Early atomic model experiments
Thomson’s discovery of the electron in 1897 and the atomic model, with his findings of the atom containing electrons, each with an individual unit of negative charge. Thomson also found that electrons were very light when compared to the mass of the atoms in which they came from. This is because atoms were known to be electrically neutral, the remainder of the atom had to be positively charged and form most of the weight in the atom. Thomson used his plum pudding model of the atom to present this. How did thomson discover the atom? Thomson discovered the atom through his use of Crookes, or cathode ray, tube in his experiments. He showed that cathode rays were negatively charged, also he looked at positively charged
Carla the Carbon atom is a free spirit. She wanders through the atmosphere, moving with the wind. Carla floats from one cloud to the next, without a care on her mind. One day, she was floating in the air, and was joined by two oxygen companions, Oscar and Octavius. Her two companions transformed her into a carbon dioxide molecule. Her new status as a molecule allowed her new privileges, like the ability to enter plants and to take part in plant and animal respiration. Carla was now a part of an exclusive club.
According to DePra’s poem, “The electron is minus, the proton is plus,/ the neutron is neither” (Doc. 2). In other words, a neutron is neutral, the electron is negative and the proton is positive. After these discoveries, more inventions were made to help further our understanding of atoms, for instance, the the electron microscope. Electrons were discovered before Rutherford by JJ Thomas (OI). Thomas was using a cathode ray and discovered that atoms are made of smaller subatomic particles
One of J.J. Thomson's most significant contributions to science, and thus to the study of atomic theory, was his discovery of the electron. Before the discovery of the electron, the atom was already associated with having electric charges-both positive and negative-but the idea of an electron existing as its own particle was unheard of. It was in 1897 when Thomson first conducted the beginning of his now famous experiment, in which he used a cathode ray tube to aid in his findings. A cathode ray tube, is a vacuum tube in which cathode rays, negatively charged particles, are produced at the cathode and travel through the vacuum, which is created when gas is extracted from the tube. J.J. Thomson discovered that in order to determine
After researching about astronomy and the discovery of Uranus by William Herschel in 1781, I learned a lot about Uranus. I think one of the most shocking things about the discovery of Uranus was that William Herschel wasn’t even a professional astronomer, he was actually a musician. He did have an interest in astronomy on the side which is what led him to discover Uranus. He built many telescopes and he found the planet in one that he had built himself and at first he thought it was a comet. After studying it for many days, alongside many other astronomers, he discovered it wasn’t a comet at all. He and the astronomy community continued to study Uranus and they discovered how different it is from the other planets. I love how Herschel discovered
What is an atom? An atom is the basic building block of everything. An atom is made of electrons protons and neutrons and the number of protons determines the element. Back in the 1800’s this whole idea was unknown. In the 1800’s steam was starting to power everything. It became important to know how steam works, so you can learn to use it more effectively. It was this idea that drove Dalton to research the atom.
During the early 1940’s atomic science had just began to mature. Many people were exploring the powerful mystery of the atom. Two of those people were Eugene Booth and John Dunning, who, in 1941, synthesized uranium-235. Immense scientific growth followed their contribution, since it allowed for nuclear fission (Griffith). In the years following this discovery, nuclear science took a turn. Once only used as a constructive power source, atoms began being explored for their destructive power. In 1942 the United States government funded the Manhattan Project that sole goal was to develop a nuclear bomb. The initiator for this endeavor was surprisingly the famous scientist Albert Einstein. He wrote to Franklin D. Roosevelt , and tipped him off
The atomic model that was accepted by the scientific community before Rutherford's experiment consisted of a group of positive charge surrounded by electrons to balance the negative charge of the electrons. In Rutherford's experiment, he found that there was a center to atoms, later to be named the nucleus. Rutherford created his own model after stating that Thompson's was incorrect.
Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus and protons inside an atom. He showed that atoms have positively charged particles in their center that mostly consist of empty space. He called the positively charged particles protons, and the center of the atom the nucleus. Rutherford tested Thomson’s hypothesis by devising his “gold foil” experiment, and explained that if Thomson’s atomic model was accurate then the mass of the atom was spread through the atom. For this reason, if he shot high velocity alpha particles, also known as helium nuclei, at an atom there would be very little to deflect the alpha particles. So, Rutherford tested his reasoning by using a very thin film of gold atoms. As Rutherford predicted, nearly all of the alpha particles
Ernest Rutherford, 31 year old New Zealander, partners with Frederick Soddy to try and solve the mystery of uranium. They find that uranium spits out chunks of itself, and these chunks are radiation. The uranium then transforms into a completely different element. When the uranium spit out chunks of itself, it was losing protons so it no longer has 92. This is called transmutation.
Towards the end of the 19th century Joseph Thomson, discovered and experimented with cathode rays it was found that these rays had are constant negative charged particles, then later on they were called electrons by Thomson, the first subatomic particle he states that it would take about 2000 electrons to weigh the same as the lightest atom, Hydrogen
Science Assignment The symbol for nitrogen is N. Nitrogen was discovered in 1722 by a Scottish physician named Daniel Rutherford. Nitrogen is the most common element in the Earth’s atmosphere, making up 78% of the air we breathe. Nitrogen cannot be absorbed directly by plants and animals until it is converted into compounds that they can use. This process is called the Nitrogen Cycle. Why is Nitrogen Important?
Before Rutherford’s Geiger-Marsden experiment the most popular model of the atom was the “plum pudding model” developed in 1904 by the person who also discovered the electron in 1897, J.J. Thompson. It was the most common model of the atom and stated that electrons (plum) floated around with
Once there was a scientist by the name of Ernest Rutherford. Many people viewed him as the man who created Nitrogen. However, in secret, he was doing numerous experiments. One day, he decided to adopt a baby and he named her Tris. Then he started doing crazy experimenting on baby Tris. Up until the age of 18 Tris has been having to do many experiments, so now she is able to fly, and manipulate the nitrogen in the air. After all of those years being locked in a laboratory, she decided to use her powers to bust out of there. However Tris did not want to be seen by her dad, so Tris started to do some experimenting on her own. As she was experimenting Tris figured out how to become invisible. Tris knew that Rutherford would be furious if he knew
In this experiment, you will have a chance to test the hypothesis that Ernest Rutherford used when determining the size of the nucleus. In his "gold foil experiment," Rutherford shot alpha particles at gold atoms. Once he realized that the alpha particles were hitting a concentrated positive mass, he developed the nuclear model of the atom. Next, he set out to determine the relative size of the nucleus compared to the rest of the atom. He reasoned that the smaller the nucleus, the less likely it was to be hit by an alpha particle. This led to a simple comparative ratio:
The Discovery of the Atom first came from the Greeks which made a theory “The idea that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles, or atoms, is believed to have originated with the Greek philosopher Leucippus of Miletus and his student Democritus of Abdera in the 5th century B.C. (The word atom comes from the Greek word atomos, which means “indivisible.”)” (InfoPlease Atomic theory)