
How Did The Giver Change

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Change of Thought Many people, even fictional characters tend to not perceive people and the world around them because of the environment that they have grown accustomed to. Some examples are Jonas, from The Giver and Mrs. Stevenson, from Sorry, Wrong Number as they experience how the world is not as perfect as they always thought it was. As time progressed, both of these characters learned how the real world was while learning new things, though it was not always pleasant.
Jonas has always thought highly of his father’s roll in the community because of what he does like “performing small Ceremony of Releases” for twins after getting lighter baby “all cleaned up and comfy”. It all changed, during one of Jonas’s sessions with the Giver as …show more content…

Stevenson overhears “a murder, a terrible, cold murder of a poor innocent woman”, she tries to save this woman by trying get help from police and operators. The event that changed her perception is when she heard “the sound of the phone receiver being lifted on the same line as” hers and realizes that she is the woman that she was trying to save. When she realized that she was the culprit, she tried calling for help herself by trying to call the police and scream out loud so someone outside would hear her. Mr. Stevenson always told Mrs. Stevenson that she was “perfectly safe as long as” she has “the telephone right beside” her bed. Later she realized that she was not safe, when she found out that someone was in the house, when she knew she was supposed to be the only one there. Though she was disabled, Mrs. Stevenson tried her best to save herself. Another thing that Mrs. Stevenson was wrong about, was Mr. Stevenson’s love for her as she told Sergeant Duffy, “ He’s crazy about me-adores me- waits on me hand and foot. He scarcely left me side since I took sick twelve years ago”. Later that night, when it was 11: 15, the time, when the woman was supposed to get murdered, she realized that her husband had arranged her death as she heard someone in the house. Realizing what was happening and why, made Mrs. Stevenson understand what she was doing wrong for the last twelve years of her life in bed and how she treated her husband during that time

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