Charlemagne had to govern a vast system and needed an organized structure in order to govern easier. The relative stability that was there when the roman empire was gone, all was gone. They had to figure out how to create systems. Charlemagne was very religious, and that was a binding. Charlemagne wanted to rule a Christian kingdom. Most of the priests were illiterate, needed to educate so the message came out right. AT this point all different tribes had different ways of religion. The priestly class needed to be educated. He built school, and brought many people from around the world.
Charlemagne, the greatest king of the dark ages, shaped the standards of Europe and influenced the people for thousands of years, solidifying the idea that the dark ages weren’t so dark. After the death of his father, Frankish king Pippin III, in 768, the realm was divided into two sections. Charlemagne and his brother, Carloman, both received the sections, and a feud started almost immediately. When Carloman died in 771, Charlemagne took control of both sections in hopes of reuniting the Frankish realm. He was king to the Franks from 768-814, and he was also the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 800-814 (Frassetto). Because of his generosity, attractive personality, and need for knowledge, Charlemagne was a very respectable leader. During his reign, he was able to conquer and gain control over almost all of the mainland of Europe. Though it took over 50 battles to do so, he was able to unite a large portion of the continent. Charlemagne made trading much easier by putting Europe on a common silver currency. Because of this king’s love and interest in learning, he encouraged an education for everyone. Charlemagne also had a very religious presence in society and aided in the spread of Christianity over Europe. Pope Leo III even pronounced him as the first emperor of Europe since the fall of the Rome because of his many achievements with religion (Whipps). After Charlemagne’s death in 814, Europe slowly began to fall apart again, but at the time, he
He improved his countries monetary and government system. Charlemagne enforced Christianity all over his kingdom. He conquered the Saxons, and turned all of them into Christians. He gave money and land to the Christian church. On December 25, 800, Pope Leo crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Charlemagne didn’t let his daughters marry until he was dead, due to how much he loved his children. Charlemagne loved to hear about St. Augustine’s writings, and about the City of God.
When Charlemagne was expanding his Empire he wanted to make sure his land did not have arising conflicts due to the political system. Charlemagne realize that he cannot have total control of his Empire. Therefore, he decided that he will have a feudal system. He assigned certain nobles to rule a certain land to control. Charlemagne was using the old traditions to ensure that he can have loyalty. The Frankish kings “rely on the Germanic custom of gift giving in order to secure their followers loyalty” (146 Backman). Charlemagne wanted to ensure that his Kingdom was functional and was aware with certain issues that certain parts of the kingdom was facing. He wanted to establish order and resolve a certain problem before it cause people to go
Thus, Charlemagne became the first recognized emperor since the fall of Western Rome and the first Holy Roman Emperor. Soon, Aachen is made the capital and Pope Leo III consecrated Charlemagne’s palace and its attached Palatine Chapel. With stronger religious authority in the bag, Charlemagne also set his sights on promoting the arts and culture of early Christian Rome. Subsequently, Charlemagne favored Roman building techniques, which can be seen in the style and structure of the Palatine
Many factors contributed to the fall of the Carolingian Empire. One of the most imperative was the division of Frankish lands among male members of the Carolingian dynasty. This would be one of the main causes for the empire’s downfall because it led to disintegration of Charlemagne’s empire. Charlemagne looked to build a massive empire that was stable and united but when it was divided up it would loose both. This would be a major downfall and it would lead to other problems. Before the Empire was split up Charlemagne’s successor Louis the Pious, ruled the entire Carolingian Empire alone because of premature death of their brothers and co-rulers. This would standout because the empire was able to thrive since it had one soul leader. This
After the fall of Roman Empire in 476 c.e . three distinct cultures emerged: eastern continuation of the empire with the capital in Constantinople, Latin West with the variety of barbarian tribes and later Islamic World . Western part that I am going to discuss in this essay will become a powerful theocratic government with economy driven by feudalism and the renowned king as its leader. Christianity played a vital role in all aspects of the life: political, economical, and educational.
The key to Charlemagne's amazing conquests was his ability to organize. During his reign he sent out more than 50 military expeditions. He rode as commander at the head of at least half of them. He moved his armies over wide reaches of country with
Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great and Charles I, was not only a king of France, but a commanding historical figure. Charlemagne is believed to have been born sometime around the year 742. He became King of the Franks in 768 and went on to become the Emperor of the Carolingian Empire in 800, before his death in 814.
During the years of St. Augustine, the Roman Empire fell in the west. It was being replaced by regional barbarian kingdoms, and was entering what some historians call the dark ages. It was a traditional, authoritative empire, with vast free-trade and a centralized government. It transformed into a Europe of economic localism, and filled with a minority of educated people. It was now a Christian Europe. A very important person during this new Europe was the Frankish king Charlemagne. His rule was known throughout the world, and Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne the "Emperor of the Romans." On top of this title, he still held all of his other titles. Charlemagne made tons of contributions during this time in Europe. He had
Charlemagne's importance as a leader grew because he made many important cultural reforms in his empire. He established a system of justice or law courts in which nobles and clergymen traveled throughout the kingdom bringing law to everyone. He stimulated trade for the Empire. Charlemagne started a palace school with a teacher called Alculin who taught children to serve the church and royalty. Along with his foundings he asked other palaces to start schools or education classes. His changes lead to preservation of clasical literature. As more schools spread Charlemagne had the smartest men in the kingdom. He united many different people culturally and permited conquered people to keep their own laws and customs. He also
Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, reigned during a time of much turmoil and upheaval in Europe during middle ages. Charlemagne’s background and family history contributed much to his rise to power. The triumphs of his past lineage prepared him to take on the task of governing the Frankish Empire, and defending it from invaders. Charlemagne accomplished much during his supremacy. He not only brought education back into medieval Europe, but also invented an efficient way to govern his people. His conquests against the many adversaries of the Holy Roman Empire expanded his empire across the majority of Europe. His conquests also formed strong ties between the Catholic Church and the State. Charlemagne’s drive to convert Europe’s primitive
Charles the great or Charlemagne was considered, according to many “not just another roman emperor that was crowned by the pope but rather God’s emperor”(Rosewain). At the beginning of his triumph he spent most of his life in warfare, fighting to conquer and unite the kingdom. He earned a reputation as a great warrior because of his great skills, such as strategy, decision-making and leadership. Allowing him to become the king of the Franks, where he fought many battles to conquer the lands of the kingdom and convert the people into Christians. Just like Constantine, Charlemagne wanted to protect the Christians and the culture. He would give money to the church and protect the popes. He wasn’t only considered a great king and leader to many
The populist governments, seen in the 1950’s and 1960’s in South America, spurred industrial growth and a sense of “consciousness” amongst the inhabitants of the Latin American countries. The industrial growth greatly benefited the middle-class and the working-class; however, the poor were driven into shantytowns and rural areas. To illustrate the great poverty of this time in Latin America, people living in “shantytowns” resided in vast settlements built of cardboard and other available materials such as metal and sheets of plastic. These “towns” frequently lacked proper sanitation. One could imagine how living in these shantytowns would degrade the human spirit and foster a sense of worthlessness. The abrupt shift in the social classes
Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, was a powerful king who reunited most of Western Europe through his conquests. He was an able administrator and brought about economic reforms to bring prosperity in his kingdom. Charlemagne is famous for his work towards the development of education like building of schools and standardization of curriculum. He ended the Dark Age in Western Europe by initiating the Carolingian Renaissance, a period of cultural enhancement. Charlemagne also took several steps to spread Christianity in his vast empire, paving the way for making it the dominant religion in Europe. Here are the 10 major accomplishments and achievements of Charlemagne, who is called the Father of Europe due to his immense contribution in the development of the continent.
I would like to be a flight attendant because I think working in an environment that continually upholds high levels standard of service as a flight attendant is very challenging the kind of challenge I enjoy.