On the upper deck as on the lower deck, the elation at the prospect of landing on Gnaritus later that day was palpable. Captain Spero stood at the helm surveying his crew with immense pride. Whenever the seasoned crewmembers entered the tri-star solar system, they always felt a sense of quiet satisfaction together with enormous relief. Indeed, they had safely steered the Odyssey through ten thousand light years of space and come through unscathed from all the perils that lay between Earth and Gnaritus. In fact, many brushes with near catastrophe had occurred during the voyage, unbeknownst to the passengers. A frenzy of activity ensued as they made their final preparations for the landing later that day. Chief Engineer Manus turned the
According to Joseph Campbell, "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" . This means that a hero is person who is made a sacrifice for the good of others. A Hero is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as "a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities" . This means that a hero is someone people look up to. Anyone can be a hero. Heroes have qualities such as bravery, strength, and selflessness. Mothers, soldiers, and Odysseus are all examples of heroes.
The Odyssey by Homer is an epic from Ancient Greece telling the tale of the great warrior Odysseus. It tells of Odysseus going to war and going through many trials to get back to his homeland, Ithaca. On Ithaca are his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus. Throughout the epic, Odysseus faces many challenges and trials in order to get home to his family, and even after he finally does arrive. Through all of the trials, each being extremely difficult, he pushes on to reach his family. This shows there are definitely bonds in the families. Of these, one that is apparent upon multiple occasions is the bond between father and son. Of course, the only father and son relationship isn’t just between Odysseus and Telemachus. There are many other examples of this family relationship, such as Poseidon and Polyphemus. But not only does the father and son relationship play a large role in the Odyssey. All family relations in general play a surprisingly large part in the Odyssey. Throughout the entirety of the story, family appears to be a great stimulus to persevere through the problem, no matter how challenging or fearful. One extreme example is of course is Odysseus. He traveled for 20 years fighting to return to his family, through unimaginable danger and the loss of roughly three crews. Family also appears to cause extreme retaliation and revenge. A superb example is how Poseidon reacts after Odysseus and his crew blind his son, Polyphemus. Another grand example is when Odysseus
In the book ‘The Odyssey” the author assembled a paradoxical tone through his choice of diction. The word paradoxical means “having the nature of a paradox; self-contradictory.” The author used the words: Dawn, appease and Nobody to display the paradoxical tone in the book.
Many years after the end of the Trojan War, Odysseus still hasn’t returned home to Ithaka. Many believe that he is dead, but the author lets us know that he is being held as a sex captive on the goddess Kalypso’s island. Kalypso has no plans of letting him go to return home either.
Focus on the descriptions of the palaces of Nestor and Menelaus. Find quotations that describe their virtues:
‘The Suitors and the disloyal servants get what they deserve.’ How far do you agree with this statement?
I feel that in order to achieve personal success in our society you need 3 key things. For one, you need to have determination. In our culture, we seem to have a universal ideology along the lines of “keep going, and you will succeed eventually.” I feel that these idea’s are incredibly true, and have been shown to be effective every time. A good example of this trait in one of the texts we read is in the Odyssey when Odysseus needed to get back home, and despite the odds being against him, he never gave up. He always kept going, and when the going got rough, he got back right up and started over again. Another trait is intelligence. Because we have gone away from warrior culture in modern times, academic success is more than mandatory to achieve
Homer's The Odyssey, Linda Group's Posterity of the Conduit, and Scott O'Dell's Sing Down the Moon share a run of the mill derived subject, which focuses on the noteworthiness of family and home. In The Odyssey, Odysseus best shows the importance of family and home. Resulting to being truant from his home and family in Ithaca for ideal around 20 years, he sits each day on the shores of Calypso's island, Ogygia, "pulverizing his soul with grievance and tears" in light of the fact that he yearns to return to his home. Athena, who battles with Zeus to allow Odysseus to go home against the cravings of Poseidon uncovers to her father Odysseus "would be happy to see as much as the smoke hopping up from his nearby land, and after that to kick the basin" knows the sum he should be with his family yet again.
The poet and critic W.H. Auden described the Homer’s heroes as “born, not made to do brave deeds, he cannot be called brave in our sense of the word because he never feels fear.” I agree because Homer’s heroes, such as Odysseus, often exemplify bravery in the most frightening situations, while keeping their composure. Moreover, the Auden also comments on how free choice and responsibility is circumscribed in Odysseus’ journey. His comments suggests that Odysseus is mainly controlled by fate and does not feel fear.
Odysseus, son of Laertes, and husband of Penelope. Journeys through the epic to participate in the Trojan War. Then, unfortunately, gets thrown off course and has been travelling island to island to find his home. While Odysseus tries to arrive home, he meets interesting creatures, goddesses, kings, and enemies to help and hinder him in his journey home. In the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer, the three characters that hindered and helped Odysseus are Calypso, Athena, and Antinous.
“Then [Abraham] said, ‘Oh do not let the Lord be angry if I speak once more. Suppose ten are found there.’ He answered, ‘For the sake of ten I will not destroy it’” (Genesis 19.32). Abraham was bargaining with God over the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Odyssey was about Odysseus and his men and how they were going back home. They were coming back from the Trojan War. In the beginning Odysseus and his men were trying to find their way back home. In the middle of the book they had to go to the underworld to get directions to get back home. In the end of the book Odysseus is back home with Penelope and his son.
This past week went by too fast. He has completed building his raft and his cargo is right beside it abound on the journey. Odysseus is surveying the horizon, planning his sail. My heart began to ache once more. I could not believe my eyes. Anger and frustration began to take control of me. Why does he have to leave? Why so soon? Curse the gods in Olympus! They do not know what true love is. Suddenly, I saw a lightning bolt in the far east and heard a clap of thunder at a distance. What am I saying? My gods, I
The Odyssey is an epic poem attributed to the now-famous Greek poet, Homer, written approximately in the early sixth century B.C.E. The poem shares the tale of the wily adventuring solider, Odysseus', return from the Trojan war to his wife and home in Ithaca. The poem details his misadventures, the efforts of his son, Telemachus, to find him, and revenge on his wife's suitors. While many themes run through this poem, the most prevalent is that of hospitality. The Host-Guest relationship is significant in the Odyssey as it acts as one of the main thematic devices used by Homer and examples of good hospitality versus bad hospitality and their results serve as the main plot elements throughout the tale.
Chapter 1- Ten years after the Trojan War, everyone reached home except for Odysseus. He remained a hostage at Ogygia by Calypso. Meanwhile, Telemachus (Odysseus’s son) is told by Athena, disguised as Mentes, that his father will return home and tells him to dispel the suitors who keep devouring his father’s estate.