
How Did The Printing Press Affect Society

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In the past, the printing press required a lot of work. Before the printing press was created there were early models that were created by the Chinese. They used wooden blocks to transfer information on silk. Woodblock printing was popular during the Roman Egypt era. Pi Sheng was the person who made the first movable printing press. This printing press used metal pieces to print material. The Korean also created a model of the movable printing press. It was almost perfect and then an invention of the printing press changed society forever. In the mid 1500’s Johannes Gutenberg came up with the first prototype of the printing press. To make the printing press, he combined multiple metals to create tin. This metal, boiled at a low temperature. This made it easy for the metal to be used for a durable printing press. The letters that were made were reusable, so it took less time to create documents. In 1452 Johannes Gutenberg began printing his first printed work. He started to print the bible. During this time period books could take up to a year to create. By printing the bible quickly, it was easy to create multiple copies. He printed 200 copies of the bible and sold them to a local book store. The printing press had a huge affect on society. Print Shops were created. There was a demand for printed material. The printing press was able to print …show more content…

Now the printing machines, can print 30,000 pages in a hour. A computer is what is used in todays world. Everything stems back from Pi Sheng invention of the printing press. Without his invention, we would not be able to print and type information quickly. At a modern day printing press things get done by buttons. If a button is pressed a whole page can get done. A modern day printing factory is used to print newspapers. Newspapers are very important because they give people the information that they need to

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