The reformation was the most important and tragic event in European history. The reformation led to the creation of Protestant Christianity with major political, economic, and religious changes in Europe. The reformation shattered all Christian unity. This movement led to a major shift in European power and influences. A major impact was the Roman Church lost most of the control of Europe during this period. A social impact from the reformation was women were believed that they should stay subordinate to the husbands or fathers. The abolished convents and nunneries and encouraged women to join. Women did not act publicly and maintain the house for their husbands. Women at this time were not seen to be for much. They were defined as a mother …show more content…
It caused a rise in prices, a shift in trade front the Mediterranean., and an end to the Aramaic. The kings began building their country in their eyes not in the eyes of the Pope. The kings were all competing for wealth and prestige. By destroying the economic power of the medieval Church, the Reformation made the rise of capitalism. The reformation had a major impact on the modern world. The reformation caused the rulers to have more power against the Church. Henry VIII deprived the Pope of any power over the English Church. The Roman Catholic Church was very powerful before the reformation. The power of the Pope was greater than the European monarch's. The Roman Church was very wealthy from charging for the indulgences and forgiveness of sins. After the reformation Christian unity shatter and caused it to break off into many different religions. As a result, it weakened the Roman Church's strong hold. It was believed that you should study, learn, and interpret the Bible. The different religions had different ways they wanted their people to do that. Luther, believed every town should have a school so the children can go there and learn and read the Bible together. He translated the Bible to German so more people could learn. All kids were to be sent to school so they could learn more about the
The Reformation affected the European civilization in many ways. Protestant and Catholic had a huge impact on the European civilization. The Reformation happened in the year 16c . Some causes of the Reformation was church corruption, Avignon Papacy, Conciliarism, Marsilius of Padua, Development of personal devotions, Papal need for money, and greed of secular leaders land. There was also few characteristics described in this civilization. The law in order was one of them. Kings were the highest leaders over everybody. People believed they were put in position by god and that it was god's will over their people. They had created the laws. Other characteristics were heredity, slide support from the middle class (towns), and organize their finances into reliable order. Rulers would want family members to continue the bloodline of a ruling of their people. Some families even fought because they wanted to be rulers. People separated by their class because they had a social class system. People at a high class relied on lower class people for support.
The Reformation was quite a time of change in Europe during the 16th century. Many people studying the Reformation and learning about what happened at this time make ask several different questions about it. The main question being “How did the Reformation remake Europe?” After studying the Reformation, there are many different topics that could be discussed. However, the main three that will be argued today about the remaking of Europe during the Reformation are the challenging of the medieval system, how Martin Luther started up the Reformation and the spread of several religions throughout Europe.
The reformation is a name referring to a time of change in religious practices across Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. The reformation came after the rise in humanism. As well as coming after the social change that began in the European Renaissance of the 14th century. After the drastic shifts initiated in European society by the Black Death, the Church and the papacy became more corrupt. It's officials more secular, political, and focused on wealth.
The Catholic Church had an extremely amount of power that it had become very wealthy and very corrupt. Which leads the revolt of Martin Luther in 1517 against his authorities significant in this time period. Luther’s ideas on the church would spread quickly throughout Europe fueling the flames of Protestantism. Leaders such as Henry VIII took these ideas and used them to break free from the Catholic
The Protestant Reformation, followed by the Catholic Reformation, was an attempt to cleanse the Catholic Church of all corruption and blind teaching. As presented in the documents provided, the Protestant and Catholic Reformations represented great change in the life of Europeans. Whether positively or negatively, almost every European citizen felt the impact of the Reformations on their lives. This was due largely to the fact that the Catholic Church struggled to defend ideas, affecting the clergy, peasants, and nobles all in different ways.
During the Baroque period, religion, politics and socioeconomic were influenced by the Reformation and Counter-Reformation movements. The reformation revolution took place at the Western Church and was led by Martin Luther during the 16th century (1517). The revolution resulted in the founding of Protestantism, which is today one of the major branches of Christianity. During the revolution, chaos aroused between the Catholic and the Protestant church because the Protestants are against some practices of the Catholic Church like the selling of indulgences and relics. The Reformation forced the masses to create a choice of religion ‒ to be Catholic or to be Protestant. It was a choice that had to be made and there were no alternatives. The revolutionaries noticed the corruption and the misused authority of the leaders of the church and they believed that things had to be changed and be put back in the proper order of the bible.
The Protestant Reformation and European expansion have both left political, social and economic impacts throughout history. The Protestant Reformation which was started in the 1500’s, by a Catholic man named Martin Luther caused political instability and fragmented the Holy Roman Empire. It economically caused the church to go bankrupt and socially allowed for the rise of individualism among the people; Luther gave the people of Europe the long needed reason to break free of the church. The Protestant Reformation and the need for new converts lead to the rise of European expansion. European expansion into the west resulted in a political increase of power for Europe, the social increase in slavery, disease and racism, as well as the
The reformation began because of the corruption in the Catholic Church and the enormous amount of power the church had over Europe. During the sixteenth century the Catholic Church had tremendous sovereignty over the population of Europe. It was almost impossible to fight the Catholic Church because of the
The Effects of the Reformation on European Life European society was divided from the word go, people all around Europe were dominantly Catholic before the reformation. This time was bringing change throughout Europe with a heavy influence on art and culture because the Renaissance was occurring; a religious revolution was also beginning, which was known as the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation was the voicing of disagreements by a German Catholic priest about the Catholic Church; this priest was Martin Luther and was excommunicated from the church for his actions. The Protestant Reformation helped to influence and strengthen the Renaissance that was just arising in England.
The Protestant Reformation was a major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. The Reformation in western and central Europe officially began in 1517 with Martin Luther and his 95 Theses. This was a debate over the Christian religion. At the time there was a difference in power. Roman Catholicism stands with the Pope as central and appointed by God. Luther’s arguments referred to a direct relationship with God and using the local vernacular to speak to the people. Luther’s arguments remove the absolute power from the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church in general. The revenue from the taxes paid to the Church would be reduced with Luther’s ideas, in part because of
The protestant reformation happened at the moment that it did because the Catholic Church was very a powerful force in Europe. It controlled people lives both spiritually and temporally. The church had so much power that it maintained political control over a large portion of Italy. The fact that the church held so much control over countries and governments became a point of contention among European countries such as the Holy Roman Empire, Italian city-states outside of Rome, England, France and Spain. The power of the rulers of these areas had greatly increased in the 14th century and they were eager to take the chances offered by a Reformation to weaken the grip of the Catholic Church in Europe and also to develop their own powers across the European continent. For quite some time the Catholic Church had been an institution rampant with internal struggles. Such as the Avignon Papacy from 1309 to 1377 when seven popes opted to live in Avignon, France and not reside in Rome which was and is the traditional home of the Papacy. The Pope and other high ranking church officials often lived opulent lifestyles rather than a more austere lifestyle that should befit a spiritual leader. Many church leaders and Popes maintained political powers. They led armies, waged wars and made many political decisions. Church offices were sold, and many Popes and bishops practiced nepotism to fill church offices. With all of these worldly issues for the Pope
The Reformation was a time of religious reform and development in Europe, which began with Martin Luther in 1517 and continued through the next hundred years into the seventeenth century. Various branches of Protestantism emerged during this time period, including Anabaptism, Anglicanism, and Calvinism, all of which differed in their views and influence upon Reformed Europe. Although Anabaptism, Anglicanism, and Calvinism all had an effect on Europe during the Reformation, Calvinism proved to be the most dynamic of these three movements because of its radical changes to the Christian doctrine which resulted the birth of the capitalist spirit, coupled with the development of a society which maintained a balance of church and state.
To begin, the Protestant Reformation began in reaction to the Catholic Church’s rather corrupt practices. Prior to the Reformation, the only major Christian denomination in Western Europe at the time was Catholicism, headed by the Pope in Rome. Through many acts of violence such as the formation of the Spanish Inquisition and the slaughter of the Cathars, amongst others, Europe’s Monarchs had wiped out and suppressed any form of religious competition. With the Catholic Church holding a tight stranglehold over Europe, Catholicism was the only option. This allowed
The Catholic Reformation was the response of the Protestant movement in the sixteenth century. By the sixteenth century, many people lost the trust for the Catholic Church because it was corrupt. Popes and Cardinals became involved in politics and were more like kings than spiritual leaders and Nepotism was rampant. This loss of trust led people to moved on into other branches of Christianity which includes, Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anabaptism. Catholic Church’s realized it needed to re-establish itself, thus beginning the Catholic Reformation. The Catholic Reformation was successful because it triggered the start of The Society of Jesus and The Council of Trent which helped resolve the church’s corruption through education,
The next major cause of the Protestant Reformation was the creation of Lutheranism and the Lutheran Church. The Lutheran Church changed the entire culture in Europe. It caused society as a whole to live more wholesome lives by cutting down on sinful acts and criminal offenses. The Church began to draw the line on what was acceptable and what was not. People began to live more holy lives. Since religion had so much to do with the government and politics at the time, it affected how governments had to be run because they could no longer pay off the Church to get their way. This caused a major political effect on the Catholic Church. Power struggles began to influence how rulers would deal with the Church. Luther’s