
How Did The Eucharist Enrich Our Culture

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A theme that could enrich our culture today would be the meal, today we think of the Eucharist more as something that we just do in church. Back in history Eucharist was more than just a thing that they did to be close to God and remember what Jesus had done for us. But back in the early church it was more of a worship service in and of itself. This could benefit many people in the church because meals would start to mean more to the people that are in the church. That it would not just be a time to gather and eat but to spend time in communion with people also to worship God together serving Him in a service that has to do with actions as well as the placement of ones soul.

This could help refine our day and age to not just see food as nutrients …show more content…

This was also a way to show that a new person has entered into the community of Christ, people who were not yet baptized were not allowed to participate in this tradition until after baptism. Because it was believed that breath was a way of affecting someone else, this kiss was not allowed if it was between a man and woman, this could be helpful to show who is a part of the church. This could also help the church today stand out in society, people may look at Christians funny if that was started but at least people who are not Christian would be looking and seeing something that is different from this …show more content…

This could help our churches today stand out in this society were the people are very individualistic and this could help the society come closer to being more of a community culture. This is important to keep Eucharist in our churches but it might be very undermined today because today’s churches only make it a small part of the service where in the early church it was a very big part of the service.

All together this could be something very difficult to install in our churches today but could be something that might change not just the thought process of a church but could change the all of society. Because if one starts to change the thought process of a few then sooner or later they will continue to change the though processes of others and soon all of society. This could help our society start to care for the poor, widowed and orphaned because this meal includes these people in the partaking of this

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