
How Did The Confederacy's Failure To Win The Civil War

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April 12, 1861 the first shots were fired in what would become on the bloodiest wars American has ever seen. President Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) would be forced to drastic measures to stop the Union from crumbling from underneath him. One of these drastic measures came from a General Winfield Scott (1786 - 1866) and his Anaconda Plan, a complete blockade of all of the Confederacy’s ports. The plan would go on to be approved by President Lincoln a mere 6 days later. The Union forces would move to enact this plan by blockading all trade from the Confederacy ports to cutoff their supply line from the international community that was watching this war with a keen interest in the results. The efforts being put forth by the Union Navy to blockade …show more content…

The Union navy had enough ships and sailors to make 4 full squadrons with two being along the Atlantic coast and two in the Gulf of Mexico. Any problem to a growth in force though is that the opposition is also building up there forces to match. Knowing that their fat slow merchant vessels could not outrun the new Union ships that were outside their ports the Confederacy had to come up with the own plan. Unfortunately, for them they did not have the resources or skilled sailors that the Union had. For the Confederacy this meant they had to seek outside help and this came in the form of the British. They designed and built smaller faster ships that could out run the blockading ships of the Union. These ships also used paddle wheels and burned on a smokeless anthracite coal which would allow these ships to get up to 17 plus knots. These new ships were made and manned by the private sector of the British navy and would help the Confederacy fight back against the ostentatious plan laid forth by the Union. The British officers would take their leave and during that time they would make a run against the blockade and make several thousand extra dollars. This was a great incentive fee for those sailors to make the

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