
How Did The Mongols Change Over Time

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Two Civilizations: Change Over Time and Continuity Over Time During this time period, there were alterations in many civilizations. Some had multiple major fluctuations, while others did not change much but were long lasting. The Mongols, for instance, did similar (if not the same things) over and over again throughout their reign. What they did was successful and because of that, their empire was long lasting. Unlike the Mongols, Italy had much change during this period of time. Both of these things caused the two different societies to flourish and last. The Mongols had the greatest continuity over time, but Italy had the greatest change over time, ending in good results for both of the civilizations. The Mongol empire was a pastoral one, …show more content…

Ögödei continued expanding as his father had, moving further into civilizations and dominating new ones. This proved successful for Ögödei as it had for his father. With help from his brothers, Ögödei was able to further expand the Mongolian empire. While the brothers worked together, there was still strain with everyone wanting the control which Ögödei had. Eventually, the tension and disagreement between the brothers lead to a civil war between them. This was what caused the Mongols Empire to start falling apart. While it lasted, the Mongols had a large empire lasting with the same ideas and practices used throughout its time. Although remaining the same with little to no change benefitted the Mongols, Italy succeeded through changes. Through many invasions, Italy was changed numerous times by their invaders before actually facilitating their own changes. These forced changes begin in Italy when the reign of the German emperor, Theodoric the Ostrogoth, ended. While the Byzantine Empire in eastern Rome flourished, the other Romans, Italians, and Germans all lived peacefully under Theodoric the Ostrogoth rule. After his reign ended, the Byzantine emperor sent an army under the general Belisarius to Italy in 535. This began a long period of war, destroying and altering …show more content…

While their increase on population was interrupted by the Black Death in 1348, they recovered and continued into a new chapter of Italian life in the 14th century. The late 14th and the 15th centuries were the beginning of the renaissance era. Italy is often considered the heart of the renaissance, with art flourishing and great writers and artists being produced. From Italy, their blooming of art caught the interest of ancient Greece and Rome. The renaissance era started a new chapter in Italy and was the cause of many great changes and innovations in Italy. While they were forced to change by multiple invasions, by the 14th century Italy began to make their own changes during the renaissance era, causing them to

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