The relationship between the countries by the end of World War I was uncompromising. The country most furious was Germany. Fighting a whole war almost by themselves left them weary. Adding to that misery the Treaty of Versailles was created. This treaty led to World War II because Germany was limited and was taken advantage of. The Treaty of Versailles took away Germany’s land. As you can see from the map named German Territorial Losses. Germany lost the Polish Corridor, Danzig, Lorraine, and Alsace. Germany’s response was expressed in a book called Mein Kampf written by Adolf Hitler. The book states, “The restoration of the frontiers of 1914 could be achieved only by blood.” Blood was necessary to reclaim Germany’s land back. The army of
At the end of WWI many countries blamed Germany for starting the war. These countries used the Treaty of Versailles to punish Germany. These punishments included loss of land and military, infeasible reparations, and complete humiliation; this is how the Treaty of Versailles directly caused WWII.
The Treaty of Versailles,which ended WWI, led to the start of WWII. The Germans as one of the axis powers in world war II were the cause of world war II. The Treaty of Versailles treated Germany harshly in at least three ways is Territorial Loss, Military Reduction and Economic Reparation and War Guilt.
In 1914, World War I started and ended four years later in 1918, almost a year later World War II had just begun. Treaty of Versailles would become a peace treaty between the Allies and Germany in 1919. How did the Treaty of Versailles trigger World War II? German territorial loss, military cuts, and the payment of reparations were all repercussions of the Treaty of Versailles, which later started World War II. The Treaty took a major amount of coal-producing land from Germany, which reduced coal production by forty percent. Along with the reduction of coal-producing land, the German military was limited one hundred thousand men, including officers. Additionally, Germany was required to pay reparations for the damage done during World War I, which cost them over two billion marks (6 million USD).
How did the Treaty of Versailles help cause WWII? The same treaty that ended the first world war played a huge role in starting the second. WWI ended on November 11th, 1918 with 17 million casualties, 7 months later the official document to end the war, the Treaty of Versailles, was created & signed. Leaders of the United States, France, and Great Britain shaped the terms of the treaty.
In 1914, Germany and Austria-Hungary allied against France, Britain, USA and Italy in World War 1. The war resulted in resentment towards the Germans. Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States, established a treaty that would bring everlasting peace. For the Germans however, the treaty served as a punishment, as they were required to accept the responsibility for causing all of the damage. Germany was angered by the treaty as they would have to pay for reparations and take responsibility for everything. Territorial losses, militarism, economic reparations and blame were all causes of World War II.
World War II was undoubtedly one of the most important parts of not only U.S. history, but world history as well. But do you know what contributed to the start of the war? The Treaty of Versailles was created to stop World War I, and any other future wars that could occur. So how did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the start of World war II? The Treaty took away much of Germany’s land, gridlocked the German military, forced war reparations on the German government, and ordered them to accept responsibility for causing the war.
Another reason for how the Versailles Treaty caused World War II is how it forced Germany to pay an unfair amount of reparations to the other major nations. As said in document C, article 233 of the Treaty, “The Commission shall … draw up a schedule of payments prescribing the time and manner for securing and discharging the entire obligations within a period of thirty years”. Despite Germany having some part in the chaos of WWI, the 132 billion gold marks that Germany had to pay every year was unnecessary, even when that number dropped 20 billion gold marks. This cruel way of compensation was hated by German citizens and when Hitler rose to power, he sought to stop this reparation payment cycle after the second year of paying. Finally, The Versailles Treaty placed the blame of the entire war on Germany.
Based on the map in Document A, the Versailles Treaty forced Germany to give back Alsace and Lorraine to France. They were also mandated to lose the Polish Corridor, the northern area of Eastern Prussia, and a small area in Northern Germany near Denmark (map on Doc. A). Not only that, but Western Germany was also demilitarized (map on Doc. A). Adolf Hitler stated that, “...the restoration of the frontiers of 1914 could be achieved only by blood (Doc. A).” That is a powerful and meaningful statement that Hitler has made. This clearly indicates that the frontiers that were lost because of the Versailles Treaty can be taken back only by battling. Meaning that the only way to solve their issues regarding their territories is through brutal combat. Which can possibly mean that the Versailles Treaty’s terms dealing with taking away German land can lead into a war for Germany to get back what they
One way the Treaty of Versailles helped cause World War II was the territory Germany lost. Germany lost land to Poland and France, 2 of Germany’s most hated countries. The lost of land to the most hated countries of
World War 1 was won by the Triple Entente powers and blamed Germany for being the reason for the war. This made things heated in Europe and a lot of countries went against Germany, causing the Treaty of Versailles to be formed. The Treaty of Versailles was supposed to be a peace
World War 2 was something devastating that has happened and the Versailles Treaty may have been a reason that it even started. The main reasons the treaty caused this are: the treaty made Germany lose land as part of a consequence, they found it unfair since they were blamed for WW1, they had to pay for all damages caused during war, and it caused them to have a limited military.
World War II was partly caused by the Versailles Treaty. The Treaty infuriated Germany by taking their money, land and resources, and blaming them for World War l. All of this made Germany want to rise to power and start another World War. One of the reasons Germany was so mad about the Treaty of Versailles is it blamed Germany for the war. The Treaty stated, “...Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all loss and damage.” (Doc D) Germany did not agree that they were responsible for all the damage of the war; they thought this was extremely unfair.
The treaty of Versailles helps cause World War II by punishing Germany. Germany felt that they are being treated unfairly. The unfairness of the Treaty of Versailles causes Germany to fight back for they had lost much of their territory, had made their military size decrease, had to pay reparations for their damage, and for it causes the people of Germany Psychological loss of pride and humiliation.
The Treaty of Versailles was penned during the Paris Peace Conference, mainly to decide upon Germany’s consequences for beginning World War One. When Germany signed the treaty, it lost a tenth of its land to surrounding countries. Not only did they lose part of their country, but they also lost their overseas territories, including Chinese ports, Pacific Islands, and African colonies. One of the actual causes of the war was that Germany wanted ‘a place in the sun’, and requested
Thesis: The peace treaty that resulted from World War 1 was not too harsh of a punishment for the offenses committed.