From the point when the French revolution started to the point it got frozen in 1795 (9 Thermidor), it was not just influencing the entire French community but also the entire Europe. The European monarchies like the Austrian monarchy hated the idea of a revolution. If the same would have happened in their empire, they would lose their power over the whole state. The Austrians were not only once influenced by the actions of the Third Estate in France. Prussia and Russia were on the same side as Austria and there was also Britain which hated France because they were helping the Americans to get away from the Britain rule and become independent. The French revolution had a huge influence on many parts of the world but the European monarchies were influenced the most due to France having so much similar with them. When the French revolution started in the 1789 with the Fall of the Bastille, many monarchies in Europe did …show more content…
France was under a reconstruction and they wanted to build a republic with a rational government. Everything was going to be driven by equality and reason. That is where deChristianization came in. The idea was to destroy the world based on Christianity and put in systems made by men. Churches all over France were taken down and the material was used for fighting in their wars. France was seen as a country trying to step into the God’s shoes. It is well depicted in the story of Frankenstein where the scientist is trying to recreate life and step into God’s shoes. The scientist is creating his creature based on the reasons of his research. In the story, there is only man and the reasons of his study. That is exactly what was happening in France at the time of the revolution. They were taking down everything that was against equality like sings of the royal family and of Christianity. They were driven by the ideals of the enlightenment and of
The political, social, and economic conditions in France contributed to the French Revolution of 1789. The American Revolution was strongly influenced by the coming French Revolution. The government and society were eventually influenced by the open-minded Enlightenment ideas. The French Revolution was caused by unfair taxes, social inequalities, and the Enlightenment.
The French Revolution is often seen as a bloody mess. Just like most other revolutions, in the in exchanged an authoritarian regime for an authoritarian regime. The ideas of the revolution changed the human history around the world. The French Revolution started on July 14,1789 the revolution had many flaws but it the end it was still successful. Before the revolution third 3rd estate was burdened with taxes while the 1st and 2nd didn’t have to do anything.
Two of the ways it had impacted France was that it caused a new government to form and the Declaration of the Rights of Man was created. The chart in document four describes, the years of 1795-1799, France was ruled by a Directory. This was important because they no longer had one absolute ruler who had complete control over the entire country. The Directory was a group of five rulers who all had the same power and worked together (document 4). This was an improvement from being ruled by one ruler because they were able to regulate how eachother used the power.
The extent the ideas and objectives of men and women who participated in the French Revolution changed dramatically over time. People's thoughts were greed, anger, and the pridefulness they got when they created a new France. Especially because at this time they were recovering from the revolution which meant the people were more important than ever before, and it also meant that many new changes had to come. People were also prouder of the things they had done in the revolution and were also determined to make sure they got the equality they deserved as well as make sure they had no enemies to threaten all they had accomplished.
The French Revolution took place during 1789 and 1799 in France. King Louis XIV needed money and passed an unfair tax. There were three Estates; the first; the clergy, the second; the nobles and the third; everyone else. The king did not seek any advice when putting the tax in place which caused a lot of unrest in the third estate. This was one incident that lead up to the French Revolution. The French Revolution was unsuccessful because it did not achieve freedom for the French people and it was bloody.
Between 1789 and 1814 the French Revolution astonished and impacted the world. The Revolution has been talked about for years because of its contributions and the way it affected the world. The significant figures from the Revolution also played important roles in history and in areas outside of France. King Louis’ absolutism and the unfair treatment between classes were political, social, and economical causes of the French Revolution. This Revolution impacted the people of France by terrorizing and affecting their rights, yet at the same time the French Revolution served as a template for other countries when it came to radical changes and Revolutions.
The Revolution started in 1789 and Europe had been recently influenced by the Seven Years’ War, American Revolution, as well as the Enlightenment, which was prior to both of these events. The Seven Years’ War was a war that involved France and Britain, in which Britain defeated France leaving them in an economic crisis. In addition, France continued to participate in the American Revolution, in order to get revenge on Britain, this conclusively backfired, as it brought liberal ideas to France and also pushed them further into their economic catastrophe. Ultimately, the Seven Years’ War and the American Revolution led France to a position of being susceptible to revolution, due to their plundering economic status and the new ideals brought forward. The Enlightenment also altered France’s way of thinking, as it introduced revolutionary beliefs. Socially, Enlightenment ideas heavily impacted the French Revolution in the sense that views of liberty reflected in Montesquieu’s “The Spirit of the Laws” as well as beliefs pertaining to revolution, mentioned in John Locke’s “Two Treaties of Government” can be directly linked to the Third Estate’s desire to be represented in an equal manner and the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.” Religiously, Enlightenment ideas weren’t as impactful as social ideas. Although, the concept of rationalism was a major cause for the Catholic Church’s property to be nationalized and sold with hopes of financing the state. In addition, the National Assembly granted Jews and French-Protestants the right to practice their religion, which corresponds with the Enlightenment idea of religious toleration. The social ideas of the Enlightenment heavily impacted policies of the French Revolution through the concepts of liberty and revolution, whereas religious ideas can be observed through rationalism and religious
The French Revolution is one of the most interesting and complex times in our history. As said in the historical context, “The French Revolution of 1789 had many long-range causes. Political, Social, and economic conditions in France contributed to the discontent felt by many French people-especially those of the third estate.”. Politics one a major favorite considering at the time France was an absolute Monarchy which meant the king had complete power and authority over everything. This could become a problem with the different opinions of others.
The routes of the french revolution is a cyclical incline toward the pinnacle of blood and death. Each peak of uprising was sparked by enlightenment creators highlighting the injustices of the economic and social injustices caused by the French monarchy. With a quick google search of , “Which came first, the American or the French Revolution?” many will say that the American Revolution inspired The French. However the documents that cause the American people to revolt are many of the same writings and ideas that cause France to re-evaluate their civil system. The French revolution is a product of the free form creators of The Enlightenment; without the philosophers, writers, and thinkers, the population of france would continue to live the
A revolution is not an event that comes around every few years. In fact, for an event to be considered a revolution that event must bring about significant political, social, ideological, religious or even technological change. Throughout history there have been some very noteworthy revolutions such as the Agricultural Revolution, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution. Of all the revolutions in history, it is perhaps the French Revolution that remains the most romanticized in the minds of the people. The French Revolution was, at its core, a revolution of the masses, for the masses. It was a long, violent affair, lasting from 1787 to 1799. Like most periods of historical importance, the French Revolution was not caused by a single, specific event in history. It was rather the result of the accumulation of many events spread all through the 18th century. Some of the most important causes of the French Revolution were the economic crisis, the rising tensions between the social classes, the shortcoming of the rule of Louis XVI, and the Age of Enlightenment.
There is no doubt that the French Revolution has had a profound effect on the world. The cause or causes of it have been greatly disputed. Clearly the Revolution's primary cause was the presence of a weak monarchy and a lack of a stable system of government.
The French Revolution were influenced by many factors such as the Enlightenment ideals, concepts of popular sovereignty, and unchallengeable rights. France’s costly involvement in the Revolution and excessive spending by King Louis XVI and his predecessor had left the country on the brink of bankruptcy. Not only were the royal coffers exhausted, but two decades of poor cereal harvests, drought, cattle disease and skyrocketing bread prices had kindled unrest among peasants and the urban poor. ( actions played a critical role in shaping modern nations. As
The French Revolution was a period of social and political turmoil in France from 1789 to 1799 that greatly affected modern and French history. It marked the decline of powerful monarchies and the rise of democracy, individual rights and nationalism. This revolution came with many consequences because of the strive for power and wealth, but also had many influential leaders attempting to initiate change in the French government and the economy. In 1789 the people of France dismissed King Louis XVI of his title, took apart his monarchy and executed him, his wife Marie Antoinette and thousands of nobles. The French set up a new system of government with specific revolutionary ideals, including liberty, equality and fraternity. This was a
The French Revolution, also known as the Revolution of 1789 was a traumatic movement that had an affect on both France and the world during the late 17th and early 18th century. This Revolution lasted from 1789 until 1814, for it made a large impact on the nation that caused a turning point in the history of the world. During this time, many events occurred like the executing of KIng Louis XIV and the rule of Napoleon.
The French Revolution was caused by many factors; some were significant and played a large role while others were of minor consequence. France was one of the richest and most powerful nations even though they were facing some economic difficulties. The French Revolution was a pivotal period in the history of French, European and Western civilization. During this period of time there was the formation of republicanism which replaced the absolute monarchy in France.