Thomas Merton was born in France, on January 31, 1915. After his wild teenage years, Thomas Merton was redeemed to Roman Catholicism while attending a Columbia University. In 1921, his mother dies of caner. In 1931, his father dies of a brain tumor. On December 10th, 1941 Merton got into the Abbey of Gesthsemani, a community of monks member to the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappists), the most self-disciplined Roman Catholic monastic order. He spent twenty-seven years in Gethsemani, because of this it changed his self-understanding intensely. This never-ending rebirth forced him to be politically active, it is said that this is why he became aware of the peace movement of the
of the people in his city and he becomes loved. He did a great deed for his people, and he felt very gratifying about it. Although this played a role in his personality
his actions were because of God, soon he became a hero to the Northern extremists (John
Once he was placed back in the world of his family he was enlightened yet confused. He was unable to do anything with the powers he was given until he was older. As he came to be a man, he was blessed with a gift of helping people. He worked curing illnesses until he felt it was time that his life should take another turn.
January 29, 1737 Thomas Paine was born. He was born in Thetford , England.Though, this is where his life began, this is not where he became the man that we know and speak of today. His father had great vision for his son.Fortunately for the world, Little Thomas did not think the same way.
journey he developed a unique and radical point of view upon life encumbering freedom and
"He wrote his name across the Near and Middle East for two hundred years and yet his work was ephemeral in that the Empire which he left even in the
Second of all, he is a figure of history. This man was a pilgrim set out on an expedition to find a way around the world and spread his faith. There is a saying that say that “if you erase history, it repeats itself”. That is exactly
He also felt separated from people when he went to the World State. He did not want to conform to their believes and again he was isolated from society. He had this feeling because his own people rejected him for the longest time and he did not want to be apart of any society. In the last
As an idealist philosopher, he valued the power of the mind and the imagination of physical reality (Claypool 3). In the summer of 1924 he spent time at Gurdjieffs schools. He became a disciple and led Gurdjieff groups in New
he started his own Organization of black Unity after he left the nation. He went to Mecca, known as the Hajj, and, When he went to Mecca and came back he was amazed about how they didn’t care about race.. He wanted to unite people from all races under the same power of one God and believed that blacks all over the world should come togather to fight against racism. During his visit in the Holy Land he saw all races, all colors living in unity and worshipping all togather.
Despite his frustration, he never lost faith in his community. Due to his outspoken personality and charismatic character, he was able to gain many followers, more so than Elijah Muhammad. He was also able to reach the people through different sources of media. For some of his preaching, he would often compare the Christian belief with NOI to show people of the differences between. One of the comparisons he talked about was the celebration of the those who’ve passed away.
His religion played a major role in his mission to free slaves. He had believed that God had chosen him to be an angel in disguise. At a young age he had mesmerized parts of the bible and bible verses. He believed that God has chosen him to help people in need or people that wanted help. If he had done something he had thought was wrong and something that would upset God then he would have his sons whip him across the back until he thought it was enough. While he was in church one day he had vowed to help slaves, but he never really did anything until years later because he procrastinated.
Descartes was born the second child in a family of two sons and one daughter on March 31, 1596 in France. He contracted tuberculosis from his mother who died from the disease just days after his birth. At the age of eight he was sent to a Jesuit school and was educated in
At the age of 20 in 1946 he was sentenced to prison for larceny and breaking and entering. During his time in prison he joined the Nation of Islam and after being released in 1952 he became one of its leaders. He was the
Martin Luther, born in 1483, comes from a poor upbringing. Religious as a boy, Martin Luther earns his wages by singing hymns. He later enters the Augustinian monastery and becomes a monk. However, he fails to acquire the solace from this lifestyle as his fellow monks do (Project Gutenberg