
How Did The Revolution Change American Culture

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As an emergent country in the New World, the British noticed America as a place they could expand their power. In the years of 17th century, American had to suffer a great influence of the British as a colony. The British tried to make American a slavery society, and the slave trade became a primary financial source of these colonies. In addition, American customs were changed over the time as people tended to adopt the British culture. The country at that time was also divided separately into different identities across its cities. There were many rebellions against the colonists during that time; however, America was actually born when a strategy called American Revolution took place in 1700s. The Revolution was able to change America in …show more content…

By the early 18th century, the upper class of white people had the idea of making Virginia similar to England. These people tried to be more British, so they changed their clothing styles, daily habits and even religions. For instance, people began wearing European styles including women and children; men even had accessories for their costumes such as periwigs. Puritans, a religion migrated from England, was largely practiced in America. Following Puritans, people would have to prevent themselves from their emotional reactions because they should consider their acts to be appropriate with religious principles. After the success of the Revolution, the American Government came up with an innovative society that encouraged Americans to freely express their sentiment and valued the natural feelings of human beings. As judged by O’Sullivan, the Declaration of National Independence opened a new horizon of American culture, he believes, “we may confidently assume that our country is destined to be the great nation of futurity” (John L. O’Sullivan, #1) As well, Americans would be willing to confront challenges during the process of creating their own society, he states, “The expansive future is our arena, and for our history. We are entering on its untrodden space, with the truths of God in our …show more content…

In the earlier time of the colonization, American identity was clearly expressed by the social class and skin color. For example, people in Virginia either got a master status or a slave one; they were also divided into two types of people that were whites and blacks, in which all black people had to work as slaves. By the late 18th century, the revolts of Aristocrats and Democrats could be seen as a striking point of the Revolution because people were aware of their values and the importance of a political system. The Democratic Republicans represent ordinary people who are militia members and farmers, whereas the Aristocrats are those who have a higher status in the society. Beside, the French Revolution, which was supported by the Democrats, had a meaningful contribution to the American Revolution. France at that time was a financial potential of America, and their support facilitated Americans to achieve their independence from the British. This negotiation of aid was successful thank to the diplomatic ability of Benjamin Franklin. Gordon Wood states, “without Franklin’s presence it is hard to see how the alliance could have held together as it did, and without the alliance it is hard to see how the American could have sustained their revolution” (Gordon S. Wood, 196). After the Revolution, American Government

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