
How Did The Thirty Years War Affect European History

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European history has been around long before Jesus was born. Europe has altered its neighboring countries through economic, political, and social changes. It is in this context that the Thirty Years’ War affected Europe. This is evident in the Treaty of Westphalia, post-war catastrophes, and the rise of France. Hence, the Thirty Years’ War acted as a huge turning point in European history.

The Treaty of Westphalia issued in 1648 which officially ended the Thirty Years’ War played a big role in European history. The treaty's role manifested in the areas of the political geography of Europe, the weakening power of the Catholic Church, and the emergence of Protestant community in Europe. Due to the development of Europe’s political geography, the Dutch, Swiss cantons, and Calvinists were now recognized and acknowledged by Europe. Also, Sweden, along with Bavaria both gained and retained lands from the war. In addition, the Holy Roman Empire’s power decayed and this ultimately led to the devitalization of Roman Catholicism in Europe, for the treaty also gave German princes authority over their state (Kishlansky, 445). As a result, German princes could choose their own state’s religion, Catholicism as the sole religion ebbing away from Europe. Altogether, the Treaty of Westphalia generated a significant amount of influence in Europe that would later on aid, or hinder European states. …show more content…

With attention to the debt accumulated throughout the war, the ways the government recompense the accrued debt, and the response of peasants to said taxes, one can see as to how the aftermath of the Thirty Years’ War affected European history. In fact, the debt accumulated by countries in the war took a major toll in

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