The Industrial Revolution was a period in the 18th century that changed the methods of how goods were produced. Due to the growing population, plenty of resources, and good transportation, Great Britain was the first country to industrialize. During that time, the country experienced a rapid change from an agricultural based economy to one that was factory based and used machines. In addition, throughout this period many people shifted from the rural area and migrated to the urban areas. The transition from making goods and products by hand to making goods by machines drastically changed the lives of the people. Life was onerous because of the harsh working conditions, grievous injuries and deaths due to machines, and tough living conditions.
The Industrial Revolution was a long, slow, uneven process in which production shifted from simple hand tools to complex machines. The revolution began in 1750, in Great Britain, where many new sources of power began to replace humans and animals. It started with improved methods of farming, a population explosion, and new technology. It was a success and innovated many aspects of life. However, to get to all the good, the Industrial Revolution had to go through some bad.
The Industrial revolution of the United States helped to shape the society that we live in today. The early development of manufacturing in this country was due to technological innovation and new opportunities for Americans and immigrants. The Industrial Revolution was a result of social, political, economical and technological changes. The social changes that led to the Industrial Revolution were, population increase, jobs and education. Which I will introduce and examine more in the following paragraph.
The Industrial Revolution was a huge turning point in history. The place where the Industrial Revolution began was in Great Britain because they had many natural resources and a strong economy. By the 1850’s many country villages had grown into industrial towns and cities, and their inhabitants bought food and clothing in stores that offered a large variety of machine-made goods. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of poor working conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were transportation became more efficient, more jobs were available, and more inventions were created.
The industrial revolution was a prime time for America, although some tend to disagree, it was an age in which we as a country put one step forward on the path of progress. The industrial revolution changed us as a country socially, it also changed us economically, and although it helped in the larger spectrum in those ways, environmentally it made a few carbon footprints that can even be seen today. The Industrial revolution became a huge part of our country in the mid 1800's. Mainly after Lincoln died after the civil war is where it really picked up.
The Industrial revolution started in Britain around 1750 and by 1850 it will make Great Britain the wealthiest country in the world. The revolution also spread to other European countries and the New World. Both Germany and United States will surpass Britain in the next fifty years. What was the effect of The Industrial Revolution on the working class?
We’ll start off with defining what the Industrial Revolution was. The industrial revolution was a time in which the economy and the environment took a drastic change within Britain, and changed its society to commercial agriculture based to a modern society. The Industrial Revolution had one of the largest impacts on: transportation, industry, communication and agriculture. Throughout this time, factories and mines became widespread
The Industrial Revolution was a time period of rapid growth in society. Referring to the 1700’s century in England where the output of machine made goods greatly increased. Prior to the changes made during the Industrial Revolution, workers often manufactured products in their homes using handtools and basic machinery. However, industrialization marked a shift of labor from small farms in rural areas to large factories in cities and was a time of new products, inventions and methods of work.The results of the Industrial Revolution led to many positive outcomes because new cultivation methods spread rapidly around the world. The Industrial Revolution made a significant political, economical, and social change throughout Europe. The Industrial
Britain was changed forever when they introduced railways. Food accessible was changed and transport times were reduced, people met more people and therefore populations changed. Railways were one of the biggest inventions of the Industrial Revolution. They improved so many people’s lives in so many ways, it even made living as a poor person much better. It worked in a cycle of efficiency and it improved everyone's lives.. With more food choices, people’s diets changed.
The Industrial Revolution is the name given to the movement in which machines changed people's way of life as well as their methods of manufacturer. It brought three important changes: inventions of machines that simplify and speed up the work of hand tools, use of steam (and other power) versus human power, adoption of a factory system. Workers were brought together under one roof and were supplied machines. The Industrial Revolution began throughout the world relatively during the same time period, and although it had its beginning in remote times, it is still continuing in some places.
The social changes brought on by the technologies of the industrial revolution still affect people today. With the building of factories, people had to move to where the work was and most work was in cities. Previously most people had lived in rural communities but that changed between 1700 and 1850 as the percentage of the population living in cities grew from 17% to 50% and the influx of so many people to an urban area brought many challenges. The governments had to start planning their cities and adding infrastructure such as improved roadways, sidewalks, that were later lit by streetlamps, and proper sewers to ensure safety and health for all citizens. There was also the addition of suburbs to the outskirts of the cities and parks incorporated to allow escape from the urbanisation.
positives and negatives. To start off, the Industrial Revolution had many great effects on society. This era brought on new advancements in our world. Factories were created and made producing products more efficient and quicker. In a short period of time, a big amount of products were made which is called mass production.
The Industrial Revolution was a period from 1750 to 1850 where agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and technology went through a period of significant change. These changes had a profound impact on the social and cultural conditions of the time, beginning in the Untied Kingdom and spreading throughout Western Europe, North America, and
After thousands of years that consisted of multiple errors and achievements, The Industrial Revolution played a major rule in the process of shaping our global history. The Industrial Revolution had remarkable, and lasting affect on our world. The Industrial Revolution brought upon many changes some beneficial, but also others that were unfavorable. The Industrial Revolution created many factories and businesses that created thousands of jobs, but also new enterprises. As factories and businesses grew so did the economy which lead way to the development of new inventions.
The Industrial Revolution was a radical process of social and economic change. Energy was a major incentive to the agricultural society to the industrial. Until James Watt created the steam engine, which deployed rapidly starting in the 1780s, animal and human power were the primary sources of energy (Clare). During the last three decades of the century, electricity and gasoline-fuels engines further expanded productivity (Clare). A factory system with machine manufacturing and divisions of labor was developed. New materials, particularly iron and steel, became available. Cities grew rapidly, as masses of people left suburban areas and farm tending to seek for employment in factories. Political powers shifted away from aristocracy and toward capitalist manufacturers, merchants, and even the working class. The growth of scientific knowledge was applied to manufacturing processes and materials. People’s sense of dominion over nature and faith in the ability to exploit the earth’s resources for material needs created confidence.
The Industrial Revolution changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. It was the era when the use of power-driven machines was developed. It also changed our societies from a mainly agricultural society to one in which industry and manufacturing was in control. This had many effects on people’s lives.