
How Did The Industrial Revolution Change The World

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Britain Industrialization The industrial revolution is a large part of history that completely changed the world and is still changing the world today. Britain was the first country to start the industrialization revolution, dating back to the 1700’s. Beforehand, British people were focused on surviving. The life span was short at the time and people focused on getting food and living. The revolution started when a new world crop, the potato, was discovered. The potato was a crop that would grow rapidly and people only needed a small amount of land to grow it. Because of this, British people were no longer focused on hunger. It led to a population growth, which resulted in surplus labor and the textile industry to grow to produce enough clothing …show more content…

Making clothes and other products by hand wasn’t fast enough for the population growth. A weaving machine called the flying shuttle was invented in 1733 by James Kay. Workers pulled a cord of rope back and forth to send a small piece of wood across a wood frame through threads of weaving cloth, improving the old hand loom. It was still man powered but it double the amount of product that was produced by one man. Cotton was very inexpensive, strong and easily colored and washed. The British didn’t grow cotton because of the cold weather, resulting in trade in such countries as India and the Southern United States. In the 1764, James Hargreaves invented a machine called the spinning jenny. This machine pulled and twisted cotton fivers to create a strong thread. It was a machine that could fit into homes and be run by unskilled workers including children. In 1769, Richard Arkwright came up with a way to run a new spinning machine with a water wheel, calling it a water frame. Arkwright opened a spinning factory in 1771 with immediate success. In 1774, an inventor by the name of Samuel Crompton combined the spinning and weaving process into one machine, calling it the spinning mule. Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom in 1785, replacing the flying shuttle because it was now powered by steam. Because of these inventions, many cotton mills were formed and many jobs were taken over by

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