
How Did The Iraq War Affect Today's World

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Why did America invade Iraq in 2003 and how does it affect today's world? The Iraq war started with President George W. Bush on Thursday, March 20, 2003, and end with President Barack Obama on Sunday, December 18, 2011, when the last troops were ordered to pull out. Although the Iraq war officially ended in 2011, many long-lasting effects of the war have yet to be adequately addressed by the United States. The Iraq war was not only the catalyst for increased instability in the middle east but also created vast terrorist networks, which eventually became ISIS, as well as an enormous economic and societal cost due to the war. The damage caused by the Iraq war ranges from an increase in a common anti-American sentiment to corruption in the Iraqi …show more content…

As the world's top superpower and the country that spends the most on their military, you might not think about the cost of war or conflict, but it has a huge effect on America's economy. “The U.S. war in Iraq has cost $1.7 trillion with an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans, expenses that could grow to more than $6 trillion over the next four decades counting interest” (Trotta). War drains resources from productive use so that the economy has a less productive capacity than it normally would. The impact of this waste of resources becomes larger the longer the war goes on. The Iraq war lasted eight years and still has effects on our economy and veterans. “The budgetary costs of providing disability compensation benefits and medical care to the veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan over the course of their lives will be from $350 - $700 Billion, depending on the length of deployment of US soldiers, the speed with which they claim disability benefits and the growth rate of benefits and health care inflation” (Bilmes). Veteran deserves nothing but the highest respect and deserves every penny they get for medical treatment, but a 6 trillion dollar war and 700 billion in benefits all for one war is costly for the …show more content…

The Iraq war was a part of the war on terrier, and many people believe invading Iraq would ensure that does not become a haven for terrorism. But according to Brown University, it had the most effect. “U.S. invasion in March 2003 There were 78 terrorist attacks in the first twelve months following the U.S. invasion; in the second twelve months, this number nearly quadrupled, to 302 attacks” ( McBride). This shows even the presence of America in Iraq cause influx in terrorism that killed 5,425 and caused 9,878 injuries. As America continued its campaign in Iraq terrorist groups used this opportunity as a powerful recruiting tool. The increase in terrorism would lead to many different terrorist networks creation such as the Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad Al-Rafidayn (Al-Qaeda in Iraq or AQI) and Mujahideen Shura Council which would both later join as

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