Slavery became associated with people from Africa because Europeans could obtain skilled slaves from an already established system to increase their profits. Europeans began to create agriculture plantations and had gold mines. They needed people who could work these highly important possessions.
Europeans had a high demand in products that would give them a lot of money such as sugar and cotton among other crops. The labor of the plantations and the mines was a heavy job so Europeans needed people that were strong laborers. The natives were not as strong as the Africans because they were susceptible to diseases and during the 16th century a law was implemented to band their enslavement. West and West central Africa was already involved in slave trading so they supplied the Europeans with the African slaves. Europeans considered the enslaved Africans to be inexpensive since some of the African traders preferred to be given gold, cloth, liquor or weapons. Africans tended to live longer because they were already introduced to the lifestyle before.
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Once they had the slaves they would take them to the coast and sell them. It would take them several weeks to get to the coast by walking with chains. From the 15th- 19th century, Europeans approximately obtained an estimate of 11 million slaves from West Africa. The Spaniards and Portuguese were the Europeans that most acquired slaves. Slave labor was very important for the development of the plantations and mining in the New World. The development of these were very important to the economy of the Europeans. Women African slaves were more commonly used for sexual purposes, housekeepers and cooks. They were beat up, raped, killed, etc. Europeans also bought children to work or for sexual
It was only a little later when people became more and more interested in Africa. Originally, Africa and Europe had no interests in each other until Europe saw opportunity in Africa. The upper class in Africa wanted to help themselves out so they were open to trade within their nation. Africa was seen as the most important region for a source of slaves because they were gullible and could do nothing about it. Africans were seen as workers because they “were better and more reliable workers”(Doc 6).
The white men needed the Africans to be used as slaves to help their economy grow and to do the hard work for them. As a result of this white men would become wealthy from kidnapping Africans from their homeland and selling them to other slave owners. Most of these Africans most likely to never saw their loved ones again because of the greed of the white men.
As the Europeans set up colonies in America, they brought the plantation ideas with them, which led to the need for labor hence they tried to enslave the Native Americans to work in their mines and fields. The Native Americans were prone to diseases hence most of them died as a result of diseases and overworking. Apart from the ones who died, a number rebelled and formed alliances forcing the Europeans to look for other sources of labor. They started to acquire African slaves due to a number of reasons: The African slaves were more stronger and immune to a number of diseases in Europe and America; the Africans had no friends and family in America hence it was not easy for them to form alliances or to escape; they provided a permanent and a cheap source of labor; and most of them had worked on farms before in their
Europeans started enslaving American’s because they wanted cheap labors. Enslaved American’s usually work as domestic servants or on plantation. Black, white and non-muslin slaves had some rights. Some were slaves were generals and had the right to have their own slaves. Native slaves started dying of diseases and the America’s need replacements . “Slaves were only imported to the New World in great numbers after other sources of labor proved inadequate”.The demand for cheap labors were so high and many started dying so they looked to Africa for assistance because Europe and Africa were so close that most Africans already built and immunity to Europeans diseases and they most likely wouldn’t try runaway because the did not have knowledge of America’s . This is when the buying and selling of Africans to work in America’s started it is known as the Atlantic Slave Trade. “Africans dominated both the buying and selling of slaves into the Atlantic slave trade”.African merchants would also capture African slaves. There were people who disagree with it and tried stop it but the people who agree with it started making secret trade routes to transport slaves. The voyage across the Atlantic Ocean was very dangerous and many Africans died. Merchants brutally beat Africans on the ships. Some enslaved Africans rebelled while others just accepted conditions. They suffered from low
Futhermore, at first slaves were both Indians and Africans. Since the Natives started getting sick and dying from diseases the colonist spread, the colonist started to import people from Africa. The colonist have not explored most of Africa. There were more people that they could use as slaves and the people
This kindled the need for slaves, which were brought from Africa because people from that area already knew the jobs, were more immune to the European diseases and healthier than the Natives. The skin colour disparities and persisting racism in global regions can be traced to the European justification of the slavery that had begun in this time
The Atlantic Slave Trade lasted between 1450 and 1750 and drastically impacted the lives of both European and African people. During this time, the Europeans, such as the British, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Dutch, traveled to Africa in search of labor workers. In total, over twelve million slaves were taken, mainly because they workers to make money, but it also had to do with their race, religion – as they were not Christian – and to civilize them because the Europeans did not believe that they were humans. Due to these European beliefs, the Europeans saw themselves as the most powerful group and viewed slave trade as a business. The Africans, on the other hand, had a harder time transitioning into slavery. Many of them were taken from their homes and forced to accept a new life working as a slave. These events did not come without many sacrifices from the African people. One of the major reasons the slave trade was so expansive is due to the low life expectancy of the slaves after their capture. While the Europeans believed that they were helping the African culture, as well as themselves, the African society as a whole suffered the most.
Slavery developed in the Americas because of exploration and need or labor. Europeans captured Africans and transported them across the deadly Middle Passage, to the Americas, where they would be forced to poor under harsh conditions. Slavery had many lasting effects. Africa was depopulated, and Africans in America lost their cultures and identity while Europeans made money from the resources being exported in the Americas at the expense of Africans’ lives and culture.
Due to collaboration between the African leaders and slavers they worked together and the Africans began to slave themselves in order to trade and prosper. White slavers rewarded Africans for kidnapping other Africans also the African straining was no match against European fire power. In addition, it was based on power and economics. They succeeded by having greater firepower military power and having a draw.
In the Renaissance, slaves were starting to be used in plantations, mostly in America, but also in plantations in Italy and off the coast of Africa (Gascoigne). So, in both the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution, at least some slaves were used for hard labor. The Portuguese were the first to put slaves to work in plantations, and slaves soon came to be used on plantations in the Americas by nations such as Spain, Holland, France, England, and the Netherlands. The first slaves they enslaved in these colonies were the native peoples, but soon, the native population began to dwindle. Since Portugal had been exploring the coast of Africa and since Africa had a booming population of people, Africans became the people they predominantly enslaved (Guild). Thus, racial slavery was started. Blacks came to be viewed as lower than human, and this view spread to all the nations which came to have plantations in America. Millions of blacks were imported to plantations for sugar, spices, tobacco, coffee, etc. during the span of the Renaissance (Hornsby).
African slavery existed within its own continent and countries long before European interference. It wasn't until the mid-fifteenth century that the Portuguese sailed the Eastern Africa coast in search of a trade route to the East that they inherited an alternative discovery. The Portugal trade with Africans along the coast led to colonization and eventual trade of African slaves. This was the eventual segue of slaves into extend European culture (p.39-40 Roark). Slaves reached the New World in the early sixteenth century in Caribbean region discovered by Christopher Columbus, most imported from Europe, while some came directly from Africa (par. 1 Etlis). By the time African slaves made their way to the Jamestown settlement in 1619, African slavery had already been a large part of European and New World culture for well over a century. Slaves had been imported to help work on the production of America's first founded cash crop: tobacco (Slavery in America). From the tips of American roots, we see the reliance of slavery to aid with work. This European practice that
African is a continent that developed a unique relationship with Europe during the time period from the early 15th century to the early 18th century. However, slavery didn’t end in the untied stated until Abraham Lincolns emancipation proclamation on January 1st 1863. Africa from the early 15th century towards the 18th century was enslaved by the Europeans and Americans. Africans were taken from their homeland and families and forced onto slave boats, then sold into slavery, where they would spend the remainder of their life in misery, and fear. Europeans used many methods to enslave that Africans that consisted of: warfare, raiding, kidnapping and in some cases; forced famine.
The Europeans would give goods to the Africans, who were apart of the trade, to go and capture other Africans to send to the Americas. The Americas would give out the goods needed to get the slaves they needed in order to sell the slaves. Then back to Europe with anything they needed. This was an endless cycle that was never ending and put many Africans in a tough spot and ultimately caused rascism. Thus giving the white population a reason to do what they do to the Africans at the time.
As European desire grew for products including sugar, cotton and rice, the demand for plantation labor also increased. African slave labor was cheap among European standards, leading to the influx of such a large number of African slaves in the New World. European and American slave-traders acquired roughly 12 million slaves from West and west central Africa.
During that colonization the African slaves were view as economic commodity. According to the text book, both the Europeans and Africans were actively involved in the slave trade. (page.57). Africans slave trade had existed for centuries in different forms. Money and weapons was the motivation for the slave trade. The Africans started to trade the prisoner, debtors, but the demand of slavery from the European created competition that motivated them to kidnap people from the other tribes.