
What Was The Last Of The Three Kingdomss

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Geography plays a colossal role not only in countries and continents today, but it was also a tremendous factor in the kingdoms of past history, specifically West Africa. Ghana, Mali, and Songhai are the three kingdoms that made up West Africa in the time period A.D. 500 to A.D. 1500. Songhai was the last of the three kingdoms to arise. However, it’s geography affected the society, culture, and trade of just effectively as the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali. The kingdom of Songhai was located south of the Niger River. This region offered geographical advantages such as fertile soil necessary for cultivating crops and raising cattle. Furthermore, Songhai started off with great prosperity due to the benefits provided by the Muslim trade routes …show more content…

This ruler created a new dynasty known as the Sunni, and fought to obtain his territory as well as conquer new ones. Timbuktu and Djenné were Sunni Ali’s most successful and prosperous conquests, for they opened up Songhai to a new world of trade. After overtaking these areas, Songhai found a great abundance of salt and gold, two extremely valuable items at the time. As for currency, people proceeded to use shells and cowries to pay for the items they traded. Society, at this point in time, seemed to be quite ideal for the people of Songhai. Business in trade and farming was blossoming. But most importantly, rural and city dwellers became linked under the control of one single government which was a huge administrative and social step for the kingdom of Songhai. However, the most influential time period what when Muhammad Ture took the throne in 1493. This political figure created and new dynasty known as the Asaki. The Asaki culture consisted of doing whatever necessary to maintain a continuous growth of the Songhai kingdom. Although, one change was brought to the attention of Muhammad Ture. This was the division of provinces, and each province held its own personal governor. The preservation of security and peace was left to the navy and soldiers in horseback. Also, the trading of salt and gold was a crucial aspect that led to prospering even more than

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