
How Did Shakespeare Use Disease During The Elizabethan Era

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Most of us know that getting sick isn’t fun. Luckily for us we knew the problem and a cure from it. Unfortunately during the Elizabethan era there was a lack in knowledge of diseases and their cures. Even though there were many physicians, only a handful of people had a good understanding of death, diseases, and cures. An example would be William Shakespeare. Compared to today many people lacked understanding of disease during the Elizabethan era. However, Shakespeare showed that he understood these things by hinting accurate descriptions in his plays.
Prior to Shakespeare day, in 1518 the first College of Physicians located in London was established. With a high cost to attend, and limiting it to only men, very few doctors had attended a medical school such as this one. Other doctors had gained their status after years of being an assistant. These doctors, also known as physicians (see Appendix A), treated many disease and injuries one had, but not for a cheap price. Thus these physicians were reserved for the wealthy, resulting in some physicians to give false information just for money. …show more content…

Other positions of people that helped with treatment were surgeons, barbers, apothecaries, the church, housewives, and “wise women” are all alternative examples for a doctor. Surgeons and barbers were both similar and could do very little. Surgeons did their work based of the physician instructions, while barbers could only let blood and pull teeth. Apothecaries were just like modern day pharmacist, selling things from sweets, herbs, and medicines. The church had a small role in providing comfort to people. The housewives was an average housewife with basic knowledge on herbs and treatment on minor things. And lastly, “wise women” were known as a witches who the poor contacted

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