
How Did The French Revolution Influence The American Monarchies

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From the point when the French revolution started to the point it got frozen in 1795 (9 Thermidor), it was not just influencing the entire French community but also the entire Europe. The European monarchies like the Austrian monarchy hated the idea of a revolution. If the same would have happened in their empire, they would lose their power over the whole state. The Austrians were not only once influenced by the actions of the Third Estate in France. Prussia and Russia were on the same side as Austria and there was also Britain which hated France because they were helping the Americans to get away from the Britain rule and become independent. The French revolution had a huge influence on many parts of the world but the European monarchies were influenced the most due to France having so much similar with them. When the French revolution started in the 1789 with the Fall of the Bastille, many monarchies in Europe did …show more content…

France was under a reconstruction and they wanted to build a republic with a rational government. Everything was going to be driven by equality and reason. That is where deChristianization came in. The idea was to destroy the world based on Christianity and put in systems made by men. Churches all over France were taken down and the material was used for fighting in their wars. France was seen as a country trying to step into the God’s shoes. It is well depicted in the story of Frankenstein where the scientist is trying to recreate life and step into God’s shoes. The scientist is creating his creature based on the reasons of his research. In the story, there is only man and the reasons of his study. That is exactly what was happening in France at the time of the revolution. They were taking down everything that was against equality like sings of the royal family and of Christianity. They were driven by the ideals of the enlightenment and of

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