
How Did Shintoism Change Throughout Time

Decent Essays

This assignment inquires into four published articles that proclaim on results from inquest conducted on what the Shinto religion is, their past beliefs with how that has affected their new beliefs and their old and new rituals. The articles, however, fluctuate in their definitions of when Shintoism started being recorded. Kevin Ratay (2002) suggest that Shintoism has played a large role in the lives of the Japanese people, ever since the Jomon period in 200 B.C. Other articles define the starting record of when Shintoism begun differently and, therefore, offer different results. This paper examines different researches on how Shintoism has changed throughout time in relation to three other research articles to suggest that Shintoism hasn’t changed as much as we think.
Keywords: Change throughout time, Shintoism, World Religion

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Shinto is one of the prime religions side-by-side Christianity and Buddhism. People who have a lot of knowledge in Japanese culture are conscious of this, but how many people realize how much Shintoism has changed and evolved throughout time. In this research paper, I will reveal a bit more on what the Shinto religion is, their past beliefs with how that has affected their new beliefs and their old and new rituals. What are some things you should know about the Shinto religion? Well, Shinto means the way of the gods. Shintoism is a very old religion from Japan. It started around 1000 B.C.E. but many sources explain that we don’t know when Shintoism started to get recorded. Shinto is still a religion that at least five million people still practice. The followers of Shintoism believe that spiritual powers are in the natural world. They believe that "spirits" called kami live in natural

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