In 455 CE - 484 CE, the horse nomads coming from Mongolia had finally risen fully to power and were known as the White Huns, the name coming from the large white war horses that Alexander and Rome used in their expedition much earlier in history. These White Huns would have a great impact on the Indian Empire, which was weakened due to the decline of their country post classic era. The Huns began their invasion of India in around 470 CE, first targeting the rich monastic communities like the Buddhist complexes. After this, The Tegin (or governor) Khingila, is said to have led these raids into India, taking numerous cities wealth and even people in around the year 475 CE. After this they descended from the Kabul valley into Punjab, sacking towns
Powerful both militarily and culturally, the Mongols were a fearless and influential group who dominated Asia and Eastern Europe during the thirteenth century. Their success in acquiring land was no doubt the result of their domination on the battlefield. The Mongols often fought on horseback and surrounded their enemies, an incredibly efficient battle tactic. In his text, Genghis Khan: The History of the World Conqueror, Ata-Malik Juvaini states that the Mongols invaded the land and destroyed villages and that they would not let a single living creature live, even if it were the purest of cat or dog (Doc 4). Their battle techniques, as well as their severe punishments, and ability to conquer vast amounts of land gave the
The diseases the Europeans brought with them affected the indigenous negatively because it killed a large portion of the population in a painful way. The Natives had very little diseases before the Europeans invaded their land. Unlike people in the Old World, the Natives did not farm cattle or pigs and did not live near the animals they did have. They never had the opportunity to develop immunities to diseases that the cattle and Europeans carried when they came upon their shores. The diseases spread quickly and attacked the indigenous in gruesome ways. Smallpox caused sores to erupt on their skins that were so painful that an Aztec account states that “[the sick] could only lie on their beds like corpses” (Document 4). The pain would not
About eight hundred years ago, during the thirteenth century a tribe from the grasslands of Asia conquered a great part of the world. The Mongols were illiterate and their history is complex to tell due to the lack of writing and their very complex language but it can be said that the Mongols were barbarians and brutal in the way that did what was necessary to conquer.
The Mongols migrated from Mongolia to all across Asia. Genghis Khan is the infamous Mongolian military leader. Their military inquired horses, which allowed them to dominate other territories.
During Westward Expansion, white settlers saw the Indians as a hindrance to civilization. Therefore the mindset of settlers were to convert Native Americans into white culture. To begin assimilating, the government should, “cease to recognize the Indians as political bodies,” adult male Indians should become a citizen to the government, Indian children shall be taken away and “be trained in industrial schools,” and Indians should be, “placed in the same position before the law.” Assimilating Indians wasn’t a simple teaching of a new culture instead, it was brutal. The boarding schools were merciless towards the Indians, mainly because they wanted to force Indians to drop their culture. Native Americans were obligated to change and lost their
Nomads were pastoralists found throughout Afro-Eurasia. Due to their strong military capabilities, they were able to conquer various regions from the classical and post-classical periods (600 C.E. to 1450 C.E.), including examples of Huns and Germanic invaders (those that brought down Rome in 476). The Mongols were a key nomadic group from 1200 to 1400. While they committed atrocities in conquest and spread their political control through much of Eurasia, the resulting Mongol state provided for diversity of cultures and advancements in trade and technology.
Native Americans were primarily affected by westward expansion in the sense that it was the reason they not only lost their land, but they lost their culture and rights. The words of Santana, Chief of the Kiowas, are a perfect description for this, “These soldiers cut down my timber; they kill my buffalo...”.
Temüjin, better known as Chinggis Khan, was a Mongolian born in 1160’s, who later became the leader of the one of the most successful armies in the history of a mankind. Mongols under his leadership Mongols first conquered China relatively easily and then moved towards west, partly simultaneously. This essay examines the reasons for his success in conquering Iran and especially the reasons why the Muslims of Iran were not able to resist his army’s invasion. First this essay discusses Chinggis Khan’s army’s strength and superiority in general level, then shifting focus to the particular case of Iran. It becomes evident that Chinggis Khan was an extraordinary military leader and that besides that the army was extremely successful due to its
The Huns, a nomadic people group, were first known to exist in the central Asian steppes. They were also known as one of the greatest threats in the 5th century. The Huns were a significant part of the start of the downfall of Rome. From a small group of barbaric warriors to one of the most powerful kingdoms in the 5th century, the Huns devastated everything they attacked. But the question remains, how did they do it? The Huns were so successful in conquering Europe and Asia because of their great leader, unique fighting style, and the fear they struck into the hearts of their enemies.
On 1492, Christopher Columbus was the first person who found North American. After that, European people increasingly started to go North American and they tried to survive in the new world. But North America still had many native Americans to live there. So in my opinion, when Europeans found native Americans and Europeans began to comprehend native American’s living habits. But Europeans came to America that had positive impact and also still had negative impact to native Americans.
The U.S. government used to force Indians to the reservations to live was different from how they lived. They were forced to be in isolation to only interact and mingle amongst them. This way that the government forced the Indians to leave was getting tiresome amongst people and they wanted change. The people wanted allotments of land. According to Webster Dictionary allotment means an amount of something given to someone to use or have. In this case, the government the government was giving away land. The reason that the government was giving away land was to force the Indians to adapt to the American culture.
The Native Americans’ first encounter with Europeans did not correlate with what was to come in the future. Things went relatively good in the beginning but this is because the Native Americans had no idea what was to come. The new settlers brought many changes to the Americas including social and economic changes.
The start of the Mongol Empire began as a system of nomadic pastoralists who were extremely well experienced horsemen and traveled with their flocks of sheep, goats, cattle, and horses over the vast steppes of the prairielands of Central Asia. At the start of the Mongols rise to supremacy was the formation of tribal coalition known as “All the Mongols” (Saunders 1971) While the early tribal coalition was successful at establishing itself as a power in Manchuria and North China, it wasn’t until the rise of a well-known figure did the Mongols ascend to a force to fear and respect. That
In 451 C.E, white Huns from central Asia invaded India and disrupted the gupta administration
The Roman empire suffered many problems throughout its rise and several centuries of subsequent power. To begin with, they dealt with many outside invasions, including the Burgundians, Franks, Alemanni, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Visigoths, and Anglo-Saxon peoples. The invaders considered most barbaric were the Huns, which the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus describes as people who “surpass all other barbarians in the wilderness of life.” He further describes “they are so little advanced