska Act he showed courage, intelligence, good judgement, and concern for others. Houston showed courage because he voted against the act. Houston showed intelligence and good judgement because he predicted the if Texas join the Confederacy then The North and South would go into war and the North would win. He showed concern for others because he didn’t want anybody to get

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