
How Did Thomas Jefferson Shaped The Early American Republic?

Decent Essays

The early American Republic was run by many Federalists, including President Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson had an agrarian vision, known as the Jeffersonian Democracy. In contrast, President Andrew Jackson was the first non-Federalist to be elected. Jackson appealed to “the common man” and he was also the first President to campaign during an election. The transformation and evolution of democracy from President Jefferson to President Jackson is considerable. The form of the American Republic differed greatly between the two Presidents; these differences allowed changes, which greatly impacted the forthcoming development of the American Republic.
To begin, Jefferson was elected in 1801; he was doubtful of a strong centralized government. Jefferson tended to follow Federalist policies, although, he was more for popular opinion. However, at this time, voting was still restricted to only white male property owners, Jefferson brought politics to the people through newspaper articles (Schultz, 2016). This allowed for his thoughts and ideas to reach a lot of individuals. Known for writing the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was considered one of America’s most gifted …show more content…

Because of Thomas Jefferson, we have the Declaration of Independence which is still highly relevant. The declaration was significant in forming the American Republic and acknowledging freedom from Great Britain. Jefferson’s will to grow and expand helped grow America and gain more and more territories. Judicial rule helped to balance the power of the federal government and the Supreme Court is a powerful force today. Wulf made a great point, saying that during this era, there was a sense of political progress, claiming that democracy is the best political system compared to the elitist ways of the late eighteenth century (Wulf, 2006). The voting rights of citizen become less and less binding and eventually, today, every adult has the right to

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